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Chapter 206 – Skills (Shuu)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

I wonder, is this the place where the two should’ve fallen? This seems to be the only clearing, and there’s also lots of footprints and a set of wheel tracks. Though there’s no longer anyone here… If my intuition is correct, the two of ’em should’ve landed here, so I guess they already encountered someone and went with ’em?

Either way, I better follow those wheel tracks, right? There’s a chance they’ll break off somewhere, so I won’t find ’em again, but… well, it’s sink or swim. If it goes well, it might lead me somewhere.

I single mindedly followed the wheel tracks. When I had walked for about an hour, my throat had gotten parched.

Still, there ain’t no water here… right? I feel like one of those skills was called water magic. Huh, I wonder, can I use that for drinking water?

I checked my status screen again.

I even have 500 of these… SKP, or whatever they’re called. Since it’s so game-like, I gotta think long and hard how to spend them, but… I seriously have to try this water thingy.

I allocated three SKP to Water Magic.

Oh! Some water appeared after spending 4 MP1. Can I drink that…?

I brought my mouth to the floating ball of water and tried slurping it.
It’s drinkable. Ha-ha! It’s drinkable, y’know!

There’s a huge difference between having drinking water or not. Well, that’s a relief… I guess water ain’t a problem in this world, right? So, I can use magic for stuff like this…? Maybe, or maybe not, the key to live in this world is to make good use of STP and SKP.

If that’s the case, I gotta assign these 500 points to those two kinda skills, don’t I2? Then, I better examine the skills carefully before allocating any points. Titles also have some connection to stats and skills, I think?

I roughly examined the effects of each stage of every SK1 and SK2 skill in detail, together with the titles.
Well, information gathering is fundamental, y’know.


I checked every nook and cranny, but… the power I got from that god is seriously cheat-like. Should I be glad I got something like this? Honestly.

Let’s take that God of Fire thingy for example…

God of Fire
★★★★★ SKP: 0/2000
Lv1: SKP-500
Lv2: SKP-1250
LvMAX: SKP-2000

Then, each stage has the effect of, let’s see, strengthen fire attribute… no, I guess it would be flame type. At any rate, it strengthens fire abilities and reduces the cost of synthesis and evolution of skills related to fire, or somethin’. That amount of strengthenin’… it’s a five-star skill, so it’s gotta be staggerin’.

I had used three SKP on Water Magic, so I currently couldn’t get the skill to LV13, but I’d get STP and SKP on each level-up, so it shouldn’t be a big issue.

Water is currently more important, right?

Next, those two titles; Knowledge and Invited One from Another World. They were insane.

Knowledge first. It had two kinds of effects:
-The first was increasing the speed by which SK2 skills improved due to training by several dozen times, compared to a normal person. In other words, I could easily save SKP. Moreover, it looked like this effect also applied to people I had a certain level of friendship with.
-The second was that I apparently received two times the normal amount of exp and twice the STP and SKP on level-up. It also granted me a bonus of 490 STP and SKP on level 1. I had already received the last benefit.

Then, Invited One from Another World. It had three kinds of effects:
-First, a 2.5 times increase to the STP and SKP I gained on each level-up… In other words, a five times increase when combined with Knowledge.
-Second, it reduced the cost of evolution and synthesis by three quarters.
-And third, it increased the amount of exp I gained by 2.5 times4.

On second thought, isn’t this an undeniable cheat? The thought that I’ll receive five times the normal amount of exp is scary. Is that really fine? To get this kind of favorable treatment… I mean, it helps, but…

But thinkin’ of it as the gift of a god from this world, I probably better gratefully accept it and put it to use, right?

Well, that’s about it. For now, I’ll put off allocatin’ STP and SKP.

There’s apparently magic beasts, so I’ll try fightin’ a few of them and once I see how many points I get, I’ll decide how to spend ’em. It’s a given, that I’ll spend them on God of Fire first, right?

At any rate, I wonder if, due to the effects of knowledge, merely swingin’ around a stick will increase the level of sword arts, and just practicin’ how to fall safely, as I know from judo class, will increase martial arts?

For the time being, I picked up a fallen branch in that area, and, while swinging it around, followed the wheel tracks once more.

TL notes:
Well now, compared to Alim and Mika’s somewhat lackluster start, those are some proper isekai cheat skills. Kinda makes you dread what’s in store for them, if a god thought it necessary to give them stuff this strong.



  1. This should be only 2 MP, or at least less than 4 MP, according to chapter 8 and 9.
  2. Not sure about this sentence. The original was kind of a mess, so it might mean something else.
  3. Honestly, that skill sounds more like a trap on level 1. He’ll probably get much better mileage from normal magic skills when he’s just starting out, rather than blowing everything on a support skill for magic he doesn’t have yet.
  4. Not sure why he didn’t put that together with the first effect, like he did with the knowledge title.
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