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Chapter 218 – Karua’s Visit – Day 2 (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

First, I showed her a little how to fry them.

“That’s how you do it, you see. Keep an eye on the heat and how long it’s been on the flame, so it doesn’t burn! Also, about the seasonings…”

I gave Karua a wooden spatula and observed her frying the vegetables.
Good, good, this feels a bit like home economics class.

Come to think of it, whenever we had cooking class back then, Mika was always in terribly high spirits, wasn’t she? I wonder why.

[Hey, Mika.] 
[Yeah, what is it?] 
[When we had cooking class, you were always super motivated, right? What was the reason?] 
[Hm? That was so you’d… find me attractive, Ayumu, you see? In a family-oriented way…] 
[Right. Every now and then… I saw you cooking at home, Mika. Wouldn’t that have been enough?] 
[That was so I’d get good grades in home economics later.] 
[I see.] 

While we had this conversation, Karua seemed to be in high spirits. I cut off my telepathy with Mika and asked her, why she was so happy.

“Did something happen?”
“I did it! I obtained the cooking skill! This is all thanks to you, Alim, Mika!”

Oh~! She acquired the skill! Heh-heh, that’s the result of us teaching her, you know.

Come to think of it, while it’s rather slow to level up SK2 skills via training, obtaining them by yourself is a quick affair. I’ve just cleared up something that was confusing me earlier, and now there’s a new thing that I don’t get.

I should probably look into these things sometime at some point. But when would that be? When I’m old and gray? I’ll probably still be together with Mika when I’m old, so I better look into it together with her. Yep… Ah-ha-ha.

Huh, but since I can craft rejuvenation items, will Mika and I ever grow old?
…Well, whatever.

“Karua, with this, it’s finished! Let’s put it on a plate,” Mika told her, while taking a plate from the cupboard.

Karua very carefully moved the stir-fried vegetables onto the plate, so she wouldn’t drop any.

“Karua, the meal you cooked by yourself for the first time in your life is done!”
“Woo-hoo, I did it! Thank you, Alim, Mika!” she exclaimed while hugging both Mika and me.

It’s great that we made her happy.

“Shall we give it a taste test, then?”

I handed Karua a fork. She speared one of the vegetables and put it in her mouth.

“It… it is a proper meal!”
“Ha-ha-ha, it sure is.”

Mika and I took out forks and brought the vegetables to our mouths.

Yep, I think it turned out well. It tastes like the first time I stir-fried something1.

“Yep, yep, I think it’s good, Karua.”
“That’s great! I’ll make this for Mother soon!”
“Right, you should do that. You can support the head chef and the other cooks.”

We finished eating the stir-fried vegetables and tidied up the dishes.
Of course, you have to clean them properly, don’t you? That’s what food is about.

Incidentally, when Karua washed her plate, she didn’t try to use soap. That was probably because we had told her not to use it on the vegetables. She had to wash it again, this time with soap.

When we had finished everything for the most part, it was time for lunch2.

“Good, I’ll make lunch, then. We’ve just eaten something, so I’ll try make a bit less… What would you like, Karua?”
“I would like to see how stir-fried vegetables made by you will turn out, Alim.”
“Yep, gotcha. You can count on me.”

For that reason, it was me who cooked the stir-fried vegetables this time.

“Thanks for your patience.”
“…Those are insanely high-level fried vegetables, right?” Karua commented.
“Well, I guess.”
“Seriously, these stir-fried vegetables are better than the vegetable main dishes in the high-class restaurants around here,” Mika mused.
“Well, probably.”

We finished eating lunch, played various games, and snacked on the ice-cream we had left from yesterday.
As I thought, we’ll be having ice-cream tomorrow, too… I guess I’ll turn it into parfaits.

Thus, we spent our time leisurely until it was time to take a bath.

“Please don’t do anything weird today, Mika, Karua!”
“Nope,” Mika stated in refusal.
“Heh-heh-heh, to tell you the truth, I was looking forward to that the whole day…” Karua chuckled.
“Alright, alright…” Mika seemed to relent. “It was just a joke… or maybe not.”

Since it would’ve been strange to keep arguing in the changing room while we were naked, I pretended not to pay any mind to what Mika had said, and we washed our bodies before going into the bath.

This time, we went into a newly added hot spring that had light-purple water. That purple color wasn’t anything weird. It merely had the effect of promoting growth and preventing the negative aspects of aging.

To keep them from fondling my chest, I kept my back to a wall, so they wouldn’t come at me from behind, and went into the hot spring with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

“That’s boring, Alim,” Mika complained.
“Heh-heh! Now you can’t grope me!”
“…Alim, there are places other than your chest that we can fondle, you see?” she told me and started touching the thighs of my stretched-out legs. “They may be thin, but they’re silky smooth…”
“S-Seriously? Would you mind letting me borrow one of the legs?” Karua asked her.
“Then I’ll take the right leg and you the left one, alright, Karua?”

Like yesterday, Karua joined in on the attack.
That’s better than my chest, but… I still don’t like it.

After some time, we got out of the bath. They had thoroughly massaged my thighs. Now, I was giving Mika a lap pillow, for some reason.

“Why did it turn out like this?” I lamented.
“It’s so soft~.”
“I want to go next, Mika!”

TL notes:
And thus ends the second day of Karua’s visit.

I always wonder why I don’t really feel bad for Alim, when he is treated like this by Mika and Karua, even though I usually emphasize more with the victims in other gender bender stories, but I guess it’s because Alim always has the choice to stop being a girl, while other protagonists usually are turned into the opposite sex against their will.



  1. I guess he means it in a positive way, but I sure wouldn’t want to force my first cooking attempts onto other people.
  2. You’ve just eaten! How are these people so obsessed with food?
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