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Chapter 194 – Mika’s Birthday (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

After asking Ayumu to recreate that manga-like situation, we had fun for a full two hours.

For example… with that waterslide. Ayumu made swimsuits for us according to some drawings I made. Only, when he brought them out and I put mine on, he turned back into a girl.
How boring.

Though it was interesting, how different it felt depending on if it was Ayumu or Alim who was wearing the swimsuit. For Ayumu, it did “suit him”, while Alim was “adorable”. Incidentally, Ayumu wore a swimsuit for boys.

The waterslide by itself was a lot of fun. We enjoyed our time there for one and a half hours…

Afterwards I played with his cheeks. He turned back into Alim for me and then I squished his cheeks for 30 minutes. Heh-heh… and that wasn’t all. Same as that time before, when we were in the bath, he let me fondle his breasts1. Though it was through clothing, they felt… incredibly supple. It was interesting and adorable, how he reacted each time.

Then, we ate lunch.

“I can make whatever you want, you know!” he said, asking me what I wanted to eat.
“In that case… Sushi!”
“I half expected that, and, as a matter of fact, I went to catch fresh fish last night.”

He is my childhood friend, after all. To think that he’d predict me wanting to eat sushi, right?

He prepared a helping of sushi in an instant and placed it in front of the chairs we were sitting on.

“Please enjoy.”
“Thanks for the food!”

First, I took one piece of the sushi, which I assumed was from an S-Rank fish magic beast, loaded with delicious looking grease, and stuffed my cheeks with it.

“Uah… Sho tashty.”
“Ah-ha-ha, that’s great.

The taste was heavenly. As expected of legend grade food created by Ayumu’s Item Master, it seemed to melt on the tongue.
Oops, I forgot something, since the food is way too good. I have to make him feed me, don’t I? I mustn’t forget this.

I tapped on Ayumu’s shoulder, and when he turned my way, I merely opened my mouth and waited.

“You want me to feed you?”

I nodded.

Thereupon, he gently put sushi made from shrimp into my mouth. This shrimp was probably B-Rank. Ayumu picked up the plump, fragrant flesh with his chopsticks and fed it to me.

“How is it?”
“It’s incredibly delicious! Hey, Ayumu… Say ‘ah~’.”

This time, I grasped the sushi with my chopsticks and, repeating the routine Ayumu had just performed for me, brought it close to his face. He ate it while smiling.

Well, we always do stuff like that. Even if we do this every day, I don’t get tired of it, you know. Though even if I say that, it has been a long time since I fed Ayumu in his male form.

“I may be tooting my own horn, but… it’s quite tasty!”

Afterwards, we did nothing but eat sushi. Words probably couldn’t express just how good it was.
Eating delicious food with my boyfriend on my birthday… Yeah, this is clearly bliss.

We finished eating lunch, and when we checked the time, it was currently 1:30 pm.

“Should we relax for around 30 minutes?”

During those 30 minutes, Ayumu and I sat on the sofa, and took it slow.
Did I enjoy it? Of course I did. If I was with Ayumu, I’d be happy no matter where we were.

Once it turned 2 pm, he stood up.

“Great~, then on to the next! Please come with me.”

Same as when we went to the theater, I followed behind Ayumu as he walked through the mansion. Once more, we arrived in front of a door. When he opened it, I saw a room with several beds, various tools and a relaxing color scheme… This was likely a room intended for giving massages.

“Oh… This is…”
“Right, it’s a massage parlor, you see… Then, please take off your clothes for now, wrap yourself in a bath towel and lay down here, alright? Call me, once you’re ready.”

Ayumu left me with those words and entered a different door.

A massage… will Ayumu give me a massage…? Since it’s him, he’ll probably do it properly without touching me in any strange places2

For the time being, I got ready, just as he had indicated. Then, I called out to him.

“I’m ready~!”
“Hm, I’m coming in.”

That was Alim’s voice. He changed his gender.
Well, Ayumu gets easily embarrassed, so I guess it can’t be helped…

“Good… Then, I’ll put your tired body at ease, Mika!”

As predicted, it was Alim who appeared.

“What’s wrong? Why are you puffing out your cheeks, Mika?”
“Ayumu… I was hoping that you’d massage me as a boy.”
“Eh~… uhm… understood…”

Hesitantly, he turned back into a boy.
Well, even if he’d stayed as Alim, it would’ve been fine, but seeing Ayumu’s flushed face is quite enjoyable, isn’t it? Should I try to tease him a bit more?

“…Please don’t touch any… weird places… Well, it’s fine, even if you do touch any, you know?”
“…Erm… yep, that’s for later, right? At any rate, I’ll begin the massage.”
“…Yeah, please do.”

Oh no, he smoothly rejected it. I thought I’d get to watch his embarrassed reaction… hm? Just now, did he say… “that’s for later”? For later…

W-Wah~… In other words… erm… he’ll do it, won’t he? Eh-heh… Eh-heh-heh-heh~… I’m looking forward to it…

Leaving that aside, Ayumu immediately helped my body relax.

“How is it? You were probably exhausted from all those interviews.”
“Mh… That feeling~…”

Ayumu’s massage ended two hours later, without him doing anything weird at all. It was a professional massage… not one where lovers make out with each other.
I wonder, when did he learn this stuff?

“Could you do some more?”3 
“Understood, please leave it to me.”

Once the massage was over, I put on my clothes again and we returned to our room.

“What next?”
“Hm… How about playing video games together, as we did in the past? As a matter of fact, I can create them with Dark Matter…”

I was troubled whether I should take him up on that offer. At any rate, once Ayumu started playing video games, he wouldn’t stop easily.

Certainly, back in Japan, we always played games in his room.
He probably proposed it because we both missed it, but…

“Ayumu, once you’re absorbed in a game, you’ll forget all about me, won’t you…?”
“It’ll be fine! We’ll play a fighting game!”

In that case, it should be okay. Ayumu only gets completely absorbed in RPGs. Still, he’s… awfully bad at fighting games… Well, whatever.

“Alright… In that case, let’s do that.”
“Great, I’ll prepare, then.” he said and created a small television and a video game console. It looked like they used magic power as their source of energy.
“Let’s start!” he called out to me, once his preparations were complete.

Ayumu and I lay down on the bed and started the game console, which had been placed on the floor. The logo of the fighting game, Ayumu and I had played most often, appeared on the TV screen.

This feels truly nostalgic.

Thinking back, just until three or four months ago, we played games with the two of us… sometimes with more people joining in, including Shuu, Kanata, and Sakura.4 

In that nostalgia, the seconds-counter silently urged me to choose my game character. Ayumu had already chosen his, so I made my choice as well and then hit the start button, instantly launching us into the match.

On the game screen, a woman wearing a cheongsam and a brawny middle-aged man were fighting. The woman’s vitality gauge went down in a flash… and the muscular man won.

“Gah… Mika, you’re too strong.”
“Aren’t you simply too weak, Ayumu?”
“Grr!? One more time!”
“Oh, please wait, before that…”

I nestled up close to Ayumu. Then, I rested my head on his shoulder.

“I always wanted to try doing this… Eh-heh-heh.”
“Ha-ha… No need to hold back anymore, right?”

After that, the second and third fights were all won by the character I controlled

“You’re so strong…”
“Oh, Ayumu, could you make a bit of room between your legs?
“Hm…? Sure.”

He opened his legs, as I had asked him to. I plopped down in that space and leaned my body against his.

“We did this lots of times, didn’t we?”
“Yeah… but around the third year of middle school, we stopped, you know.”
“Well, it became embarrassing for some reason.”

In that position, we continued playing the game for around one and a half hours. We played roughly 15 matches, I guess…? I won almost all of them.

“You’re ten years too early to beat me!”
“…Gah… grr… It’s already 5:30 pm… We should eat dinner, soon.”
“Guess I’m the overall winner this time!”
“Uh… looks like it. At any rate, we won’t be eating dinner in this room today, so please follow me.”

Ayumu, once again, left the room and led me somewhere else. We arrived in front of an incredibly extravagant door.

“It’s here.”
“Ah, understood, I guess this is based on the interior of a high-class restaurant?”
“You got it.”

When Ayumu opened the door, the interior looked like a fancy restaurant, just as I had predicted. We then entered a private room.

“The food should arrive shortly.”
“Huh? Aren’t you cooking it, Ayumu?”
“As a matter of fact, I already did so. I preserved it inside a magic bag. The food will be carried here by a robot.”
“Oh, really? I can’t wait.”

The evening scenery you could see from the room looked awfully pretty. Though it was probably only a virtual background.

After a short time, food and beverages were carried in. They were transported by a robot looking like a gentleman with a very elaborate construction… or rather, it was an android. He gave an explanation of the food and then took his leave.

Ayumu raised a wine glass, filled with a beverage of the color of champagne.

“Erm, ahem. Here’s looking at you, gi-… kid5.”
“Aw, you fumbled it.”
“It’s alright! Don’t feel down, it was very cool, you know!”

I raised my glass and tapped it with Ayumu’s.

“Indeed, cheers!”

I poured the glass’ contents into my mouth.
It isn’t alcoholic, you know? It’s apple cider.

Ayumu rummaged in his pocket for some reason. Then, he brought out something wrapped up prettily and gave it to me.

“It’s your present.”
“Last year, it was that teddy bear. This year… might it be an engagement ring?”
“No… that’ll have to wait for four or five more years. Well, please open it, for now.”

I opened the wrapping. There was a box inside, which I also opened. In that box was a single lovely bracelet.

“What is this?”
“This is… a bracelet.”
“I can see that… Since it’s from you, this probably isn’t a normal bracelet.”
“Right, it is as you say… That thing is…”

According to Ayumu’s explanation, this bracelet was of divine grade and would turn my body ten seconds back in time, should something happen to me. For example… if I died for some reason or if I was sealed… Whether I wore the bracelet or not, it would turn me back those ten seconds and undo whatever had happened.

How was he able to make something like this?

“I also created one for me. So, we match.”
“Oh, really… Eh-heh-heh.”

It had a ton of other abilities, which I didn’t understand very well, but since I’d be matching with Ayumu, it should be fine. My treasures had increased again.

“Then… should we eat?”

I ate the extravagant dinner with relish.
It’s so good. Ayumu made it and eating it together with him makes it even better.

When we had finished eating, the android turned up once more.

“Then, for dessert… There is a birthday cake prepared for Lady Mika,” he explained before leaving again.

“A birthday cake…? Did you make that one too, Ayumu?”
“Yep, I did.”

In that case, it’ll definitely be supremely delicious. Oh, that Ayumu would go that far for me.
Still, will I be able to match his efforts on his own birthday? Hm~…

“Is something wrong, Mika? You’re making such a gloomy face…”
“No, I’m super happy! However, I was wondering… what I should do on your birthday next month… to make it up to you, Ayumu.”

When I murmured that, he grasped both my hands.

“No matter what you do for me, I’ll be happy, Mika.”
“Uh… But…”
“I merely did what I was able to. If we were still on Earth, I think I’d have likely been limited to going on a date with you… and giving you a present.”
“But… merely that would’ve been enough for me…”
“Right? The same goes for me, you see. Someone once told me… the most important thing is how you feel,” he said with a smile.

I get it… yeah… The feeling… huh? In that case, on Ayumu’s birthday… I’ll communicate my feelings as much as I can. That’s all I can do, but that will probably be enough.

“Here you are.”

The cake had arrived. When halved, the pieces would be exactly the right size for two people.

Three large and two small lit candles had been stuck into the cake.
The large ones probably stand for five years… and the small ones for one. Since I’m 17 years old.

The android gave a quick bow and left.

“Blow out the candles, then.”

I blew out all the candles of the birthday cake, which had been topped with tons of strawberries, in a single breath.

“Happy birthday, Mika!”
“Eh-heh-heh, thank you.”

Ayumu cut the cake into four parts and placed two each onto a plate.

I quickly ate a bite. The cake’s flavor was precisely as I liked it… without being too sweet.

“It’s so good… You know exactly how I prefer it, don’t you?”
“That’s right. Since we’ve always been together.”
“And will also be from now on?”
“Of course.”

We left the room that looked like a high-class restaurant after we finished eating the cake, and returned to our own room.

“Now… it’s half past 7 in the evening. Let’s take a bath.”
“I want to go into the large bathroom~!”
“Yep, I was planning to go there.”

Thus, we went into the large bathroom once more. I took off my clothes in the changing room… but then I noticed Ayumu hat turned back into Alim again.

“Oh, Ayumu! You turned into a girl again… If anything, I wanted to take a bath with you today, when you’re a boy… Since you always went in there as Alim, previously.”
“A bath as… I’m sorry…”
“No! I’ll take one with you, today, Ayumu!”
“Erm… Could you wrap yourself in a bath towel, then?”

I hesitantly enveloped myself into a towel. It looked like Ayumu had turned back into a boy and wrapped a towel around his lower half.

“N-Now, should we go in?”
“Still… why do you have to be this shy? We’re going out with each other, you know? Moreover… back then… we did those things at night…”
“Ah~~… but… but this… this…!”

Grr… Seriously…

To be honest, I thought about suddenly taking off the towel in the bath, but if I did that, Ayumu would probably faint.
It feels like what we did back then never happened. Hm~… Well, it’s Ayumu, so I guess it can’t be helped.

As for how the bath went… Well, nothing of particular note happened, except for Ayumu being too shy to even look at me. We got out of the bath and returned to our room.

When I looked at the clock, it was 10 pm. Apparently, we had been in there rather long, again. I tried asking him whether we should go to bed already.

“Should we go to sleep?”
“Hm… Is there anything else you’d like to do?”

Something I want to do… would be making out with him… I guess, but saying that out loud would be embarrassing. So, for the time being, I’ll just ask him to hold me close.

“Please hug me tightly.”

He embraced me.

“…Kiss me.”

He kissed me.

Ah~… It’s not enough… I’m happy, but… somehow, it’s not enough…

“Mika… you look kinda dissatisfied, but… didn’t you tell me, what you really want to do…?”
“If I tell you, what I really want to do, Ayumu, I think you’ll absolutely get embarrassed, you know?” I blurted out my true thoughts, against my better judgement.
“Uh… sorry… I…”
“Ah… erm… Don’t worry about it… let’s go to bed already, right?”

I was about to walk there, but Ayumu grabbed my hand and stopped me. Then, he pulled me back to his side.

“Please wait a bit more… before going to bed.”

He drew me into his arms and held my head tenderly… and our half-opened lips met. Same as during the night after returning home from the war, my tongue entwined with his.


After a while, we drew back.

Eh-heh, he finally went this far for me.

“To be honest… I still have another present for you, Mika.”

Ayumu scratched his cheek shyly.

Another… present? What might it be… though I’m happy with anything…

“Once more, happy birthday… Mika,” he said, went down on one knee and held out a bouquet of roses to me.

Among flowers, I love roses especially. So, this makes me terribly happy, but at any rate, that’s an awful lot of them… Just how many are these?

Additionally, there was a letter stuck in the bouquet, sealed by a heart-shaped sticker.

“Ayumu… these roses… just how many are there?”
“101 of them6. They have the meaning ‘I love you more than anything’.”

He loves me more than anything…?

“Thank you… I love you, too.”
“Please read the letter.”

I set the roses onto a nearby table for the time being, and read the letter…


I’m happy… so happy…
I… I’m… so glad to have met Ayumu… so glad to love him…!!

When I finished reading the letter, I noticed I was clinging strongly to him and that there were tears and snot running down my face. My heart was racing, it was only a letter, but for me, it was the best gift.

“I love you… I love you… I love you so~ much! Ayumu… Ayumu!”

I strongly embraced him. In my weird excitement, he very gently hugged me back.
I’m so happy…

“Hey, Ayumu, let’s get married!” I blurted out involuntarily. “No matter how old we are or how we look, it’ll work out, if we are together. H-Hey!”

He rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

“Mika… erm… I’m glad, that it made you so happy, but… calm down for a bit…”

It’s so very warm in his arms… Still, merely being hugged in’t enough… In that case, I should be the one, to give him a French kiss this time.

I brought my face close, made my mouth meet Ayumu’s, and kissed him deeply. With a sucking sound, my tongue twined around his. He also entwined his around mine. Then, we both drew our mouths back.

“It’s… it’s still okay, right?”

Two times… three times… four, five times! We kissed, then separated to catch our breath, then kissed again… We repeated this several times. My brain wasn’t working properly. There was nothing in my head except for happiness. My body also felt hot for some reason…


“…Ayumu… hey… I…”
“…Understood… I’ll stop being a coward. I’ll do what I did that night…”
“No, it wasn’t enough back then… more, I want more.”
“But… when you say… more than that…”

Ayumu’s face turned red.

“I know that you want to cherish me, Ayumu, you see? Still… if it’s you… because it’s you… I could never love anyone but you. That’s why… please.”

I gazed up at him. For a while, he seemed to be thinking about it, but then, maybe because he gave up or maybe because he broke through his doubts…

“Understood… Still, I ask you this. Will you truly not regret it?”
“There’s no way I’d regret it, absolutely none!” I strongly shook my head. “Besides, I’m already 17 years old, you know? If this was Japan, we could get married at 16, so… Even in this world, a man can get married at 16… In other words… erm…”

I didn’t know whether he found something amusing, but Ayumu smiled.

“I… Saying that you’re important to me, was probably me running away. Well, I’m not sure from what…” he said and picked me up in a princess carry again.
“That’s the second princess carry today.”

Still holding me like that, he walked towards the bed.


It was morning. Outside, small birds were chirping like crazy.
It somewhat feels like déjà vu. No, are there more birds than last time…?

I crawled from the messy bed, having to strain my body in the process. Our room was warm like a day at the end of spring, so we wouldn’t catch a cold. I thought about taking a shower and tried to stand up, but couldn’t find the strength7.

I took a Master Potion from my magic pouch, which coincidentally was close by, and downed it. Thereupon, the missing strength returned to my languid body.
No wonder Alim always relies on potions8.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a shower.

Come to think of it, Ayumu said, that one of the enchantments on the bed has the function to automatically keep it clean, so we won’t have to wash and dry the sheets, but… well, that’s a bit… Even knowing that, it weighs on my mind.

I’ll put them in the laundry later. Luckily, the weather is nice today.

I turned off the shower, left the bathroom, and got dressed. Then, I prepared breakfast.

Hm~, I’m unexpectedly… calm. Is this how it’s supposed to be?
Still, I feel supremely, incredibly happy. Ayumu is mine, and I am his… That’s already unshakeable… I’m with him in both body and soul! That said, I’m not completely calm… Eh-heh.

Once I’d prepared breakfast, I went to wake him up.

“Good morning, darling.”
“Morning, Mika!”

He walked briskly in my direction and kissed me.

“Mh… Eh-heh-heh-heh. Oh… Ayumu, for now, please take a shower and get dressed.”
“Ah, sure thing.”

He went towards the bathroom.

For some reason, I feel like I suddenly lost all inhibition… Eh-heh-heh.

Ayumu came back right away.
Won’t he… turn into Alim today?

“Ayumu, are you fine staying like this?”
“Today is special. I’ll stay in this form until afternoon.”

We sat down and ate the prepared breakfast.

“Mika… You’re not hurting anywhere?” he asked while gazing at me.

I was fine, since I’d drunk a potion just now.

“Heh-heh, I’m alright! Oh, that’s right! Hey~, Ayumu.”

We were in the middle of eating, but I stood up and rushed to his side.

“I may be inexperienced, but… from now on, please take care of me!”
“Yep, same here.”

I bowed my head to him. He also quickly lowered his head.

Oh, that’s right, I’ll keep the letter for the rest of my life. As my number one treasure.
Wait, my number one treasure is Ayumu… Eh-heh-heh-heh.

TL notes:
The second part of Mika’s birthday chapter, still from her PoV. Same as the bath-chapter, this was way too long and I probably should’ve split this half into two parts, but what’s done is done.

It’s kinda funny how Mika gets more and more annoyed with Alim being so shy and easily embarrassed over these two chapters, until it explodes at the end. It feels like they’re opening up to each other more now, and are communicating their feelings and desires instead of just bottling them up. Though it remains to be seen from Alim’s PoV, how much he had to push himself to fulfill Mika’s wishes.



  1. Pretty sure he didn’t “let her” the first time, she just groped him without warning.
  2. She might either be glad or disappointed about that, but with her track record at this point, it’s likely the latter.
  3. This might be completely wrong. She could also ask “Will (we) do what (you/I) want again?” but that doesn’t fit the context.
  4. Dang, that reminded me of playing video games together with my brother and friends from school. Before online games became so widespread.
  5. He’s quoting that famous line from Casablanca. The Japanese version is 君の瞳に乾杯 (lit. “cheers to your eyes”).
  6. Could you even hold a bouquet with that many roses? I don’t know much about flowers, but Google says bigger bouquets only have around 45 flowers in them.
  7. So, they actually did it for real this time? Good for them, I guess. Also, just how hard did they go at it, to put her in such a state, despite her crazy stats?
  8. It says 薬 (“medicine”, “drugs”) in the original.
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