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Chapter 230 – The Spear (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“…Good morning.”

The kids had woken up. For the second day in a row, there had been an incident while they slept, so Kanata was awfully tired1.

“Sakura… From next night on2, I’m sleeping on the couch…”
“W-Why now? We’ve been sleeping next to each other in the past, haven’t we?”
“That was several years ago, you know…”

Sakura was almost desperate. No matter what, she didn’t think she’d be able to sleep alone. When she went to sleep, she couldn’t help but feel a lump of anxiety closing in on her.

“Fine, if you don’t like it,” she said with intensity. “I… erm… I’m afraid that I’ll fall off, if I sleep on the bed by myself, but if you dislike it that much, I’ll sleep on the sofa.”

Deep down, she was hoping for him not to turn her away. She didn’t know whether she was drawn to him because of the fear from being sent to another world, or because of the loneliness after the death of her sister. But it at least guaranteed her a good night’s sleep.

“I’m not sure if I’d say I dislike it…”
“B-Besides, you don’t have to look at me like that, alright? We are childhood friends.”

Though she didn’t realize it herself, she saw herself like that3.

“No, about that… I…”

Sakura got scared of what Kanata might say next after he gave an unexpected reply in an unusual tone of voice to her question, so she decided to change the topic.

“An any rate, there’s more important things to worry about.”
“M-More important that that…?”
“From today on, all that training will start, right? We don’t have the leeway to worry about other things.”
“…Hah, fine. For the time being, let’s go eat breakfast.”

The two kids went to the dining hall to have breakfast, and then showed up in the throne room to greet the king.

“A good morning to you, Mr. Loukis.”
“Oh, good morning. From today on, your training will begin, but… Kanata, you look just as tired as yesterday. You also have a bad complexion.”

Sakura felt ashamed when she realized that this was her fault. She couldn’t see his face from where she stood.

“Ha-ha, you wouldn’t have happened to have enjoyed some nighttime action? Right, Sakura?”
“Uhm… about that…”

Sakura was unable to deny what the king had said. She had noticed yesterday that she was embracing Kanata tightly, while she was sleeping. On top of being aware of that, she had forcefully tossed Kanata onto the bed last evening4. She was utterly unable to deny that.

“What, did I hit the bull’s eye? Do it in moderation, will you?”
“No… that’s not it…”
“Well, whatever. On that note, about your training from today on…”

Kanata had been trying to give an explanation, but Loukis moved to another topic without giving him the chance.

“Kanata, your studies shall be focused on the spear. As for you, Sakura, you can learn to handle any weapon you like.”
“The spear…?”

Kanata was surprised. He had been truly looking forward to swinging a sword in this world of magic and skills, something which had up till now only been possible in his wildest edgelord fantasies. However, he was now told to use a spear. That said, he didn’t seem to be all that unhappy about it.

“Hah, well… that’s fine. But… why the spear?”
“Right, a spear is used to seal the being we want you to defeat.”
“I see… a spear… it’s not called the divine spear Gungnir… or something?”
“Idiot, what are you saying?”

Kanata mentioned the name of the famous spear from the legends, and grinned at imagining himself handling it. When Sakura heard him mumble that name, she immediately lashed out at him. This was also an everyday occurrence for the two kids.

However, Loukis, who had also heard it, showed grim expression.

“How do you know that name?”
“I’m asking you, how you know the name of Gungnir, the Sage’s Spear.”

Kanata and Sakura were exceedingly surprised by that unthinkable coincidence. When Loukis saw the expression on their faces, he realized that there was something going on.

“…Why are you so surprised? Could it be that Gungnir also exists in your world?”
“No… uhm, it isn’t a real thing, but…” Sakura, who had finally regained her calm, replied, “there is a spear called Gungnir mentioned in myths and legends.”
“Oho, I see… What a coincidence! How fascinating. Alright Kanata, with this being cleared up, you are to immediately learn how to handle a spear.”
“Y-Yes!” Kanata replied in high spirits.

In his mind, he was currently imagining himself wearing an eye-patch and swinging around a spear, while facing off against a dragon. Sakura, with a keen intuition that only worked on Kanata, who’d been her childhood friend since they were born, realized that he was lost in some wild delusion, so she fumbled around for his ear and pulled it.

“Ouch… W-What are you doing?”
“You were thinking about weird stuff again, weren’t you?”
“H-How do you know that…? I didn’t even say anything.”
“I know these things even if you don’t want me to, you see5.”

Loukis watched the two kids do what looked like the comedy act of a married couple for a while, but when he shot a glance at the clock, he reminded them of what they had to do.

“I get that the two of you have a good relationship. Still, training comes first. Go to the training grounds together with Kruzel and Kyrian.

TL notes:
So, the foe they’re supposed to defeat is apparently not the Mephilad Kingdom. It’s easy to see the parallels between the Hero’s Sword and the Sage’s Spear and assume their opponent will be something similar to the demon god, but we already know that this will likely lead Yggdrasil to be in a position where they are able to wage war against a much stronger opponent, so it likely won’t end at them sealing this foe.



  1. Poor guy was used as a hugging pillow again.
  2. The original is 明日から (“from tomorrow”). I assume he means the evening of this day. Do Japanese already see the time when they go to sleep as the next day?
  3. Not sure how exactly she sees herself/doesn’t want Kanata to see her as. Maybe that she just takes advantage of him?
  4. Sounds like what Mika did in chapter 186.
  5. Not sure about that sentence. The original is 嫌でもわかるわよ、そいうの. I guess it could also mean something like “I know that even if I don’t want to”.
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