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Chapter 214 – Arrival (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“We’ve arrived, get off,” Loukis told the two kids in the carriage.

“Understood. Sakura, we’ll get off the carriage, alright?”

Kanata took Sakura’s hand and brought it to his arm. Then, he had her grab onto it. Once she had verified that she had a good grip, they started walking up to the carriage’s exit.

“We will be stepping down now. Watch your step.”

Then, they got off the carriage and set foot onto the castle grounds of Yggdrasil, the country of the holy tree.

“Wow…” Kanata let out unintentionally.
“W-What’s wrong, Kanata?”
“It really feels like a game-world! This is incredible…”
“Oh… I see…”
“Mua-ha-ha, it makes the heart of this wicked king ache…!”

Loukis noticed that the two had stopped for such an exchange.

“What are you doing? Come quickly.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Kanata and Sakura started walking towards the castle again. Of course, the numerous men wearing hides that looked like they belonged to cheetahs1 and women wearing armor followed behind them. They walked for about three minutes, until the group finally reached the castle entrance.

“Behold, this is my castle. Follow me.”

The two went inside the castle. Kanata looked around curiously, giving a detailed account about the sights and the things he noticed. Sakura merely nodded while she was listening to him.

When they had walked for a while, they came near a set of stairs.

“We go up here… the throne room is on the second floor. Follow me there.”

Loukis, maybe because he hadn’t realized why the kids were walking slowly, briskly climbed up the stairs.

“Ah… Mr. Loukis, you’re getting too far ahead.”
“…It’s fine, Kanata. There are handrails, right? I will follow them, so please go ahead.”
“No, we can’t do that… Excuse me for a moment.”

Kanata let go of Sakura. Then he circled around to her back, placed his hands there and behind her knees, and picked her up in a princess carry.

“Wa-… wah~!? H-Hang on, Kanata!?”
“Oh, sorry. That must’ve shocked you. But this is the most efficient method. Hold on to me for a bit, will you?”
“Eh… ah… erm… yeah!”

Sakura fumbled around, searching for Kanata’s neck, and then clung to it with both her arms. Once she did that, he rushed up the stairs as fast as he could, reaching the throne room at about the same time Loukis did. Breathing heavily, Kanata gently lowered Sakura to the floor.

“…He rushed up carrying her like that, as if it was their wedding…?”

Loukis, who had seen everything, muttered that, but neither Sakura, who was somewhat panicked from having been picked up in a princess carry, not Kanata, who’d used up half a day’s worth of energy by rushing up while carrying her, heard the man.

When he looked at that scene, Loukis finally realized that Sakura might be blind.

“Say, Kanata.”
“Hah… hah… Yes?”
“Could it be that Sakura cannot see?”
“…Yes, almost. She can only perceive very little.”
“I see…” was Loukis’ only comment, when he learned that something was wrong with her eyes.

He left the two there, and sat down on the throne2. Then he clapped twice. Thereupon, from a different entrance than Sakura and Kanata had come from, women wearing maid outfits and men who looked like butlers… and many other people entered the room.

“Kanata and Sakura, come in front of me.”

Kanata, pulling Sakura by the hand, arrived in front of Loukis.

“Now… I told you in the carriage, that there’s something we want you to do, right?” he started to speak, once the two had come there.
“And Sakura can barely see anything. Is that correct?”
“Hrm… If that’s the case, I shall do something good for you. Bring it here.”

When Loukis said that, a man who wore a uniform, that looked like that of a butler, left somewhere. He immediately returned, carrying a glass bottle in his hand, which he presented to Loukis.

“Kanata, do you see this?”
“Yes, it’s a red liquid… Sir.”
“Indeed, this is something called a Master Potion. When you drink it, it will completely recover your HP and… it can also restore any missing or damaged body part. Of course, this includes eyesight.”

When he heard that, Kanata focused his attention on that so-called Master Potion.
I want it at any price, that was what he thought.

“So, if you either finish the job I told you about… or pay the market price of 1.2 million bells, this thing will be given to Sakura.”

In Kanata’s mind, his reply was already clear.
I’ll quickly earn these 1.2 million bells and have Sakura use it… Those were his thoughts.

“Sakura… You’d like to be able to see, right?”
“Eh… uh… yeah, I want to… but…”

Before Sakura was able to say anything more, Kanata replied to Loukis.

“Understood, Mr. Louk-… erm…”
“King Loukis will be sufficient.”
“Understood, King Loukis. I will do my best to fulfill one of your conditions.”

When he saw Kanata’s declaration, Loukis chuckled to himself for a moment, unnoticed by anyone.

“Yes, I shall look forward to it… Both of you, you can step back now. You there, show these two around the castle,” Loukis called on a maid.
“Yes, your Majesty,” said maid bowed to him, went up to the two kids, and bowed once again. “Sir Kanata, Lady Sakura, I shall offer you a tour of the castle’s interior.”
“…P-Please do.”

Finally, the three of them left the throne room.

TL notes:
Loukis using a possible cure for Sakura’s eyes as an incentive is not very surprising, though I get the impression that Kanata will rather try to earn the money than heed the king’s request.

But will he even get a chance to do that? They are pretty much prisoners at this point and the royals probably have ample past experience in controlling summoned “heroes”.



  1. The original is ヒョウ (“Leopard”), but it was “Cheetah” in both chapter 204 and 212-2, so I’m using that instead.
  2. Great, so he’s not only a member of the royal family but the king?
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