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Chapter 222 – The Next Day (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

Sakura woke up. And at the same time, she started shaking violently.

Her own arms were wrapped around Kanata’s back, strongly hugging him, and she was further nuzzling against his body. Her legs were entangled with his in a complex fashion. Finally, she felt his breath on her face…

Sakura hurriedly separated from him. She noticed that she had been the one hugging him, when she easily managed to take some distance. Her face turned bright red, as if it had been immersed in boiling water.

When she found herself embracing him as a result of tempting him last night to sleep next to her, since it would be okay if it was him, she couldn’t help being shocked.

Finding herself unable to accept reality, Sakura involuntarily took a few steps back. So, she ended up tumbling from the bed. A painful thumping noise echoed through the room.

“Ah… Phew~.”
It woke Kanata.

When he raised his upper body and surveyed his surroundings, he also suddenly moved back a bit and ended up falling off the bed.

Kanata was completely awake now.

“G-G-G-G-G-Good… good murnin’!” Sakura called out to him in a trembling voice.
“G-Good morning…”

Even though the childhood friends had exchanged a mere “good morning”, they both were quite shaken.

It happened the moment Kanata was trying to get up off the floor and reach towards the bed with his hand.

[Please wake up! It’s morning. Breakfast has been prepared! You can change your clothes after you’ve eaten, so please come to the dining hall!] 

The maid had sent them a message.

“…What do we do? Sakura, should we go?” Kanata nervously asked Sakura after a long pause.
“Y-Yeah. We better go… right~…?”
“Yep… Let’s move, then.”

He rushed to her side and pulled her up by her hand. He drew back his hand right after he had done that.

“Isn’t… isn’t it kinda… hot today… in this room?” he asked her.
“I… I wonder? I-It certainly doesn’t feel that way, does it?”
“Ah, we’re wasting time, let’s go to the dining hall quickly!”
“R-Right! Yeah, let’s go!”

Kanata, while also being embarrassed, took Sakura’s hand and let her grab his arm. Naturally, she was awfully ashamed by that, but since she wasn’t used to life without her glasses and couldn’t move by herself, there was no other way. After hesitating for a bit, she grabbed onto Kanata’s arm.

Their heads were filled with thoughts about hugging or being hugged. Still, they somehow managed to leave the room and arrive at the dining hall.

“I wish you a good morning, Sir Kanata, Lady Sakura. Were you able to sleep well last night?”
“T-T-T-T-T-That’s right, we were!
“…I couldn’t fall asleep easily.”

While Sakura replied in a fluster, Kanata did so with tired eyes. The maid noticed that the two kids were acting differently from yesterday.

“Oh my, both your faces are bright red, you know? Could it be… that you immediately…”

When Sakura heard that, she hurriedly let go of Kanata’s arm and then pushed him away strongly.

“Nothing happened! Only… erm… I took a look at my change of clothes. That’s sexual harassment!”
“Yes… well… there was an incident, but it is as she says,” Kanata commented without trying to argue.
“Really? But I thought the two of you are in a relationship? There’s no need to be this flustered…”

While Sakura choked up at the maid’s question, Kanata was able to reply calmly… or so it seemed to her.

“No, as a matter of fact, we have a rather normal relationship. You see, in our world, if children of our age act in an unhealthy manner, they will be criticized by those around them.”
“Oh, I see. Certainly, if children at the age of 12 or younger in this world were to conduct themselves in such a manner, it would be frowned upon by their peers1…”

Sakura was deeply relieved that Kanata had managed to dodge the question skillfully. Kanata, on the other hand, was worried whether this really had been a good idea.

“Ah, at any rate, your breakfast is getting cold! Please take your meal.”
“We’ll do so.”

The two kids did as the maid had told them and took their seats.

“Then, I have other duties, so… Once you have finished eating, please go to the throne room. His Majesty will tell you what is planned for today.”
“Thank you very much. I shall be off.”

The maid, after ensuring the two kids had understood what she told them, and that they started eating their breakfast, left the dining hall.

“Hey… Kanata.”
“What is it… Sakura?”
“Erm… Was I the one who started hugging you2? Please be honest.”
“…Yes, you were.”

When she heard his reply, Sakura pressed both hands to her face.

“I… I can no longer be a bride…”
“…But you could still become my wife, right?” Kanata replied involuntarily.

He hadn’t planned to answer with his true feelings, but just as it happened for Sakura last night, the words slipped out by accident.

“Ah… well, about that…”
“This isn’t the time for jokes, you know?”
“…You’re right.”

After that, the two ate their dinner in silence and then went to the throne room.

TL notes:
Not specific to this chapter, but when Kanata switches to his Chuunibyou lines, he uses 我 instead of 俺 to refer to himself. 我 is often used for bad guys like demon lords in fiction. Samaeyl and Rose both use it, for example. It’s not always easy to modify the English sentences in a way that makes it recognizable.

He uses it in his “become my wife” line in this chapter. After going over it again, I realized that this line wasn’t his chuuni speech but the kanji in its normally used “my” meaning, so there’s actually no occurrence of it in this chapter.



  1. Bad news for Alim and Mika, I guess.
  2. The original is just 私から抱きついたの? Thanks to Kemm for explaining how that sentence works.
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