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Chapter 223 – Training Schedule (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

The two kids had changed their clothes and arrived at the throne room. After what happened last night, Kanata was trying not to look at the skin that was exposed by the expensive clothes Sakura was wearing.

Loukis was already sitting on the throne.

“Did you have breakfast, Kanata, Sakura?”
“Yes,” the two kids replied to his question, when they arrived in front of the throne.

“Very good. Then, today you shall partake in special training. What you will do has already been decided by us. That’s fine for you, no?”
“…That depends on what you have planned,” Kanata told him.
“Oh ho, that’s amusing,” Loukis was grinning happily for some reason. “In that case, will you refuse to train, depending on our schedule?”
“Yes, I will.”
“H-Hang on, Kanata!?” Sakura exclaimed.
“Interesting. Then, I shall show you our plans first,” Loukis told him and snapped his fingers.

When he did that, several slaves (though Kanata and Sakura didn’t know they were slaves) came carrying a large parchment on which something was written.

“This is your training schedule for a full day.”

– ~ 7:00 Waking up.
-7:00 ~ 8:00 Breakfast
-8:00 ~ 12:00 Training in weapon handling
-12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch
-13:00 ~ 15:00 Practical outside training (hunting magic beasts)
-15:00 ~ 15:30 Break time
-15:30 ~ 19:00 Magic training
-19:00 ~ 20:30 Dinner, bath
-20:30 ~ 22:00 Studying, acquisition of knowledge
-22:00 ~ Going to sleep.

“You will be assigned special instructors for each of these. First the instructors for weapon training. Enter!”

When Loukis shouted that, a woman wearing splendid armor and a man covered in fur with a cheetah pattern entered1.

“I shall introduce them. First, Kruzel2, the commander of the knight group ‘Berserk’, which consists solely of men.”
“I’m Kruzel. I will instruct you, the sages, in sword arts and martial arts,” the brawny man called Krusel told the two kids, after saluting to the king by striking his chest.

“And next, Kyrian3, the young captain of the all-female knight group ‘Vakyries’.”
“Nice to meet you. I shall instruct you in spear arts and bow arts.”

While Kyrian said that, she took off her helmet, making her hair flutter. She had an incredibly beautiful face. Still, Kanata didn’t seem to be interested.

“Next, the one who will instruct you in your studies. Enter.”

From the same entrance where Kruzel and Kyrian had come from, a woman who seemed to be in the latter half of her twenties entered.

“This is Dace4, the seeress of our country. It is thanks to her that I knew where you would land. She will likely teach you by predicting what you don’t know with her foretelling.”
“Oh ho! Nice to meet you, my dearies!” the woman smiled at the two kids. “My name is Dace. Little old me will impart knowledge about this world onto you.”

When the two kids heard her manner of speaking, it left them flabbergasted.

“…She talks like a granny, but you’ll have to live with that,” Loukis followed up on what Dace had said, after seeing their rection. “She may not look it, but she’s an excellent seeress.”

“Next, these two people. I especially called them here for your sakes.”

When Loukis said that, two older men entered the room. One of them had bulging muscles, and his mere appearance told of his strength. Furthermore, he was carrying a gigantic mallet… or rather a sledgehammer. The other looked like an ordinary old man who wore a hunting horn in place of a cane and looked weaker compared to the muscular man.

“Starting from the right… This is Thor. He is an SSS-Ranker of our country and will be your escort during practical outside training.”
“Gah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” As soon as he had been introduced, Thor started to laugh in a booming voice. “Fancy meeting you, sages! I am Thor, the Ruler of Thunder. I am one of this country’s two SSS-Rankers. Gah-ha-ha! You see, I’ll be your babysitter!”

The kids didn’t know what an SSS-Ranker was, but the conversation moved on without paying any mind to that.

“The other man is Heimdall. He will be in charge of your magic training. He is the other SSS-Ranker of this country.”
“I am Heimdall. I shall assist you in your magic training,” he introduced himself, while bowing his head to Kanata and Sakura. “Though even if I say that, magic training will be mostly about learning what magic is.”

Kanata looked thoroughly at the faces of all the people lined up in front of him.

“What do you think? I assembled human resources of this extent for you. I assume there are no objections?”

However, Kanata’s reply wasn’t what Loukis had been hoping for.

“No, this won’t work.”

Loukis shocked voice echoed through the throne room. The other people all were surprised, too. Naturally, Sakura was shocked too, but she guessed that Kanata had some kind of plan.

“Are you thinking of something, Kanata?”
“Very interesting! Then, tell me these thoughts.”

Kanata stood up and replied while looking into Loukis’ eyes.

“First… We don’t know anything. About this world, that is.”
“Ah, yes… That is certainly true.”
“For that reason, it is unacceptable that the time for study is shorter than the time for weapon and magic training.”
“I see. Then, do you have a preferable time allotment in mind?”

Kanata nodded and replied.

“First… Please use all of today as time for studying.”
“…I see. That should be fine.”

Sakura was surprised to hear that from Kanata, who wasn’t very fond of studying, but on second thought she realized that it was the natural thing to do.

“Next, about tomorrow’s schedule.”
“Oh ho.”
“First, please reduce the time for weapon training by half.”

A butler took notes of what Kanata was saying.

“Next, use one hour for magic training and all the remaining time, other than breaks, for studying
“Oh ho, interesting. What about the day after tomorrow and the days after that?”
“I will decide that after gaining a certain amount of knowledge from studying.”
“Understood. Then… my apologies, all of you, except for Dace, withdraw for today.”
“I am very sorry, everyone.”

When Loukis and Kanata said that, everyone, other than Dace, reluctantly, but with satisfied expressions for some reason, made to leave the throne room.

“I shall entrust them to you, then, Dace.”
“Oh ho! You can count on me, my boy. Now, let’s teach you dearies about this world. Follow me.”

The two kids bowed to Loukis and followed after Dace.

TL notes:
With all the stuff from Norse mythology appearing here, it makes you wonder if it was inspired by God of War (2018), which was released less than two months before this chapter was posted. Edit: Turns out I fail at reading comprehension, the game was release in 2018, almost two years after this chapter.
Not that I’m complaining; names that can clearly be identified are much preferable to the maybe Irish gibberish we got a few chapters ago.

Also, you gotta give Kanata kudos for being so bold here, especially after Loukis’ threats in chapter 209.



  1. From the original it could also be that both are wearing armor and the Cheetah (or Leopard) skin. I assumed from previous chapters that she is wearing armor (like a Valkyrie) and he the animal skin (like some barbarian berserker).
  2. The original is クルーゼル (kuruuzeru). In later chapters it is also written as クルーセル (kuruuseru).
  3. The original is キリアン (kirian). This could also be “Killian”, though that is a man’s name and I tried to use a name close to “Valkyrie”, since both words share the キリア (kiria) part in katakana.
  4. The original is デイス (deisu). Her last name, which we’ll learn next chapter is アモルン (amorun), so this might be meant to be something like “Days A’Morn” = “Future Days”, though that does seem a bit high level for someone from Japan who has already displayed a questionable grasp of the English language.
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