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Chapter 220 – Shopping (Shuu)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

I removed the girl’s restraints and went outside, taking 4000 bells with me and leaving 1000 there.

For the time bein’, I’ll go to a clothin’ store and a greengrocer I saw when I was wanderin’ around earlier. Also… I gotta buy one of these handy bags, like the one the coachman had. I best ask one of the employees in the stores where I’ll go shoppin’.

Still… I gotta say, there’s tons of people who make slaves carry their stuff.

There were also people among them, who seemed to treat them well, but almost half of them didn’t let their slaves wear proper clothing. However, people really treated their slaves differently… Some of them had dead eyes, but others seemed to be happily talking to their masters. That was the impression I got, as I observed my surroundings while walking, until I arrived at the clothing store.

Damn, I dunno the girl’s size… What do I do now about underwear and stuff?

“Is there something you need?”

When I was fretting in front of the store, a girl who was likely an employee called out to me.

“Ah, yes. Could I take a look inside?”
“Yes, of course. By all means.”

I went inside the store.

Looks like this store is equipped for both men and women. That’s great. And the stuff seems fairly cheap. The cheapest men’s suit is 120 bells… and a pair of pants is 125. Let’s buy two of these each in different colors. I ain’t got enough money to buy more.

Also… looks like women’s clothin’ goes for about the same. A dress is 175 bells. I’ll take two of these and two suits for me.

And then underwear and socks… seems like they sell those in this shop, too. Both men and women’s underwear and socks are roughly around 40 bells each. So… enough of them for me and the girl for… right, around 4 days… so, 960 bells1?

How much will all this stuff cost me? Lemme think… 2040 bells? So, I’ll only have 1960 bells left… right?

Also, about that size issue… on closer look, all the underwear in this store is the same size…

“Excuse me, Miss, I was wondering about the size of the underwear…”
“Oh, the size! No need to worry, Sir, it will adapt to the wearer’s size due to an enchantment.”
“I see.”

Huh, that’s kinda awesome. Real fantasy-like. And convenient. Let’s pay the bill quickly, then.

…Come to think of it, I gotta buy shoes, too, don’t I?

I ended up paying 1800 bells for the clothes.

“Thank you very much for your purchase, Sir!”

Oh, I gotta ask that saleslady about the other things I need.

“Right, I’m sorry, but… are there any shops close by, that sell bags that fit a ton of items… or shoes?”
“Yes, there are! When you leave this store, you can find a shop for general goods and magic items about six houses down the road2. Furthermore, there is a shoe store behind that shop.”
“Thank you very much!”

Good, let’s head over there.

I went to the store, which was six houses away just as I had been told, and went inside.


The shopkeeper was a wrinkled… though that’s kinda impolite, but he was an old man.

There’s lots of different stuff you can buy. Magic items… that’s definitely the shop specialized on enchanted stuff the clerk in the clothes store told me about.

There was stuff like bracelets and misangas, some sort of cards, and paper with magic circles written on it…! I couldn’t get enough of looking at the stuff.

I caught sight of one of those bags.

They’re apparently called magic bags, but… even the cheapest one costs a full 1000 bells!? Still, life in this world will be awfully inconvenient without one of these.
Can’t be helped… I really gotta buy it.

As for what other things I need… several towels and a bucket, right? This place is also a general goods store from how it sounded.

I tracked those items down and went to buy them.

“I’d like to take these things, Mister.”
“All righty, that will be 1100 bells.”
“Also… how much stuff fits into this bag?”
“Right… roughly about… two thirds of this sales area.”

The size of two thirds of the counter area… so, about one tatami mat3 larger than the inn room I’m currently stayin’ at. Alright. That oughta be enough for a while4.

I paid with one large and one normal silver coin, and then left the store.
I gotta come here again someday soon.

The shoe store is next… While the girl has no shoes, I’m wearing my black leather shoes from school, so I don’t need new ones myself… I ain’t got to buy new ones for me, currently. Let’s just buy some for her.

I entered the shoe store behind the general good shop and bought the cheapest set of women’s shoes. But it still cost me 400 bells.

After this… there’s food, right? Or rather, I just remembered somethin’.

I’m no expert, so I seriously dunno the details, but in case her eatin’ disorder is like anorexia, I might better have her eat food she likes first, so it’s easier for her to eat and she gets used to it.

What food does she like? I mean, I don’t even know her name. I gotta ask her, once she wakes up. Yeah.

I went back to the inn.

TL notes:
I like the bit of worldbuilding we get here. Alim never had to buy clothes or other stuff, since he makes everything himself, and Kanata and Sakura get everything from the kingdom currently, so they don’t go out to buy stuff. It’s interesting how enchantments affect stuff like the clothing industry. I’m sure most people would love these size-adjusting enchantments in real life.



  1. From that number, a single sock costs 40 bells, not a pair of them.
  2. The original is 6軒挟んだくらい (“sandwiched between around six houses” or “around six houses down the road”). I assume the clerk means the latter.
  3. One tatami mat is about 1.8 square meters or 18 square feet.
  4. Seriously, a bag that can fit more than the contents of a small room for around 100$ sounds incredibly cheap.
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