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Chapter 231 – Training (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

The kids changed into training unforms and then went to the training area on the castle grounds. Kanata obviously couldn’t enter the girl’s changing room, so Kyrian, the commander of the Valkyries apparently went to help her get changed and equip the uniform.

Incidentally, Kanata was deeply excited. Most of all, because of the training uniform, something which he could’ve only word for cosplay in Japan.

“There you are. From now on, we’ll start to train you in weapon handling. Once more, I am Kruzel.”
“And I am Kyrian.”

The two warriors reintroduced themselves while striking their chests.

“Erm, I’m Kanata.”
“I-I am Sakura.”

The two kids also reintroduced themselves briefly.

“Hm, Sage Kanata, then. There are many things I want to ask you.”

Kruzel started asking Kanata questions. He seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood. That couldn’t be helped, seeing that on top of the kids doing nothing but studying yesterday, the time for today’s training was half of what it should’ve been. In his mind, training was everything, so he couldn’t possibly understand Kanata’s reasons. The boy merely appeared like a spoiled child to him…

“Why didn’t you train yesterday and then halved the time for today’s training? Training is all about improving yourself. It was a mere four hours per day, you know?”
“What’s with that reaction!?”

Kruzel stabbed the training sword he was holding, which was several sizes larger than a normal sword, into the ground with great force. All that went through Kanata’s mind was a “What is this man so angry about?”.

“Do you understand? It’s all about training…”
“But still… That’s because I… or rather, the two of us will get results dozens of times higher by training for two hours. It’s due to the effect of one of our titles. However, that isn’t the case for studying.”

“I didn’t know that.”

Kyrian agreed with Kanata’s calculated thinking, which even included his title’s effects… or rather, she was impressed. She was glad that the boy was cooperating with them.

Still, it was different for Kruzel.

“So what? In that case, you should train even more per day. Isn’t that nothing but an excuse since you don’t want to train?”
“No… uhm, training is certainly a good way to improve your SK2 skills without using SKP, but… we also need to do other things… Moreover, from what you’re saying, wouldn’t it be better if we started quickly? Rather than giving us a lecture.”

Kanata wasn’t one to defy his parents, but he clearly was in his rebellious phase. That became obvious now. To be completely honest, he thought that training was unnecessary. It would be better to level up and gain SKP. Of course, Sakura believed that this was a bad idea, so she stopped him via telepathy.

[H-Hang on, Kanata!? Won’t that make Mr. Kruzel angry?] 
[If he gets angry at us for not going along with the training, that’s fine by me. No, it might even be preferable. What’s important in this world is how we level up…] 
[Uh… That might be true, but…] 
[Besides, from Loukis’ perspective, us getting stronger is all that matters. To be honest, I think it would be enough to train only today. It’s not only that I want to increase the time to level up, but I also don’t want you to push yourself with your poor eyesight and weak body, Sakura.] 

While Sakura was happy that Kanata worried about her, she had a bad feeling about continuing like this.

“…Right. I guess what you say is true! Then, let us quickly begin the training.”
“But Commander Kruzel, we need to let Sakura decide her weapon first.”
“Yes, you’re right! Sage Sakura, which weapons can you use? Or rather, which do you want to use?”

Urged on by what Kyrian and Kruzel had said, Sakura immediately decided to consult with Kanata.

[I-I wonder, what might be best?] 
[To begin with, using a bow would be impossible.] 
[Right, that’s for sure.] 
[I mean, I don’t want you to do any fighting. Though that’s just me being selfish.] 
[Eh, why?] 
[To be honest, I’d prefer you to avoid any close quarters combat. I’d like you to focus on using magic, but… the truth is, look, you might get hurt, alright?] 
[That’s not particularly…] 

Sakura was thinking about telling him not to worry about her, but she stopped herself. She tried thinking back on how Kanata had acted since they came to this world. On closer thought, almost all his actions we for the sake of her not getting injured. She didn’t understand why he worried so much about her, but if she fought in close quarters, he might get distracted when the time came for a real fight.

That was what Sakura assumed. But her not participating in the training, just because Kanata worried about her, would be a bad move in this situation. Based on that, she came to a conclusion.

[Then… since we probably shouldn’t both use a spear1, I’ll try using a sword, I guess.] 
[A sword…? Erm, I think Kruzel is the one who teaches that. I’m concerned whether he’ll give you a spartan education, but…] 
[I’m not that weak, you know. I-It makes me happy, but aren’t you worrying a bit too much about me?] 
[Hm… In that case… Still, if he does anything to you, like getting violent or spewing abuse, please contact me via telepathy.] 
[Sure thing.] 

The two kids ended their telepathic conversation and turned to the two warriors.

“I’ll learn how to use a sword.”

TL notes:
Kruzel gives me some serious PE teacher vibes. I remember some I had in the past who were like him, though not to that degree. I feel like he has a bit of a bad cop/good cop dynamic with Kyrian.

It would be interesting to know how much influence the skills have, and how much training can help (apart from improving the skills themself). From how Alim experienced it, the skills seem to be sufficient even for someone who never used a weapon before.



  1. The original is 同じ槍っていうのもなんだし, thanks to Kemm for the help.
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