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Luke’s Sister and the Inner Workings of Various Countries (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

In the bustling heart of Frontier County lay Aulanthia, its largest city.

At the center of the newly developed area stood the sprawling estate of the Frontier Count, serving as Aulanthia’s secondary residence.

“Hello there~. I’m Chaton, representing the All-Solutions Firm.”

A girl, seemingly from the white cat tribe of beastmen, greeted with a relaxed tone. Her carefree demeanor, reminiscent of her black-haired employer, irritated Simonetta deeply.

Despite being a mere merchant and a demi-human, Chaton’s presence tested Simonetta’s patience. As the legitimate wife of one of the Empire’s most prominent nobles, the Frontier Count, Simonetta managed to hold back her scorn, looking down on Chaton with barely concealed disdain.

“Hmph. It seems that man has at least a shred of decency. Instead of showing his treacherous face, he sends a proxy. But to think he would send such a lowly savage, it’s truly insulting.”

“I apologize for any disrespect. As a representative, I beg your pardon for any impoliteness,” Chaton replied, bowing with a seemingly polite attitude. Her expression remained blank and her tone flat, which made Simonetta feel subtly mocked.

“…Very well. I will generously overlook it this time. More importantly, have you confirmed the rumors? Is it true that Duke Eilmer’s child has ‘white’ hair?”

“Yes, there’s no mistake. It’s a healthy baby girl, weighing 3 kg at birth, named Angelina.” Chaton answered smoothly, taking out a notepad. Her ability to gather such information was remarkable.

Simonetta clenched her teeth in frustration upon hearing the confirmation.

“White hair… which means she is the strongest candidate for the next emperor. In that case, the engagement talks between her brother, Prince Lucas, and that impostor pig suddenly seem much more plausible. If it were up to me, I would push it forward by any means necessary.” As she muttered to herself, a fierce gleam sparked in her eyes. “I can’t stand it. The impostor pig masquerading as royalty… No, even the idea of Clara’s daughter marrying into the imperial family is unacceptable, even nominally!”

Suddenly, Simonetta turned to Chaton and demanded, “You! Can’t your master arrange an accident to eliminate that fake pig, like before?”

“…That would be difficult. She never leaves her mansion in the capital, and the guild master there—Egmond, I believe his name is—has adventurers under his influence guarding her. Bribery won’t work on them. Well, a covert assassination isn’t impossible, but…”

“Absolutely not! I won’t have my estate sullied by the blood of a lowly pig!” Simonetta immediately dismissed the idea, her decision driven by raw emotion.

“Then should we take a more indirect approach? It seems the princess has been indulging in sweets from a certain café in the capital, influenced by her half-sister. We could make her gain more weight and hope she succumbs to illness.”

“That’s too roundabout! How many years would that take? If she won’t come out of her hole, then smoke her out! You must eliminate her at all costs. Or expose her as the impostor she is!”

Chaton nodded and acknowledged, “Understood.” She thought, if things went wrong, Simonetta’s involvement in killing the real Princess Syltianna might be exposed.

“If things go well, we might be able to place my daughter Griselda as the new fiancée of the prince.”

Griselda, the youngest daughter of the Aulanthia family and twenty-one years old, was still unmarried. Described as a sheltered young lady, she was in truth quite insufferable, much like her mother.

Chaton, internally outraged, saw it nearly as a scam to match an eight-year older spinster with a thirteen-year-old boy. Nonetheless, Simonetta was eager about the idea.

“She might be a bit older, but that’s common in noble society. Besides, they do say ‘find an older wife even if you must wear golden shoes.’ There’s no problem.”
“Um, if I may… there are rumors that Prince Lucas already has someone he is personally fond of.”
“Hmph. That’s just youthful folly. Separate them immediately. If she becomes a nuisance, eliminate her.”

With Simonetta’s blunt instruction, Chaton masked her complex emotions, replying, “I’ll do my best.” Images of a beautiful girl, both a friend and a rival in love, lingered in her mind.

(…welp, this is one messy love quarrel.)


In the grandeur of the Eunice Theocracy, the largest religious state within the Livitium Imperial Kingdom, lay the Holy Palace Sant’Angelo, the seat of the Saintess Church.

“It seems that a stone has been cast into the currently vacant imperial throne.” Cardinal Lawrence, tossing a recently received report onto his desk, spoke to the empty room.

“The birth of a ‘White’ for the first time in over half a century suggests a resurgence of the Deva Kureha Faith, doesn’t it?” his trusted aide—a woman who doubled as a priestess and secretary—posed the thought.

Cardinal Lawrence snorted dismissively in response. “The Deva Kureha Faith has never regarded our criticisms as worthy of their attention. All this time, we’ve merely been making fools of ourselves… The old fools who basked in their self-satisfaction must be sweating bullets by now.”

“Still, as the Saintess Church, we cannot afford to sit idly by.”
“Indeed. From what the report says, Duke Eilmer seems to lack political ambition.”
“Yet, no one can remain indifferent to a glittering treasure right before their eyes.”
“Such a worldly perspective for a member of the clergy.”
“It’s the truth.”

Cardinal Lawrence poured himself a glass of water and downed it swiftly.

“Indeed, it is a possibility. So, what actions shall we take?”
“We might consider conversion. Fortunately, her brother, Prince Lucas, is currently at the Cilento Imperial Academy. Winning him over could prove beneficial…”
“Do you think it will be that straightforward?”
“According to the reports, he appears to be a rather amenable young man. If we begin our efforts now, our chances are good. Even if we can’t sway him ideologically, he is still a teenager. We might ensnare him through indulgence in worldly pleasures.”

The secretary discussed such a plan in a straightforward, almost clinical manner, as if it were just another task.

“Hmm,” Cardinal Lawrence mused, then paused.

“Wait a moment. The name Prince Lucas rings a bell… isn’t he engaged to Princess Syltianna?”
“There was such talk, but it’s currently on hold.”
“Yet, it hasn’t been completely abandoned, has it? Even if they consider pairing him with another, they must acknowledge our stance.”

Princess Syltianna had the backing of two significant patrons of the Church: Count Aulanthia and the Adventurers’ Guild Master of Aulanthia, Egmond Buyer. Cardinal Lawrence considered that ignoring such influential figures could be detrimental.

“We needn’t push Princess Syltianna aside. The Church supports the freedom to love. Perhaps Prince Lucas already harbors affection for another. That angle might be exploitable, don’t you think?”
“Moreover, several of our students, including the renowned ‘child prodigy’ Priest Cestlavie, are studying at the Imperial Academy. They could subtly gather intelligence and aid our plans. Your thoughts?”
“Hmph. Well, even if it fails, we lose nothing.”

Contemplating these individuals, Cardinal Lawrence shrugged lightly.

“Very well. You have my permission. Proceed with the necessary preparations.”
“Yes, Cardinal.”

The secretary nodded, bowed, and exited the room. Once alone, Cardinal Lawrence, considering the matter resolved, placed the report atop the pile of completed documents and started perusing another set of papers.

TLN: LMAO not Simonetta trying to assassinate Jill the second time


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