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Chapter 235 – Work (Shuu)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

I woke up. I didn’t expect to be able to sleep normally. I kinda thought that everything would turn out a dream once I woke up, and that I’d dozed off at the funeral.

In the bed next to my futon… Rir was sleeping.

Right, wasn’t a dream after all. To suddenly arrive in another world… and end up carryin’ around a slave girl, moreover one with animal ears, sounds like some story from a light novel, but it’s reality. All this really happened.

I… I have to make a livin’ while supportin’ a girl, all while strugglin’ to make ends meet.

Still, to have an inn to spend the night at was truly a stroke of luck, y’know. I even was able to get my hands on money worth around 70’000 yen. Though there’s not even 10’000 yen… or 1000 bells left.

Back, then, my head was full of lots of other stuff, so I couldn’t think ’bout anythin’, but I was lucky to have met the coachman on the road, who turned out a good person, and the merchant who was an understandin’ guy, even though he was a slaver.

“Mh~… Huh… uhm…”

Apparently Rir had woken up. On that note, I had forgotten to buy sleepwear, so there was no other choice but to sleep while wearing clothes that were easy to move in.
At any rate, when I think about it calmly, the clothin’ in this world shows too much skin, don’t it? …Well, it ain’t to the point where I can’t look at it… I guess?

“Huh…!? Good morning, Master! I beg you to forgive me for waking up later than you!”
“The way you talk is kinda weird, y’know.”
“Oh… huh? I’m sorry, Master.”

I looked at the clock our room was furnished with. It was currently 7:29 in the morning. If I remembered correctly what the innkeeper told me yesterday, they’d leave breakfast outside our room.

When I opened the door and looked down, I found the right amount of food for two people. There was red soup that looked like minestrone, cut bread, and thin slices of cheese.

“There’s breakfast… Will you be able to eat, Rir?”
“I’ll… I’ll try. Still, why is there a portion for me?”
“I asked for that yesterday.”

I held out her portion of breakfast to her. She carefully took it.

“There you go.”

She tried a spoonful of the soup, which seemed to be fine. Next was cheese and bread.
Normally… it’s apparently a bad idea to use wheat products for carbs to treat an eatin’ disorder, but… she’ll have to put up with it.

“Uh… ugh…”
“A-Are you alright!?”

When Rir looked as if she was about to throw up, I held out the bucket and patted her back. Still, I wasn’t feeling guilty. She managed to swallow it without vomiting.

“Hah… hah…”
“You don’t have to force yourself, y’know? You’re still sick.”
“No… You went this far for me, Master… No matter what, I want to get better. That’s what I believe.”
“…I see.”

Afterwards, though she got close to throwing up several times, she managed to hold it back and finished her breakfast. Though it did take some time. I ate my portion next to her. This part was also important.

Once we finished eating, it was time to look for a job. I needed to have an income to support the life of a girl and myself.
Not happy ’bout that, but I gotta have Rir stay at the inn. Or rather, I’d prefer it if she rests for a week.

“Rir, I gotta talk to you about somethin’ important.”
“W-What is it?”
“To be honest… I ain’t got no job. I ain’t resourceful and it’s pathetic to say that, but… as it is, I can’t make ends meet for myself, much less supportin’ you, Rir.”
“Huh…!? I-In that case, you should chase me out… or sell me… Though even saying that, I don’t think you’ll get any money for me… Slaves who only get in the way are sent to the authorities as defective products…”

Why’d she immediately say somethin’ like that…? How many times have I got to tell her that’s not what I want? Though with how I just told her that, I guess it’s inevitable that she’d think so.

“I mean, to begin with, aren’t you an adventurer, Master? From what I could see from inside the carriage, you mowed down that strong goblin in a single magic attack.
“An adventurer…?”
“Could it be that you don’t know about them?”

After that, Rir gave me a fairly detailed explanation about adventurers. It made me understand that not knowing what an adventurer was in this world, was like not knowing about office workers in Japan. Additionally, she said that it was a job like any other that anyone, even slaves, could do.

In this case, that’s my ticket. No choice but to become an adventurer. Luckily, I discovered an adventurer’s guild while runnin’ around the city yesterday.

Adventurers… sounds like somethin’ out of a light novel or video game, but looks like I gotta take advantage of that system. Besides, in that profession… my chances of findin’ Kanata and Sakura might be much higher.

“…and that’s about it.”
“Understood, then I’ll quickly register as an adventurer. You stay here and rest until your physical condition gets better, alright? For about a week.”
“P-Please wait a moment. If you do that, I won’t be useful to you at all! …We should both become adventurers, you know.”

It’s her wish to be useful to me… Still, I’d really prefer her to get rest rather than do some strange work.

“…No, you need to rest for a week!”
“B-But… A single day should suffice so I can be of use to you, Master…!”
“Rest for five days, then…”
“No, three days, I’ll rest for three days. And afterwards… Let me help you with your work, Master! I am sorry… I can offer you neither sexual relief nor do chores for you. I feel sorry for holding you back…”

Sure, it probably ain’t nice to live in comfort while watchin’ someone else go about their job, right? Even more so from her point of view. Still, three days… Guess it all depends on her condition.

“Gotcha, three days. However, really get some rest, y’know?”
“I’ll be goin’ then.”
“Stay safe, Master…”

I left the inn and went towards the guild that I had noticed yesterday. It wasn’t far from the inn.

I opened the guild’s door and entered the building. It apparently served as both a bar and adventurer’s guild, and there were lots of people carrying swords and staffs, just like in a fantasy world.

TL notes:
We’re back to Shuu who’s now on his second day. As predicted, Rir helps to make up for his lack of knowledge about Anazumu, though I don’t really get why he wouldn’t straight up tell her that he’s from a different world and lacks the common sense, which would probably prevent misunderstandings to some extent. But I guess that’s typical Isekai-Protagonist logic at play here.

Also, remember that part about 3 chapters with Shuu, 3 with Kanata & Sakura, and then 2 in Mephilad? That’s pretty much out of the window from now on. We’ll get clusters of Yggdrasil chapters of varying length, and sometimes there are Mephilad chapters in between.


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