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Chapter 232 – Weapon Handling (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Hrm, the sword. That’s acceptable,” Kruzel commented, with his mood apparently a bit improved.
“Yes, erm… I only…”
“I understand, you can barely see anything. Be assured, I will properly take that into account.”

Hearing that gave Kanata some relief. Still, he didn’t let up on his vigilance.

“Then, as for how we’ll go about training… For the time being, it might be best to have you train close to each other, even though your weapons handle differently.”
“…Huh? Why should they?”

Kruzel regarded Kyrian’s suggestion with doubt. However, it looked like he immediately understood the reason.

“Oh, that way, the two of them compete with each other as rivals.”
“That’s right. Just like you and me in the past.”
“Hrm, having someone to compete with on a somewhat high level is efficient for training, isn’t it?”

Kanata was deeply relieved when the two warriors reached that conclusion. He didn’t much want to be separated from Sakura in this world.

“Still, we should probably start with the fundamentals.”
“Indeed, you’re right. Let’s teach them the fundamentals at a range where they can observe each other1. Kanata, come here.”

Kanata went with Kyrian, all while following Sakura with his eyes, who was led away same as he was. Finally, they each stopped in places roughly 50 meters from each other.

“What are you so worried about? Is it because of Sakura?” asked Kyrian, who had noticed Kanata gazing in Sakura’s direction with a look of worry.
“Well, yes,” he replied.
“I see… But you can breathe easily. Kruzel might be a training fanatic, but he’s fundamentally a good guy. He’ll make sure she doesn’t get injured, and he won’t make her do anything unreasonable.”
“I-I see…”

Even after hearing that from Kyrian, Kanata still looked worried, but she judged that it wasn’t to a degree that would impair the training.

“…Nevertheless, I’m glad.”
“Really? Why?”
“Even though you’re from a world I’ve never seen and know nothing about, you’re trying to grow stronger for our sakes.”
“Is that so? But I’m only doing it, so I can get that potion quickly…”
“Even so,” Kyrian mused and took out a training spear from her magic bag. Its tip had been rounded. “This is your training weapon.”
“A spear… That’s a partisan2, right?”

Kanata had expected a lance, like the ones used by knights on horseback.

“Are you dissatisfied with it?”
“No, not particularly.”

Kanata took the training spear from Kyrian. It was heavier than expected, so he ended up stumbling.

“You’re quite weak. I saw you racing up the stairs while holding Sakura in your arms, the day before yesterday, didn’t I?”
“About that… Half of that was trying to show off, and the other half is that she’s pretty light.”
“I see.”

Maybe because he had gotten used to its weight while they were talking, he held up the spear with both hands in front of his chest and started looking at it intently. Until that point, nothing was abnormal. But after a short time, he started rubbing his cheeks against the spear. Kyrian was obviously surprised by his actions.

“H-Hey! What are you doing?”
“Ah-ha-ha… It’s a real lance…”
“Hey? Kanata…? Kanata, I’m talking to you!”
“I’d never have dreamed of being dragged to another world and touching a real weapon. Heh-heh-heh. Its shape especially is marvelous… How exquisite, indeed, I know well this feeling of my dancing heart…! Mua-ha, Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

Kanata’s abnormal lunacy sent Kyrian into a panic.

“Are you alright? Hey, hey~~!?”


On the other side, Kruzel showed Sakura the training sword.

“Good, Sage Sakura. The sword is currently upright in front of you. You should try touching it, to see it’s there, while taking care not to injure your hands.”

While taking utmost care, Sakura touched the sword with the leather gloves she was wearing. Said sword turned out to be quite thin.

“How is it?”
“Hm~, I’m not sure…”
“I see. Incidentally, it reaches roughly up to your chest, Sage Sakura. The sword’s hilt is an arm’s length from you. Grab it and try pulling it from the ground.”

Sakura carefully extended her hands towards the sword she couldn’t see and gripped its hilt.

“Good, not try pulling it out.”

Putting power in both her hands, she pulled out the sword. Since it came out surprisingly smoothly, she ended up falling on her behind.

“Ah, are you alright? Do you need a hand?”
“I’m fine. I can get up,” she said while standing up, using the sword like a cane.
“Alright. Then, how about you hold it and take a look at it.”
“Right. It’s not as heavy as I thought, or rather… I feel like I could even hold it with one hand for a short time.”
“Well, that’s because it’s a type that’s rather light, even among swords.”
“I see.” Sakura was a bit surprised at how different Kruzel acted compared to earlier. “At any rate, Mr. Kruzel, I want to apologize about what Kanata did before.”

She bowed her head. Although it wasn’t in the direction where Kruzel was.

“Sakura, I’m standing behind you, didn’t you notice? More importantly, that was also my fault. For some reason, I tend to get fired up when it comes to training.”
“I-Is that so…?”
“Indeed. Still… hm, you are holding the sword properly. Now, we can start the training.”

TL notes:
It looks like Kruzel is a competent trainer who can adapt to his charge. In general, both him and Kyrian seem to be good people. So far, the only one we’ve seen in the castle who acts like a real villain seems to be the king.

Looking at how excited Kanata gets when acting out his fantasies, I don’t think it would’ve been hard to get him to go along with this quest without resorting to threats. If the king had just told him he can play hero while his friend will stay safe and get her eyes healed, and he probably would’ve been on board.



  1. Not sure about this sentence. It might also mean something like ” Let’s each teach them the fundamentals as far as needed.”
  2. A partisan is more like a halberd (which can be used both for stabbing and slashing) than a lance (which can only be used for stabbing).
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