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Chapter 234 – Karua’s Visit – Day 3 (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

I had made swimsuits for everyone, and we had changed into them, so now we were in front of the waterslide.

“Incredible… it’s huge…”
“We are in a building, but there is such a tall slide…”
“You slide down here, do you not?”

Lilo, Myuri, and Karua each gave their impressions. Until now, only Mika and I had played on it. But I was sure that it was something that would be more fun if there were more people.

“If you step on the magic circle over there, it’ll bring you all the way to the top!” I pointed at a magic circle written on the floor at the lower end of the water slide.

Everyone went there, and we were moved to the summit of the slide.

“Wah… we’re so high up…”
“I-Is is really alright to slide down from here!?”
“Heh-heh, this will be so much fun!”

While Lilo and Myuri were a bit scared by the height, Karua was incredibly excited.

“I’ll give you an example first. Please watch closely,” Mika told them, while sitting down on the closest slide1. “And then you just… Woo-hoo~!”

She slid down like flowing water. After a few seconds, a splash of water rose from below the slide, and Mika emerged from it, waving at us with a satisfied smile.

I’m the next in line, right?

“I’ll go next2, then.”

I sat down on the same slide Mika had used and slid away. Even at times when no one was using them, warm water gushed up endlessly and continued to flow. I slid down at quite a high speed and was thrown into the pool below. It made a huge splash. I also waved at the people at the top.

“Alim, Alim, come here for a moment.”
“Huh? What is it?”

While we could hear a happy scream from Karua up there, Mika pulled me by my hand and brought me to a place that couldn’t be seen well from the waterslide. Then for some reason, she raised her arms as if she was cheering for something.

“What are you doing?”
“Alim… you’d prefer it if I had a big chest like Miss Lilo, right? Right?”

She didn’t reply to my question… On the contrary, she made some weird false accusation.
Why would she think that?

“No, I wouldn’t.”
“…Really? But when you handed out the swimsuits, didn’t you look between me and her several times, as if to compare us?”

That’s true, though that was just to roughly compare their sizes by eye. To think that she’d interpret it as something like that… Also, I still don’t know the reason for her to do that banzai pose.

Oh, Miss Lilo’s voice just now sounded like one of those little girls screaming in amusement park rides.

“That was to check the size standards of the swimsuits, but… It’s probably because I’m currently Alim, so I don’t think about breasts like I would as a boy.”

When Mika heard that, maybe since she had recalled that I was currently a girl, her face turned bright red, and she lowered her arms to cover it with her hands.

To begin with, Mika’s rack, as she is now, isn’t small at all. I feel like I said this several times before, but that’s probably more of an age thing. More importantly, I think I should apologize to Miss Myuri. Earnestly.

While I thought that, even though it was time for her to slide down, I couldn’t hear Myuri’s voice.
Is she the type that can no longer make a sound, when she’s too scared?

“…So, what was the reason for raising your arms?”
“Oh… erm… It… it was so you’d… uhm… look at my chest… Ayumu…”

I didn’t understand what she said afterwards very well, since she kept fumbling her words, but the summary of her explanation for the banzai pose was “If you feel that way, look at mine and not those of other people. If you do that, you can even touch them!”.

I feel like Mika is a bit lacking in composure. How did she get that way, even though she’s usually completely different?

“About the touching part… let’s go back to that later, alright?” I told her, while patting her head, when she was on the verge of crying.
“Yeah… ah, but.”

When Mika nodded at me, there was the splashing sound of three people closing in on us. I was Karua and the others. However, maybe because Mika hadn’t noticed them, she brought her face close to mine. Before I knew it, she firmly grabbed my shoulders.

“Oh, there you are!” Lilo exclaimed. “What are the two of you doing here…?”

That moment, as she always did, Mika kissed me.
Again… We ended up doing that again in front of other people.


“That was so much fun, Alim! The waterslide, I mean!” Lilo said excitedly.
“I-It was the same for me! Heh-heh.” Myuri added.
“I also quite enjoyed the waterslide, and I am quite pleased to have seen something nice,” Karua chuckled.

Afterwards, we had fun for around three hours on the waterslide. Though they did tease us for several minutes. Nothing special other than using the waterslide and our kiss scene, which was watched by the three girls, happened. The day ended after we played various board games, relished the food cooked by me, went into the hot spring, and had Lilo and Myuri stay here for the night.

On that note, Karua would apparently sleep in the guestroom together with Lilo and Myuri today. No matter how you looked at it, it was in consideration of Mika and me.

For that reason, I would be just with Mika tonight, for the first time in several days. As a matter of fact, during that time and also in the bath, various things happened, but that’s a story for another time.

TL notes:
I won’t lie, I really don’t get this obsession with the female chest that seems to be so prominent in web/light-novels. Same as peeping on women in the bath, it seems rather childish. Maybe that’s a cultural thing that I simply don’t get, or maybe it’s just me being weird in that regard.

Though I guess it’s not unnatural for Mika to still have insecurities, seeing how they’ve only been in a relationship for about 2 months at this point.



  1. I assume it’s a single tower with several different waterslides going down from there.
  2. Leaving three girls who’ve never used a waterslide in their lives up there without any supervision. Sounds like a splendid idea!
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