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Chapter 4 – Susie Plans Ahead

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Author: TA☆KA Original Source: Kakuyomu / Syosetu
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library


“I’m saying that all modern people’s bodies are stiff. But yours is even stiffer than usual, senior. It’s definitely a cut above the rest when it comes to how stiff it is.”
“You really think so?”

“Of course! Just look at those legs! They don’t shake at all, even though I’m moving them like this.”
“Isn’t it like this for everyone?”

“A normal person’s legs would move a bit.”

“The only explanation for you being this stiff is that you’re subconsciously exerting effort into it. You should honestly try and be aware of just how much energy you’re wasting on a daily basis.”
“I’ve never been mindful of that.”

“Well, it shows. It’s a result of your unnatural posture and unnecessary movements. You can’t just correct a bad habit overnight.”
“I have an unnatural pose? I thought I was living quite normally.”

“This is due to the fact that stiffness in modern people begins in childhood. As soon as they enter elementary school, they are taught to ‘be careful’ and ‘look forward,’ which is just the worst. That’s where you first start putting in effort subconsciously.”
“What?! Really? So everyone’s been through that!”

“That’s why I said that all modern people are stiff. Even the teacher said that there are hardly any modern people who can stand upright and walk right.”
“Damn… I wonder what the world looks like from such a person’s perspective.”

“That’s why I’m saying we should first start with relaxing your legs, senior.”
“This feels like it’s going to take a while.”


I felt like I’d just woken up from a strange dream. The dream featured a situation that occurred about seven years prior, involving one of my younger teammates. We got along well and would often hang out after a project was over.

He was apparently a student of some great old martial arts teacher, and he’d often tell me martial arts-related stories. He’d often take me to various martial arts instructors’ performances, and I ended up spending a lot of my time outside of work with him.

Those kinds of thoughts filled my mind as I slowly awakened from my nightly slumber.

In the end, I ended up spending the night on the riverbed near the waterfall lake. You’d probably ask what I was doing all afternoon, but I didn’t really have to tell you. My physical strength and resilience, which were now beyond human imagination, had helped me uncover a whole new world.

Even so, I wouldn’t recommend anyone spend their first night in the wild in an unfamiliar place without any clothes on1.

As dawn came, I woke up and bathed in shame. However, when I returned to my tent once again, I was restless and ended up going back to bathe again and again. It seems I really hadn’t learned my lesson.

The items I had with me were quite useful for camping. In particular, the Quest Items in my Inventory had been handy. Usually, Quest Items were not something you could take out while playing the game, but now I could use them freely.

During the night I’d taken out the One Person Tent and Villager’s Blanket Quest Items, while also using a variety of animal pelts.

As for dinner, I used the recovery item Mam’s Salmon Stew, which usually recovered a small amount of HP. Its description said that it was awful, and it was quite bland, making it feel almost tasteless.

There were a ton of other Recovery Items that I could use for food, but each one had little to no flavor. They weren’t inedible, but I also wouldn’t willingly reach for them.

(I guess I’ll just hold off until I’m really starving.)

When it came to equipment, I took out several low-level items from the Guild Warehouse.

The game divided equipment into 11 ranks. The ones used by beginners who’d just started the game and had yet to get a job were known as Zero Rank.

Once changing jobs for the first time, you’d be able to use D and C Rank equipment. After advancing to an Expert Job, one could use B and A Rank equipment. Further, if one obtained a Specialized Job, they could wear S and SS Rank gear. Lastly, if one achieved Deification, they could wear G0, G1, and G3 Rank equipment.

Additionally, each rank was subdivided into Lower and Upper Grade gear.

Susie had initially been equipped with the Upper G0 Rank Nemesis Dual Swords and Oracle Heavy Armor. However, even this kind of equipment was considered noob gear.

Be that as it may, it was quite overkill for this area. So right now Susie was wearing Upper A Rank equipment. A full jet black plate armor, two silvery swords, and no cape.

The swords were wide, and although they had some decorations on the blade, they looked unrefined.

“Let’s see how things go with these. They aren’t even enchanted, so it’ll be fun. And if it gets dicey, I’ll just put my original gear back on!”

In the Guild Warehouse, I had stored a set of equipment for each Rank and job, as well as a set for each of my alts. The equipment I was wearing right now was neither too good nor too bad.

“It seems that the Mobs that scattered yesterday are finally back.” I used my Radar to search around the area and immediately turned my head up to the right.

There, I noticed a flying mob moving from the right to left.

“A flying Mob. I didn’t see one of those yesterday. I’m pretty sure that one’s a Grey Wyvern. I’d say it’s about 90 meters away.” I said, focusing and putting my strength into the swords.

“This is the best when it comes to long-range! Back in the game, its range was limited to 15 meters, but I feel like it’ll go even farther here!”

Thrusting out my left arm and pulling back my right arm next to my face, I pointed the tip of my two swords at the enemy and shouted, “You’re going down!!!”

Skill Name Impact Blaster
Type Duel Barbarian Skill
Range Close-ranged
Description Shoots out a wave of sword energy to attack enemies at a distance.

The visible energy from the tip of the swords cut through the atmosphere, exceeding the speed of sound, and made its way to the target, shining with a white light. Eventually, the light hit the enemy.

A moment later, an explosion occurred. Another moment later, a loud, dull popping sound rang out as if something big had been shot down.

“Now that’s one nasty firework,” I said, concluding, “It’s confirmed! The Mobs here are all way too weak2!”

A streak or two of sweat dripped down my cheeks.

“It seems like I’ll have to find something stronger!” I placed my hands over my eyes and posed as if I were looking somewhere in the distance. “I can only see trees here. Isn’t that place over there quite high up? If I go there, I might find something stronger to fight!”

I pondered, glancing toward the snow-covered mountains to the north.

“I wonder how tall those mountains are. Are they as tall as Mount Everest? I’ve never been there, but Everest is supposed to be around 8,000 meters. It would be nice to look down on the world from up there. Maybe I’ll just jump there.”

I thought while scratching my temple with my right hand and resting my left hand on my hips.

“There isn’t a Jump Point here, but I feel like I’ll be able to manage with just regular jumps.”

Inside the game, characters who’d reached Deification had a movement skill that allowed them to jump from a predetermined Jump Point and fly up to any location.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t a Jump Point here.

“I should be able to get up there with just regular jumps. I still have to jump with all I have. If I feel like I can do it, then I might as well try it! That’s what makes games fun after all!”

Saying that, I bent down and began gathering my strength.

“Here… I… Go!!!”

At the moment I kicked off the ground, the earth caved beneath me with a loud rumble. Nearby trees began to tilt, and the shockwave that followed sent them toppling in every direction.

By the time the dust settled, I was already high in the air.

“Whoaaaa… This is high! I’m about 40 or 50 meters up, no?” I marveled, feeling the wind rush past me as I looked around. “I was aiming for just a few meters, but this… I’m at least 60 meters up! It feels like the view from a high-rise apartment! I’ve never been in one of those either!!!”

From my vantage point, I could see far beyond the horizon.

“Wow! The forest stretches all the way to the horizon, right up to the northern mountain range. This forest must be as big as the Kanto Plain, or maybe even larger. It’s like a sea of trees! The area to the south seems a bit sparse though. I wonder what’s up with that.”

Gradually, I began descending back to the ground.

“Whoa! I’m falling! B-But I should be fine, right? This is just a dream, right? Whooooooaaaa!!!”

With a thud, I landed on the ground, causing another small crater to form beneath me.

“That was terrifying! I’m fine! Thank goodness this is just a dream! God, I was so freaking scared. Thank god!!!”

I’d successfully landed on my feet, creating that crater, but right after landing, I flopped down on all fours and began screaming.

“Now then, I managed to figure out a fair bit about my surroundings, so now I need to decide what to do next.”

After a bit of time, I stood up, having regained my composure, and looked around with my hands resting on my hips.

“I have a feeling I’ll find humans if I go South. If one is to advance in the game, they’d usually go in search of a human settlement and gather information there. But it’s clear that there won’t be any strong enemies in the South… And I really do feel like there’s something towards those mountains, though it’s just speculation. Eventually, I’ll need to set up a base in a human village, but for now, I need to figure out the best route.”

I considered my options, folding my fingers as I pondered.

“I can go to the village and prepare for a trip into the mountains. Then, when I’m done exploring, go back to the village.”
“I can head straight for the mountains and go to the village afterward.”
“I can cut out a space in the forest and set up a base here. Yeah, the third one isn’t happening.”

I crossed my arms, gazing up at the snow-capped mountains.

“What would I need if I were to head there? I’ll definitely need food and equipment to get through the forest and into the mountains. But I think I can manage with the gear I have on hand. When it comes to food, I guess I can manage if I don’t go too wild… I just feel like going out of the forest and then having to go through it again will just be a huge pain. Just thinking about it gives me the ick.”

I looked up at the mountain range and declared, “Okay! I’ve made up my mind!”

With newfound determination, I set off toward the north.

“First, I’ll explore the mountains! I’ll head south after that.” Holding my index finger to my mouth, I pondered for a moment. “I should at least bring some water with me. I’ll head to a place with a water source, fetch some water, and then head out. But first…”

I said with a slight blush on my cheeks as I made a run for a water source.

“First I’ll do that, and then I’ll start getting ready.”

I first had to take care of something before leaving3.



  1. Silva: sweet jesus!
  2. Robinxen: Are they too weak or are you too strong…?
  3. Silva: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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