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Chapter 195 – Experiment Preparations

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

It was three days after Mika’s birthday.

Well… I’d expected us to go there at some point, but I didn’t think it would happen on Mika’s birthday. Mixed in with the feelings of happiness was also the sensation that I… did it.

I’ll take responsibility! It’ll be fine! Gah… but… will that really be enough? Ah… maybe since I have too much time today, my thoughts ended up being all jumbled.

“What’s wrong? Are you thinking about something difficult, Alim?” Mika, who sat next to me on the sofa, nestled up to me.

She’s adorable…

“Hm… No, it’s nothing. Since there’s nothing to do today, I was trying to think about something.”

Well, that wasn’t a lie. I was thinking about something until just now.

“Hm~, is that so…”

I gazed at my girlfriend’s face intently, as she likely ruminated about our plans for today.

“Huh. Is there something on my face, Alim?”
“Nah, I was simply captivated by you. You look lovely today.”
“Eh-heh-heh, is that so? You also look rather cute, Alim! But there’s plans to be made for today,” while resting her head on my shoulder, she suggested that we should do something.

At any rate, the most important thing for me is to cherish her, after all… isn’t it? Well, I’m currently a girl, and if I try to ponder something from a man’s perspective while being a woman, it might not go well… I guess?

I wonder, should I talk with Mika again until evening? …That said, now that I think about it, we’d probably end up discussing our promise to get married. Ugh, that’d be hard, wouldn’t it…?

“…so, I thought about it long and hard, but… Alim, are you listening?”

Oops, I wasn’t.

“Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Mika, I love you.”

I kissed her so suddenly, even I was surprised.
T-That definitely wasn’t to dodge her question!

Nevertheless, even though, until a bit more than a month ago, we couldn’t look at each other’s faces for some time after we kissed, even when we were both girls, we had gotten somewhat used to it by now. Lately, we kissed each morning.

“I also love you… but don’t go dodging my question!”
“Ah-ha-ha, sorry, sorry.”

For the time being, I kissed her again.

“Jeez… it makes me happy, though. Anyway, I’ll say it again, so please listen, will you?”
“Sure thing.”
“That time, more than a month ago, when we went to that dungeon, didn’t you say, that you wanted to run experiments on the Golden Rose Queen Dragon? I was thinking, isn’t it about time to realize those plans?”

Oh, I see, I had completely forgotten about that. Now that she mentions it, I did say something like that… Then, should we do that today? That said, you know, it’s not something I can do casually1

“Hm~, what to do~… To be honest, that experiment isn’t something I can do just willy-nilly, you know.”
“Is that so? What kind of experiment would it be?”
“Oh, right.”

The experiment’s plot points would be the following:

First option, making the Golden Rose Queen Dragon my familiar.
As a matter of fact, among the skill cards I got from the dungeon’s bonus room was one, which allowed the user to capture any magic beast they wanted and make them their subordinate. Since she was available, I simply thought that if I were to experiment with that skill, I’d prefer to use it on a dragon.

Second option, turning the Golden Rose Queen Dragon into a human. Or to be more exact, turn her into something like a demi-human.
Again, among the skill cards I had obtained, there was one with the name… “Humanization”. Only humans and human-like beings2 should be able to use skill cards. So I wondered, why was it called “Humanization” despite that? Moreover, this skill was apparently an SK2 one… In other words, one that could only be used on the owner themselves. That made me curious. So, I wanted to try it on that dragon, since she was the only one, among the magic beasts I had fought up till now, who could communicate.

In case the second part of the experiment succeeded, she’d become another one among the humans of this world. And humans weren’t killed as lightly as magic beasts. And thus, the Golden Rose Queen Dragon would be able to live her life as a human…

For all those reasons, I couldn’t go about this carelessly. I explained this to Mika.

“That certainly is an issue,” she agreed.
“Hm~, in that case, what if we ask her first, whether she wants to become a human, before performing the experiment?”
“Right, let’s do that.”

She wasn’t the third best student in our academic year for no reason. We compiled the experiment’s theme in a flash.
Huh? Academic ability doesn’t have anything to do with what I’m talking about currently…?

Mika and I moved to an enormous space for experimentation and fighting, I had created in the mansion’s basement, to perform the trial. As a matter of fact, I always used this place, when I crafted Amritas at home.

“Good… In that case, let’s start!”

I placed some of the dragon’s flesh in the center of the room and sprinkled Amrita over it. The flesh expanded at ultra-high speed, as if it was swelling and bubbling up, and took the shape of a dragon. The Golden Rose Queen Dragon had been revived in an instant.

I guess this makes it the third time, I brought her back to life.

“Groaaaah~~~!!!” the dragon let out a roar, immediately after being resurrected.

TL notes:
It’s been quite a long time (85 chapters) but it looks like it’s finally time for that poor dragon to be brought back to life for more experiments (or possibly material harvesting). It’s nice that they are planning to give her a say in the matter this time, but what will they do with her, should she refuse?



  1. I’d like to think he says that because of ethical concerns, but after what he did to her last time, I’m not holding my breath.
  2. It just says 人間 (“humans”) in the original. This probably includes all the humanoids that have access to the status screen.
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