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Chapter 211 – Karua’s Visit – Day 1 (Part 1)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

This isn’t a split chapter, but the author misnumbering chapter again.

“P-Please excuse me!”

Karua had come to our house.

Come to think of it, this is the first time we have invited someone here. Having the interviews in or about our house was obviously a total no-go1.

“For now, please come in, Karua!”

Encouraged by Mika, Karua took off her shoes and stepped into the mansion.

She looked around curiously.

“It is… incredibly spacious, is it not…?”
“Right, that’s because the house itself is a magic room,” I explained to her
“I assume you are using enchantments for cleaning?” she asked.
“That’s right.”

Mika and I went around and showed Karua the mansion’s interior. Though even saying that, there were many more empty rooms in the mansion than the ones that fulfilled a role. We didn’t need storage rooms or anything.

“What is this room for?”

Karua showed an interest in the film room… or rather, the movie theater.

“This here is the film room, you see,” I told her.
“Film… room? What might a ‘film’ be?”
“Erm, pictures that are moving, I guess.”
“Is that so… I am curious about that.”
“Well, we can watch something in there soon,” Mika told her. “There are still some places we’d like to show you, first.”
“Alright!” Karua relented.

Next, we went to the large bathroom.

“This here… is this a bath?”
“You’re right! Let’s go there in the evening,” Mika proposed.
“Sure,” Karua agreed

Finally, we arrived at Mika’s and my love nest… no, a suite… or rather, a room we used together2.

“This here is the room where Mika and I usually spend our time together. From today on, you can also stay in this room, Karua! Or would you prefer a guest room?”
“Please let me stay here. Of course, I would like to be together with you, Alim, Mika.”

Gotcha, heh-heh-heh.

Right after Karua entered Mika’s and my room, maybe as I should have expected, she noticed the large number of roses, same as Rose had.

“Wow! So many red roses! Did something happen?”
“Eh-heh-heh, Alim gave them to me~.”
“Wow~! You truly have a good relationship. Heh-heh-heh.”

Karua commented while making the same expression, as when she saw us kiss.
Seriously, why can a princess even make a face like this…? It’s an expression that’s as strange as it is amazing.

“At… at any rate, it’s already noon, you know! Let’s eat something,” I tried to change the topic.
“Right, what would you like to eat, Karua?” Mika asked her.
“What I would like to… erm… I shall leave it to you.”

She leaves it to us… In that case, let’s have beef stew. Cooked by me, of course.

And after we finish eating, we’ll play together, naturally.

“Thanks for the meal! Alim, today’s dish was also quite delicious! Say, Karua, what do you want to do in the afternoon?”
“Right… I am still curious about that film room!”
“Is that so, shall we go there, then?” I suggested.

Thus, due to Karua’s wish, we went to the movie theater.

Now… I wonder what kind of film should I show her?

A live-action drama with real people in it wouldn’t work, right?
In that case, what about an anime…? But which anime would work? Those that require knowledge about Earth3 are a no-go, too…

Hm~, this is hard… I can’t think of anything good, so I better discuss it with Mika for a moment.

[I wonder… what kind of film would be best to show her?] 
[Wouldn’t anything be fine? For the time being, what if you showed her a video of animal type magic beasts?] 
[Oh, that’s it!] 

With that being said, I had Karua take a seat and made the animal video play on the screen. Though I called it that, naturally I couldn’t show her animals from Earth. That’s why currently, with an item I had created that could automatically film and edit footage, a real time recording of magic beasts was displayed.

Watching that, Karua was in high spirits.

“This is amazing! An incredibly detailed reproduction in motion! Is this what you called a ‘film’?”
“Yeah, that’s right!” I confirmed.
“Oh! Look at that, the Ododo Bird is acting all timid4! How adorable,” Karua exclaimed in glee!
“It sure is, after all, it’s the most popular among all the magic beasts.” Mika agreed.

Of course, the item I created is amazing, isn’t it? Ah-ha-ha, though I’m singing my own praises here.

I had also created another item, that automatically made music that fit the current scene, which worked great.

Music that created a feeling of tension for a scene in the forest, where several Black Pawn Dogs5 preyed on a Bitter Weasel6… or happy music for a scene, that had been recorded by coincidence, where a slime successfully reproduced, or rather, divided.

Thanks to that, Karua watched the film with a lot more interest. We enjoyed it for about one and a half hours.

“This was incredible! I could see a lot of things I would never have learned from illustrated books!”
“Right! The pictures of magic beasts in the field guide definitely look real, but they don’t move,” Mika commented.

Heh-heh, she looks pretty satisfied, doesn’t she? Now… with what should we entertain her next?

TL notes:
After several chapters focusing on Shuu, Kanata, and Sakura’s struggles, we’re back to Alim, Mika, and Karua. I know this isn’t the first time, but the stuff Alim makes seems to get crazier and crazier. Those recording, editing, and music creating items are probably something that would require either true or at least very advanced AI to make.

Speakers (except for Karua, since she talks politely) were often unclear, so take them with a grain of salt.



  1. The original uses “NG” in roman letters here. I assume that’s what it means.
  2. Not sure about this sentence. I think he corrects his wording several times, but I could’ve misunderstood it.
  3. I’m not sure if that’s right. The original is more like “things with feelings of Earth remaining”.
  4. This is possible a play on words. She uses the onomatopoeia “odo odo” here, which is very similar to the name of the “Ododo Bird”.
  5. The original is 黒平犬 (Black Normal Dog”), another variation of 黒歩犬 and 黒般犬 from chapters 25 and 27, I assume.
  6. The original is ヨクナイタチ = ヨクナイ (“not good”) + イタチ (“weasel”). This is likely the kind of weasel that attacked Alim in chapter 6. The name I chose is inspired by the “Bitter Squirrel” from God of War.
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