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Chapter 215 – Shared Room (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

It took one and a half hours for the maid to show them around the castle. Kanata tried to learn the layout by heart, as if it was a video game map, committing everything to memory. Finally, the two of them were shown to a room on the second floor, where they’d stay the night.

“This is your room, Sir Kanata, Lady Sakura.”
“Huh…?” Kanata muttered in surprise.
“W-What’s wrong, Kanata?”
“Well… erm… there’s only one door.”

What’s wrong with that? Sakura wondered.

“What nonsense are you spouting? That’s nothing abnormal…”
“I guess…? It’s a shared room, you know.”

When Kanata explained to her why he had been surprised, she ended up being shocked, too. Seeing them react like that, the maid explained why it was a shared room.

“I have been informed by King Loukis, that the both of you are married.”
“Wha-… Married!? Us?”
“Yes… it is obvious, even for me. You married at a rather young age, did you not?”
“No~… that’s not it…”

Sakura tried to deny it, but Kanata interrupted her.

“We are not married, but we have been in a relationship for a long time.”
“Yes, we… huh~…?” Sakura started but stopped herself.
“Oh, I see. Let me show you the room, then,” the maid grinned and continued her explanation inside the room.

In there, a change of clothes and other things had already been prepared for the two of them. There was also a bath, a toilet, a washbasin, and a kitchen, and on first glance, it gave off a feeling, as if all the components of a high-class apartment had been crammed into a single room. However, if there was one issue from the perspective of the two kids… it was likely the fact the there was only one bed.

“That is all. Do you have any questions?”
“Erm… could we get another bed?” Kanata asked, but the maid’s reply betrayed his expectations.
“I am very sorry, we cannot provide another one.”
“…Why is that?” he immediately asked for the reason.
“There are no other beds… It was originally planned to have only one esteemed sage visit us1…” The maid answered, a little perplexed. “B-But it is fairly wide, so I think it should be sufficient for two people to sleep in! Furthermore, since you are in a relationship, it should also allow for intimacy, no? In that case…”

The maid insisted that there shouldn’t be any problems. Kanata and Sakura were flabbergasted, but Kanata narrowly managed a reply.

“No… but… this is troublesome…”
“Oh, so it is this kind of time2! You shall be notified once dinner has been prepared, so please change your clothes and wait in this room.”

Either because she thought it too much of a bother to explain it to the two flustered kids, or because she was at a loss for words… the maid quickly left.

“…For now, should we change our clothes?” Kanata asked Sakura, but her head was filled with other thoughts.
“Hey, Kanata.”
“What is it?”
“Why did you tell her… that we’re in a relationship?”
“I thought that if I said that, they wouldn’t make us act on our own. You didn’t like it? I’m sorry.”
“Right… if that’s the case… there was no other way, I guess. Let’s change our clothes quickly.”

Sakura seemed to be somewhat happy about Kanata worrying about her. While wondering why she was in a good mood now, Kanata handed her the clothes that had been prepared for her.

“I’ll go change in the toilet, so please put on these clothes.”
“Yeah… No peeking, alright? If you peek, I’ll hate you forever!”
“I get it, I get it. Call out to me once you’re done.”

Kanata went into the toilet and started changing clothes in there.

“(Oh! She said it looks as if Kanata and I are married! Eh-heh, Eh-heh-heh-heh! That makes me so happy! Moreover… that princess carry… Him picking me up so casually… that was cool… Eh-heh-heh-heh… Oh, I should change my clothes. Or Kanata can’t come out from the toilet.)”

Sakura hurriedly changed into clothes Kanata had given her.

“It’s alright, Kanata, you can come out…”

However, when she called out to him, she noticed something strange. The clothes, that had exactly the right size for her, caused a cool and refreshing sensation all over her body.

“How is it? Does the size match you, Sakura? Mine fit perfectly…” Kanata, who’d left the toilet after Sakura’s shout, asked her, but suddenly fell silent.
“Huh… hang on, why are you suddenly all quiet? Is it something about my clothes?”
“…Can I be honest with you?”
“Erm, they suit you, I guess? They really do, but… uhm… I’m not sure where to look… The skirt is too short, and the dress is also open at your shoulders and chest3…”

Indeed, Sakura wore clothes that made her look like a girl from the world of light novels and mangas. When she heard from Kanata how it looked, her face turned bright red.

“W-Why… huh… could I have put on the wrong clothes…? Kanata, how do the other clothes look?”
“Ah… let me check for a moment.”

When Kanata looked over all the clothes that had been arranged for Sakura, he let out a sigh.

“How is it…?”
“They’re no good, none of them… They’re different from what you usually wear, Sakura. I guess you could use them as pajamas, but nothing else.”
“…I see, in that case…”

Sakura was about to continue, but at that moment letters appeared in their minds.

[Dinner has been prepared! Please come to the dining hall, Sir Kanata, Lady Sakura!] 

TL notes:
This isn’t something specific to this chapter, but there are differences in how Kanata’s and Sakura’s names are used in dialogue. When they talk to each other, they use the kanji version (叶 = Kanata, 桜 = Sakura), but when Loukis talks to them, he uses their names in katakana (カナタ and サクラ).

I’ve seen this in another light novel, and I assume it’s meant to show familiarity. The narration also uses the katakana version, which probably implies that whatever disembodied omniscient entity this is supposed to be, is also from Anazumu.



  1. So, was Loukis just spouting rubbish when he told them he summoned exactly two sages? If only one was planned, it’s likely it was targeted at Shuu and the other two got caught up in it.
  2. Not sure about that. Maybe she assumes Sakura is on her period? Or it’s something like the classic “Oh, would you look at the time” so she can get out of this unpleasant conversation?
  3. This might also be the stomach instead of the chest. If it’s the chest, I assume it’s something like a plunging neckline.
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