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Chapter 5 (Part 1) – Susie Has Fun in the Plateau Lake

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Author: TA☆KA Original Source: Kakuyomu / Syosetu
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library


“How about it? Can you stand like this?”
“N-No! Just no way! What in the world is this? I don’t have any strength!”

“Don’t try to force it now! You’ll mess everything up.”
“Really? I see…”

“Now that you’ve removed the unnecessary tension by massaging around your spine, you should try and keep this position while doing this, this, and this! See? You were able to stand up.”
“Whoa! Amazing! I was able to get up without any effort.”

“Right now you’re standing on only your skeletal balance. Make sure to remember this sensation.”
“My body feels so cool. It’s like I’ve doused it in MENTURM1. Is this what you said when you referred to the body’s center?”

“That’s right! It’s a sensation that you can get only when your surrounding muscles are not under unnecessary tension. Don’t forget this feeling.”
“This is not something you can learn in a book. You have to get someone to show it to you like you did to me. Otherwise, you just won’t get it. But why do I feel like I’ve experienced this before? It feels like I’d simply forgotten about it all this time.”

“Everyone has experienced standing up on balance alone when they were a child. However, you gradually start to lose it once you get into the habit of standing using your muscles.”
“I see. So everyone’s forgotten about it.”

“If you’re able to grow up while maintaining that feeling, you’ll be able to achieve great things in sports. Balance is not like other senses. It’s the dividing line between a genius and an ordinary person.”
“I see! So you’re saying that if I train while maintaining this, even I’ll be able to win a medal or two?”

“I don’t know. More so, it depends on how much effort you put in. Besides, you’ll return to normal in about 30 minutes or so.”
“Huh? Really? Why?”

“Because it’s only temporary. You shouldn’t expect to get rid of the physical habits you’ve developed over the years just like that.”
“I see… I guess you’re right.”

“Don’t forget this sensation, okay? Take some time to fix your habits and rebuild your body.”


Early the next morning, I left the encampment near the water. Before that, I used the Quest Item Merchant’s Pot to secure some water. Since I had over 100 Merchant’s Pots, I filled about 50 of them with water and stored them in my Inventory.

Each pot held more than 10 liters. While the average person only needed 3 liters a day, I figured it was better to prepare as much as possible and store it all.

The distance from my encampment to the foot of the mountain range was about a hundred kilometers, yet I managed to cover it in less than an hour. During that time, I ran, jumped, and moved however I pleased.

“Normally I’d feel really slow when running in a dream, but this one’s different! That’s what you’d expect from a lucid dream!!! It’s so amazing.”

I was once again reminded of my ridiculous physical prowess and the unreasonableness of this dream2. I couldn’t hold back my excitement and just yelled while running.

As I ran, trees were blown away by the shockwave of my movement. When I jumped, the ground beneath me and where I landed suffered heavy damage. It felt surreal, as though I was some sort of cratersmith!

On the way, I tested my skills on any Mobs I encountered, completely destroying them. Due to this, the path ahead had become clear.

“Now I don’t have to worry about getting lost! Good, good.”

I didn’t even know if getting lost was an issue in the first place.

That aside, I soon left the forest and entered a plateau. The elevation increased, and I could see the vast forest stretching out behind me. In front of me rose a steep slope, with meadows and rocky terrain, while beyond that, the white peaks of snow-capped mountains loomed.

To my left was the west, where one could see a stretching conifer forest with clouds above.

“What’s up with this place?!! Why’s there a castle in the sky? Huh? Is that a swing? It has a giant swing! I’m already feeling like an Alps girl!!!”

Without pausing to admire the surrounding landscape, I climbed the slope ahead of me in one breath.

“It’s about 2,000 meters above sea level. From here on, I can head straight north. Wait! How did I even figure out the elevation and direction? Am I a bird or something? A migratory bird? I am, aren’t I?!!”

There was a strange sense of tension in the air. As I reached the top of the slope, a vast lake stretched out before me.

To the left, I once again saw the conifer forest; to the right, green peaks overflowed with foliage. And in the distance, a snow-covered mountain range stood tall, like a white wall.

The lake was set under the vibrant blue sky, and it appeared as if someone had poured paint directly into the water. The surface sparkled in the sunlight, shimmering like it was covered with jewels.

Low-hanging clouds drifted just above the water, and all the scenery reflected beautifully on the mirror-like surface of the lake.

All of this unfolded before my eyes, filling my entire field of vision.

“What in the world is this?” The view that greeted me after the climb was overwhelming, taking my breath away. “What a sight… You only get to see these kinds of images on a monitor! I never thought it really existed… Wait… It doesn’t; it’s a dream!”

I sighed deeply, muttering to no one in particular.

“I had a ton of things on my mind, but after seeing this, I feel refreshed. It’s like nothing matters anymore. I’ve decided. I like it here! I’m camping here tonight! I’m definitely staying here!!!”

What was I going to do, you ask? Well, first I sensed a hostile presence gathering in the area.

“I knew they’d be here! I guess I’ll first need to make the area safe for camping. I have to do this properly. I’m doing this so that I can relax!!!”



  1. TLN: Japanese brand of medical creams for skin application.
  2. Silva: Excuse me, it’s been a few days and you still think it’s a dream?
    Jiro: Probably going to continue for a bit more
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