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Jill’s Week and Cestlavie’s Plan

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Well then, let’s look at the weekly schedule of Julia Fortuna Gravis, also known as Jill (who still goes by the name Julia Fortuna Brandmüller at the academy). Here’s a summary of her busy routine:

Moon Eye Day:
– Morning: Academic classes at the academy.
– Afternoon: Practical training.
– After Returning Home: Management and new product development at Letindüte III, which also serves as her home, or attending academy-hosted tea parties.
– Night: Review and preparation for both academic and witchcraft studies.

Wing Tiger Day:
– Morning: Academic classes at the academy.
– Afternoon: Special lessons from the chairman.
– After Returning Home: Management and new product development at Letindüte III.
– Night: Review and preparation, and meetings with Curtis about business matters.

Qilin Day:
– Morning: Academic classes at the academy.
– Afternoon: Special lessons from the chairman.
– After Returning Home: Management and new product development at Letindüte III.
– Night: Same as Winged Tiger Day.

Dream Eater Day:
– Morning: Academic classes at the academy.
– Afternoon: Special lessons from the chairman.
– After Returning Home: Management and new product development at Letindüte III, or meeting with academy associates and key figures from the central capital until night.

Celestial Maiden Day:
– Morning: Academic classes at the academy.
– Afternoon: Practical training.
– After Returning Home: Management and new product development at Letindüte III, or attending tea parties hosted by Lieselotte or Viola.
– Night: Review and preparation, and financial management meetings with Curtis.

Mirror Day:
– Early Morning: Herb gathering in nearby mountains.
– Morning: Sword and martial arts training with Norman and other guards.
– Afternoon: Hosting tea parties in Letindüte’s special room or modeling for Mr. Otto in his mansion if no tea party is scheduled. She also visits the Adventurers’ Guild every other week to take on tasks.
– After Returning Home: Review the day’s activities and discuss future plans based on gathered information.

Prayer Day:
– Morning: Potion-making in the laboratory and creating protective charms. Sometimes spent on guild-related work, which can take the whole day.
– Afternoon: If time permits, visiting a nearby orphanage to donate food and daily necessities as part of charity work.
– Night: Checking assignments for the upcoming week.

Amidst this busy schedule, Jill manages various tasks, spending her free time dining with friends, family, and the often visiting Euphemia. She regularly contacts Ms. Christy in Consul, reporting on and checking the status of the western pioneer village and the Elven village, compiling requests, and sending supplies as needed.

Despite the seemingly high frequency of attending tea parties and gatherings, Jill is actually attending far fewer than a typical noblewoman would. In noble society, tea parties are crucial for face-to-face interactions, information exchange, and establishing power dynamics. Nobles who do not attend are often considered non-existent. Thus, Jill attends and hosts these gatherings to maintain her standing and not embarrass Ms. Christy, who arranged her studies in the imperial nation.

Jill believes she does not belong to any faction. However, being an imperial royalty and almost always accompanied by Prince Lucas to tea parties, she is perceived as his future partner. Consequently, like Princess Lieselotte and Princess Viola, she is considered an elite. Therefore, she is seen as someone who hosts tea parties rather than merely attending them, receiving fewer invitations except from notable figures like Lieselotte and Viola.

Attending Jill’s tea parties (where Lucas is also an automatic invitee) is a status symbol, leading to constant inquiries managed smoothly by her butler Curtis and other servants. Jill herself thinks the popularity is due to the Letindüte’s desserts and cuisine served at these events.

Due to her busy activities all year-round, Jill maintains her best weight despite exercising less, she has even lost a bit of weight.


“Did you join the student council executive board at the academy, Cestlavie?”

“…It was an order from above, so I had no choice,” Cestlavie revealed, displaying his appetite as he tackled a hamburger and mixed fry set (with all-you-can-eat bread, onion soup, and salad), while deftly raising an eyebrow in displeasure. His grumbling tone seemed to reflect his true feelings.

“—Does that mean you’re not keen on it?” I tilted my head, imagining the student council executive board as a student representative body with considerable authority and power based on the impression of terms like ‘student council’ and ‘executive board.’

Cestlavie, who seemed to have high aspirations, might have found the power appealing if wielded skillfully. However, his attitude, more irritable than usual, suggested that the organization might be more complicated and bizarre than I imagined.

“Yeah. There’s no money in it. It takes up time. I have to deal with idiotic nobles. If the cardinal’s name hadn’t come up, I would’ve ignored it right away,” Cestlavie added, his expression reflecting a mix of resignation and defiance, as he hastily devoured the remaining bread and soup. “Right now, I have to put up with their whims. —By the way, this is really good. Oh, and can I get a refill of tea and one of those strawberry trifles?”

“Sure, I’ll have it prepared right away.”

After ringing the bell on the table and placing an additional order with one of the local teenage waitresses employed at Letindüte, I interjected a question that had been on my mind.

“By the way, did you come here today just for the meal?”
“No, my purpose was to invite you to join the student council executive board.”
“…I don’t think many people would agree to join given what you just told me.”
“Is it a no?”
“I simply don’t have the time.”

I counted off my commitments on my fingers, listing out my schedule. Only now did I realize how varied my daily life was, encompassing roles as a ‘student,’ ‘noble,’ ‘witch,’ and ‘businesswoman.’ Each individual role didn’t take up too much time, but cumulatively, my schedule was as hectic as that of a popular manga artist or an overcommitted celebrity.

Adding ‘student council executive member’ to my list of responsibilities and fitting it into my schedule would be challenging. As Cestlavie mentioned, I had neither an obligation nor any benefit to gain from it. If I had any spare time, I’d rather dedicate it to the ongoing search for Lana’s sister, which had proven difficult.

“I see. That’s unfortunate. Well, the executive board members only had a ‘if possible’ expectation, so it’s not an issue if you decline,” Cestlavie added, in a tone that made it clear he couldn’t care less. He said this while enjoying his newly arrived dessert and tea, but it was evident from the beginning that he was steering the conversation to ensure I’d refuse… Was there some ulterior motive?

Perhaps my face betrayed my thoughts. Cestlavie, with a piece of lettuce dipped in mayonnaise in his mouth, let out a sigh.

“― It’s a pain to play into the fools’ schemes, and frankly, they only see me as a means to enhance their prestige with a famous noble. I have no intention of indulging their nouveau riche taste for splurging on high-end branded weapons and outfits.”
“I see. So, as a foreigner, a non-believer, and a lower-ranking noble, I’m not really the type they’re looking to invite.”
“You catch on quick. And on top of that, they see competent women among the nobility as nothing but a hindrance.”

I see. I understand quite a bit now.

I’m merely a pawn here, while their real target is likely to be inviting Imperial Prince Luke or his friend, the heir of the Marquis of Rätinen to the student council.

Knowing this, could it be that Cestlavie indirectly tried to prevent my entry into the student council?

“Thank you for your concern.”
“What are you talking about? I was just venting.”

Cestlavie shrugged nonchalantly.

Seeing his awkward kindness, I couldn’t help but smile unintentionally as I laid out the coins and meal vouchers I had prepared on the table, then broached the topic.

“Well then, since you seem to be finished with your meal, could you teach me about the incantation method we talked about before?”
“…Well, as long as you paid enough.”
“You sound exactly like Chaton.”
“… ”

Upon hearing my honest thoughts, Cestlavie frowned visibly, clearly displeased.


Returning to the “All-Solutions Firm Capital Branch” with the maid-dressed orc in tow, Chaton muttered,

“Hmm… Something feels strange…”

She twisted her neck, sensing an unsettling presence for some reason.

With the maid orc Millefeuille tilting her head curiously, they scanned the surroundings. After confirming nothing unusual, Chaton murmured with a puzzled expression, “Could it be my imagination?” Then, she headed towards the back where the staff entrance was located.

Contemplating how to fulfill the request, she opened the door with familiarity.

“I’m back, Boss.”
“Bufo! Bumo!”

Millefeuille also said her greetings upon their return.

In response, a drawn-out greeting came from inside the store, “Welcome back. Let’s hear how it went right away.”


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