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Chapter 226 – The Hero and the Rabbit (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Welcome to our establishment. Sir Uruto Lastman1 and Lady Parasuna Nervan, I presume?”

The couple was speaking with the restaurant’s owner.

On that note, this establishment was also frequented by Gilmars, Bacchus, and other SS-Rankers. Alim and Mika had also been there once2. Due to it being such a high-class restaurant, they were tight-lipped and offered exquisite service, and further weren’t surprised if any public figures decided to visit them.

“You have a reservation, please take the seats over there.”

The owner led the couple to the best seats in the establishment. Incidentally, this was also where Alim and Mika had sat.

“These are the best seats, aren’t they?” Parasuna asked Uruto.
“Well, yeah, I had to be a bit persistent to get them.”
“For my sake?”
“Of course.”
“Heh-heh, thank you.”

They looked at the menu and ordered the multicourse meal the restaurant prided itself on, plus some alcohol. After a short time, the courses were carried to them, one after another.

“It looks delicious!”
“It sure does, this place is the number one restaurant in the country, isn’t it?”
“Still, I also love your cooking, Uruto, you know?”
“Thank you for saying that.”

The couple enjoyed their meal. However, while they ate, Uruto accidentally knocked over a glass of water, spilling its contents.

“Gah… That was an accident…”
“That happened because you’re such a klutz. Jeez…”

Parasuna was about to get up and wipe off Urutos clothes with a handkerchief, but he used his skill to dry his clothes and also made the water, which had spilled onto the floor, disappear.

“Haha, I need to be more careful.”

After that, Uruto messed up several times… he tried to use the knife to eat his soup, didn’t manage to catch hold of the mini tomatoes in his salad, and so on. These things normally never happened to him.

“Is something wrong, Uruto? Maybe you should use Beast Master to grow another brain?”
“…Nah, I’m not going to do that.”

When Parasuna, who sensed that there was something off about Uruto and that he might be hiding something, heard that reply, she got impatient and decided to ask him directly.

“Say, Uruto.”
“What is it?”
“I wonder, are you hiding something from me?”
“I… I don’t.”
“You’ve been acting way too suspiciously, you know. Usually, you wouldn’t make all these blunders.” She stared at him intently and continued. “Don’t tell me… are you having an affair?”
“No, that’s not it,” he immediately replied.

When Parasuna saw his demeanor, she became convinced that he wasn’t unfaithful to her.

“Hrm… In that case, what’s the reason?”
“Well… I was going to tell you today, either way… Parasuna, what I’ll say is seriously important. Will you listen to me?” he asked her stiffly.
“Wait a moment… The time when you say it is really important, so…” Parasuna started to panic. “Please calm down a bit. You’re not breaking up with me, are you? If you did that, I might end up bawling here, you know?”

As she asked him that, her eyes, which were originally crimson, turned even redder. Incidentally, Parasuna was living in Uruto’s inn, in the room next to his. When she met Alim for the first time, she had just pretended to go back home.

“I’m not breaking up with you or anything. Rather, it’s the opposite…”
“The opposite?”

Uruto rummaged around in his pockets and brought out a small, expensive looking box. Then, he placed said box on the palm of his hand and opened it. There was a ring inside.

“Right… today, I was… planning to give you this.”

Both their voices were trembling.

“Is this… what I think it is?”
“Yep… it’s an engagement ring3… Let’s get married, Parasuna.”

She pushed both hands against her mouth. Many large tears flowed from her eyes. Finally, she strongly nodded several times.

“Erm… Can I take that as a ‘yes’?”
“Yeah… you can…!”

With his cheeks flushed, he waited for her to settle down. Once she had finally regained her calm, she spoke to him while wiping off her tears.

“Hah… sorry, I ended up losing my composure.”
“Eh, it’s fine.”
“…This isn’t a dream, is it?”
“This is reality.”

She pinched her own cheek.

“…You’re right, it isn’t.”
“That’s right.”
“…Heh-heh, that made me incredibly happy! Still, why did you decide to propose to me? Until now, you never acted like you were going to, right?”
“Well… It was during the war with the demons,” Uruto replied to Parasuna’s question in an embarrassed manner.
“Various things happened, and… uhm… it made me reaffirm just how important you really are to me, Parasuna.”

When she heard that, she broke into an exquisitely delighted smile.

“Besides…” he continued.
“To be honest, with now, there’ve been 3 occasions when I thought about proposing to you.”
“Huh~!? Impossible, when was that?”
“About the same time last year and the year before that.”
“Let me think, was it last year and the year before that on the anniversary of our first meeting?”
“Yep, you’re right. Sorry, I couldn’t find the courage since I didn’t know what I’d do if you refused. So, it took me three years,” He said, while taking her hand.

She squeezed it back strongly.

“Really… Heh-heh, but with this it’s clear that I’ll become your wife, isn’t it?”
“Take good care of me in the future, too, will you, Sir Uruto? Eh-heh-heh, calling you that feels nostalgic, doesn’t it?”
“Yep, truly nostalgic.”

Afterwards, the couple finished their meals and harmoniously walked back to the inn “Hikari”.



  1. Wasn’t him being Lastman supposed to a secret? Why would he give that last name to a restaurant?
  2. In chapter 116.
  3. The original is “wedding ring”, but I’m reasonably sure it’s called an “engagement ring” when you propose. Maybe it’s different in Japan?
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