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Chapter 211 – Karua’s Visit – Day 1 (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

[What should we do next, Mika?] 
[Hm~… We still have three hours left until evening… What about making sweets?] 
[That should work.] 

With that said, we returned to our room and started making sweets. Everyone could make simple cookies, even Karua, so that wouldn’t have been anything novel. We needed something that wasn’t known in this world, and yet would be popular… So, we made ice cream together.

As a result, we got carried away and made an insane amount of it. We made ice cream with strawberries, vanilla, cocoa (since this world didn’t have chocolate), and fruits that existed only in this world.

Due to the enchantment on the containers in which we stored the ice cream, it wouldn’t go bad, so preserving it wasn’t an issue, but that meant our snacks tomorrow and the day after tomorrow would consist solely of ice cream…

It’s fine, well, not really.

Incidentally, since we froze it instantly with an enchantment, there was no waiting time until it was done.

“It is cold… and delicious,” Karua commented.
“On second thought, it’s currently fall… Isn’t it too cold?” I asked her.
“It is no problem!”


After that, we played as usual. As always, Karua had extreme luck, so she ended up winning almost any game that relied even a bit on it.
There’s no luck stat on the status screen in this world, but if there was, Karua would have allocated all her STP into it, for sure.

When it turned 6 pm, we ate dinner. It had been cooked by Mika and it was something Karua should be eating for the first time.

“Wow… The dinner made by you, Mika, is also very good…!” she said after taking a bite from the meal cooked by Mika. “If only I was also this skilled…”
“Then, should we practice together tomorrow, Karua?” Mika asked her.
“Woah! Understood, let us do that!”

So, it was decided that we’d cook together1 tomorrow.

Although Mika and I usually bulldoze through due to the SKP we gained from leveling up, don’t we…? Do magic beasts that have been revived with an Amrita give exp? If they do, we could help Karua obtain some SKP, which might make practicing together easier.

I think I’ll try that secretly later.

After eating dinner, we went to take a bath. Of course, in the pride and joy of our house, the large bathroom.

After arriving in the changing room, Karua looked curiously around.

“This place is incredible; it has some kind of atmosphere to it…”
“Right, it’s the place I’m most proud of in this house,” I replied to her.
“Do you always take baths together in here, Alim, Mika?”
“Well, every now and then… I guess,” Mika told her.
“I see…”

Karua showed the same grin as when she saw the roses.

What does she expect to happen? Could it be, that Karua swings that way2…!?
No, that can’t be. Yep, absolutely not.

We went into the bathing area, and she was shocked at first by how wide it was.

“This is amazing… It is even more expansive than the castle’s bath.”
“Eh-heh-heh, it’s great, isn’t it?” Mika replied.

We washed our bodies and went into a bath. The first one we went into was a normal one. Next, we went into the bath with the spraying device attached to it.

“What kind of bath might this be?” Karua asked.
“Well, how about you try going in, Karua,” I prompted her.

She slowly and smoothly entered the bath. Finally, when her body was submerged up to the shoulders, objects were ejected. They were heart-shaped toys.

“Wow, incredible! These things appeared out of nowhere.”
“That’s right, it automatically discerns the things someone likes most and makes them appear,” I explained to her. “Even I have no idea what will appear, you know.”
“Is that so… Do you know why these heart-shaped things appeared, or what they mean?”
“Sorry, I have no idea,” I admitted.
“I see.”

Mika and I also went into the bath.

A bath covered in hearts is rather fancy, you know.

“Come to think of it, what will appear for you, Alim, Mika? The items in this bath, I mean.”
“Oh, we can show you right now. Are you fine with that, Mika?”
“Sure thing,” Mika agreed.

I operated the bath and the heart-shaped toys that had been drifting in the water vanished. Then, the items designated by Mika appeared. It was tons of roses, same as when we were in here before.

“Oh my, you love roses, Mika, do you not?”
“Eh-heh-heh, I sure do.”
“What about you, Alim?” Karua asked me, after enjoying the rose bath for some time.
“Oh, now that you mention it, we’ve never seen yours, Alim,” Mika joined in.
“Let’s try it, then,” I told them.

The roses disappeared, and this time the thing I liked most was about to show up.
What I like the most is Mika, but humans won’t appear. I guess what will probably show up are video games.

When I thought that, a ton of video game boxes appeared. Involuntarily, I grabbed the one that appeared first. I couldn’t help picking it up!!
Incredible, this is seriously amazing!!

“T-This is the edition of Dragonar Story 2 that was limited to the first 50 subscribers of the weekly gaming magazine!” I exclaimed without thinking. “And this Quest Start3 box has the legendary discontinued design! Amazing, absolutely amazing~!! I wonder for how much that one would go at an auction!”

Suddenly, I felt a gaze, and when I looked, Karua’s mouth and eyes were wide-open, with a blank expression, and Mika was looking at me with eyes that had grown dull and a look of exasperation.

I came back to my senses… I was so ashamed.

“Oh, erm… Tee-hee,” I cocked my head, put my hand to my face, and stuck out my tongue a bit.
“Huh… So, the thing you like most, Alim, are boxes with wondrous pictures drawn on them?” Karua guessed.

Good, it looks like she didn’t realize that this is something that doesn’t exist in this world. Even if that had gotten out, it wouldn’t have been a huge problem, but the explanation would’ve been a pain.

Mika still looked… or rather, glared at me with dull eyes.
W-What did I do…? Why is she so angry?

“Mika… erm… why do you look so mad?”
“Nothing big. I merely recalled something from several months ago. Dragonar Story is somewhat of a trauma for me, you know.”
“Huh… I think I remember… But for some reason I don’t think I should touch on that.”

Oh, right… that’s it.

I was in high spirits since the new game was coming out, had forgotten to wait for Mika before going to the school, and on the way, I ended up dying.

“Sorry… I’m sorry, Mika,” I forgot about Karua being there and embraced Mika.
“Mh… I forgive you! Hee-hee,” she said, while sliding her hand between our bodies and groping my chest.

“Eek~!?” I let out a scream.
“Heh-heh-heh… They’re so supple,” Mika commented.
“M-Mika!?” Karua shouted at her in shock.

Mika was eagerly rubbing my breasts.
When… when she did that before, she completely got lost in her own world. I… I need to somehow get out of this situation.

Those were my thoughts, but it looked like a follow-up attack was impending.

“Karua, why don’t you join me4?” Mika suggested to her.
“Huh, me too? Is that alright?” she asked. “Alim’s face is incredibly red…”
“I’ll allow it.” Mika told her
“Eh… In that case…”


Mika, Karua, and I were currently back in our room.

I’m angry, you know! This… this was incredibly embarrassing! Jeez. Why are both of you smiling with these satisfied expressions…?

“Will you stop that already?!” I yelled at them.
“Huh, I don’t want to,” Mika refused.
“…Erm… well, maybe. Heh-heh,” Karua giggled.

This is useless.

Afterwards, what we talked about got hazy5, due to what Mika had done, so we brushed our teeth and went to bed.

Karua didn’t cling to me this time, but Mika clung to my arm as usual. I recently learned about that, but Mika’s habit of clinging to something wasn’t only when Karua was around.

Normally, she hugged the bear plushy I had given her. Also, I assumed, when we were embracing each other while we slept, I served as a substitute for the plushy. And when we were at Karua’s place, she couldn’t hug me and there were no plushies in Karua’s room, so she clung to my arm.

With my free hand, I stroked Mika’s head for some time, before falling asleep.

TL notes:
More cute Alim, Mika, and Karua interactions before we jump back to Shuu in slavery central. I honestly can’t imagine Karua not adding two and two together at some point in these seven days she’ll stay with Alim and Mika and realize that they a) don’t have amnesia, and b) are from another world.

Same as last time, speakers, except for Karua, were often unclear, so take them with a grain of salt.



  1. The original was weird, with 料理の連絡をする (“getting in contact of cooking”). This may be a typo or an expression that doesn’t make sense in English.
  2. This may be something else, the original is そっちの気 (“mind/nature/feeling of that way”).
  3. I guess this finally confirms that this “Start Quest” is really another game and not referencing the starter/first quest of something else.
  4. Of course she ropes her into that, after she told her about it in chapter 202.
  5. Not sure if that’s correct. The original is うやむやにされて (“being done hazy/vague”).
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