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Chapter 193 – One and a half Months

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

It had been one and a half months since the parade took place.

At any rate, we had been busy. Both Mika and me. Day after day, we had arrangements with some publisher and each time we also had our pictures drawn. Basically, we were interviewed by reporters and answered questions.

Mika and I were often interviewed together. Some of the questions were about where we originated from. If we told them that we had lost our memory, there’d probably be people among our fans, who’d search for our hometown, which didn’t exist in this world, so we skillfully dodged questions related to our past… probably.

Occasionally, there were also requests to create weapons. Mainly from S- and SS-Rankers. For the time being, all the weapons I sold to people were those I’d already crafted by myself. Those weapons were superfluous to me, and it allowed me to clean out my inventory of magic beast materials I had obtained, so I was quite happy about it.

Furthermore, I also had transactions with merchant associations and collaborated with them to develop products.

After that, there was the “Association of Alim Adorers”… no, they had changed their name to “Association of Earth Member Adorers1” now. We got direct requests from them.

I’m rather sure… there were gatherings to shake people’s hands and give autographs.2 And they also took photographs of Mika and me for picture collections.

Those photoshoots were honestly the dangerous part. They made us choose between plan A and B, and while A was rather normal, B was the problem. As for its contents… I won’t tell even a bit.
They told us, they’d pay us 30 million bells, but we refused.

Well, it was scary, alright? As for why it was scary, Mika and I are 12 years old in this world, you know? We’re still children in this world. The contents of plan B weren’t for children. It sent a shiver down my spine, you see.

For that reason, the people who’d proposed plan B got angry, as one would expect. Speaking of which, the other members also got angry. Apparently, there was a rule for them to treat both Mika and me exceedingly politely. They later told me that the plan B people had left the association. This gave me some peace of mind… I guess?3 

Come to think of it, maybe since all the people who weren’t directly involved with me came to believe, that the items I created with magic would disappear after using them, I didn’t have to create large amounts of Legend Potions for personal ownership. That was a good thing. Honestly, I didn’t want anyone to die in the war, so I distributed Legend Potions and Amritas, but if I had to put it in Earth terms, it was as if I handed out gigantic diamonds.

Oh right! We got the full reward from the king, but hardly touched it. We didn’t have any opportunity to use it.
Really, what should we use it for? Money comes and goes.4 If we don’t use it, this kingdom’s economy will likely stagnate. Still, there just isn’t anything to use it for, you know…

Supposing that Mika and I went out to eat on a date, that wouldn’t use up more than a few thousand bells at once. What could you seriously use 200 billion bells on…?

Far from that, our current funds had even increased due to the payments for weapons, product development and interviews.

I’d rather keep only 300 million bells at hand and donate the rest to the country, though the king would probably refuse… I have to do something, one way or another.

Well… After this, there wasn’t anything major I could talk about, I guess. It looked like everyone was doing well. The public safety in the royal capital was good, even in the back alleys.

It’s just… Apparently there were concerns about a country somewhere north not doing so well? Could that be… because of information about the Amritas? No, it can’t be that.

Anyway, we’d been busy for one month and a half. But recently it had finally calmed down and there were only four interviews and jobs every three days or so. We weren’t able to visit Karua for those one and a half months, and I also couldn’t make out with Mika, except at night.

Still, from now on we can. So, I’m glad.

I was currently eating dinner with Mika in my own house. It was a two-person hot pot with mainly mushrooms and chicken.

As for why hot pot, fall having ended a while ago… wasn’t the reason. At any rate, a year in Anazum had 16 months5. So, fall wouldn’t end until next month, the twelfth. In other words, we were currently having hot pot for no other reason than that we wanted to.

When I casually smiled at Mike, she also smiled back. I had to work way too hard, but I wouldn’t do any jobs tomorrow. On that day, I’d make out with Mika excessively. That was a done deal.

As a matter of fact, tomorrow was an important day. It was Mika’s birthday.
I mustn’t forget about it. Well, I’ve never forgotten it before.

“Alim… what’s wrong? You’re not eating?” Mika called out to me.

It apparently looked like I was in a daze.

“Oh… I’ll eat. I’m just a bit sleepy.”
“I see… should we go to bed a bit more early today, then?”
“Yeah, let’s do that.”

Tomorrow I’ll go out even more than when I fought Samaeyl.

TL notes:
After all those chapters since volume 6 that happened in the span of very few days, we get a huge (?) time skip of 1.5 months. It’s interesting that the chapters which cover several days (or in this case more than a month) are usually on the shorter side.



  1. I feel somewhat sad to say goodbye to that wonderful alliterative name. The new one is ジ・アースの2人を愛でる会 (The association who loves the two people from ‘The Earth’).
  2. The way he words it, I guess he’s already trying to forget about anything relating to those association people.
  3. So, there were even bigger creeps than Kyme Speech, who are now no longer controlled by the other (more reasonable) association folks. What wonderful news!
  4. The original is 金は天下の回り物. A Japanese proverb, meaning that money doesn’t stay in one place and instead circles around.
  5. This was already mentioned in chapter 52, but I only now realized that Anazumu years are quite a bit longer than Earth years. Since a month has 28 days, a year would be 448 days instead of 365. So, a 12-year-old on Anazumu would be almost 15 on Earth. Since Alim and Mika look like 12-year-olds, I can only assume that humans on Anazumu mature more slowly.
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