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Chapter 276 – Report about the Eyes (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Morning, Sakura.”
“…Good morning.”

Sakura was currently sporting a decidedly unsatisfied expression. Kanata, on the other hand, displayed a puzzling lack of tiredness.

“Hey, Kanata. Why were you no longer next to me, when I woke up? Why were you on the sofa instead?”
“Huh? Well, didn’t we say that we’d get used to this little by little?” he replied in an utterly natural manner. “Up to this point, I slept next to you in case anything happened since you couldn’t see.”

While it was embarrassing for him to sleep in her embrace, he simply and undeniably did it to help her. Sakura, instead, had used the “I might fall off the bed” as a pretext, since she genuinely wanted to sleep next to him.

“(Gah… Even so, it’s still odd… I was hugging him tightly, so he shouldn’t have been able to get away that easily…)”
“I have teleportation now, Sakura.”
“I-I see… So, you teleported to the sofa… right?”

Afterwards, Kanata announced to her that he would gradually cut down on the time that he’d spend lying next to her. For Sakura, this came as a shock, and it was the one thing she regretted about restoring her eyesight.

“In general, isn’t what we’re doing… sleeping together1?” Kanata asked her.
“T-That’s not it, we’re not sleeping together! We’re simply lying next to each other in bed, you see.”
“How is that different?”
“How… how is that different, you ask… erm… hm~… Right, we’re childhood friends, so it’s not that kind of particular male/female thing… I guess?”
“No… I am male and you are female, isn’t that a fact? Even as childhood friends…”
“Wha-… what about it? Kanata, didn’t you call me cute the day before yesterday? Wouldn’t it make you happy to sleep next to this cute girl?”

Sakura hadn’t wanted to use this phrase. From her perspective, this made her sound like a vain woman. Still, over these few days, the conditions were now ideal for her to utter it, as only Kanata would hear, so she ended up blurting it out.

As harsh regret started to set in, Kanata replied to her question.

“So, since you’re cute… you want me to miss out on sleep every single night, do you?”
“Ah… sorry. I shouldn’t have said that just now, I… huh? W-What? What did you just say?”
“That… that doesn’t matter. Let’s stop this unproductive argument and have breakfast. Alright?”
“Huh!? Oh… y-yeah… uhm?”

Inwardly, Sakura was relieved that Kanata had changed the topic somewhat forcefully.
Both being flustered, the kids ate breakfast. It had been Sakura who prepared it.

After they finished eating, Kanata changed into normal clothing, while Sakura chose a set that seemed the least risqué in comparison. Finally, she took Kanata’s hand, who then teleported them to the castle.

“Wow…! I’ve seen the castle from town yesterday, but it does have an incredible impact!”
“Heh… I guess? Our own castle shall be…”
“Yes, yes, I get it, let’s just quickly go in.”
“You’re right. Before we go any further, let me warn you again…”
“…Yeah, I understand.”

The two kids entered the castle. There, they were welcomed by the gate guards and maids. Sakura curiously looked around, using her restored eyesight to sear all the extravagant castle-like things into her mind.

When they reached the stairs on the way, the maids teased them with phrases like “This is where he picked you up in a princess carry, Lady Sakura” or “It must be nice to have such a handsome and reliable husband.”

Sakura reacted in an embarrassed manner, while Kanata endured his shame in silence.

Finally, taking more time than they usually would, they reached the throne room, where Loukis was waiting.

Sakura got surprised once more, when she entered. She saw that Dace, who was also in the room, had long and pointy ears2. By telling herself that this was a different world, and that such people existed, Sakura managed not to voice her surprise.

“It has been two days, Sages,” Loukis called out to them. “You didn’t suffer any injuries or such?”
“No, we’re both fine, Sir.”
“I see, I see. On that note, what is the purpose of today’s visit? Is there anything you require? Speak freely.”
“Ah, no. We’re here today for a different reason…”
“Oh-ho, what might that be?”

Kanata took a step back, letting Sakura take his place. Then, she told Loukis what had occurred. How she had healed her eyes with her own power.

“…I see. That’s good, no?” the king commented.
“Yes,” Sakura confirmed.

“Though Sakura’s eyesight has been restored, I would still like to hear more about your request, Mr. Loukis.”
“Hrm. That does save me some trouble.”

For an instant, Loukis seemed panicked, but he showed relief at Kanata’s words. While he observed the king’s every single action, from his expression to the movement of his hands, Kanata continued talking to him.

“On that note… we were never told what we are supposed to defeat, were we?”
“I see… I haven’t told you yet,” Loukis replied, as if he only just remembered that fact. “What we want you to defeat… or rather, seal is the black god Surtr. He is an evil god, passed down in this country.”
“A god…”
“Indeed. A being with extraordinary strength. I need you to quickly become powerful enough, so you can bring him down. He is currently sealed, but the day said seal will unravel is close.”
“Is that so…”

Kanata tried to get more information, but Loukis wouldn’t tell him. According to the king, raising said topic might hasten the god’s rebirth, if only a little. While Kanata was suspicious about that explanation, he reluctantly accepted it.

“Incidentally, Kanata. You wanted to visit a dungeon, didn’t you? Take this. There you will find the dungeon that has been opened just for your sakes.”

He handed the boy a map. While giving the king a bow, Kanata immediately stored it away in his magic bag.

“…That’s all from me. Are there any other matters? Why not use this opportunity to have lunch here?”
“Thank you very much. In that case, I would like to show Sakura around the castle, now that she can see.”
“I see, you two are lovers, just as I expected. Kyrian… As I recall, you were the one who talked to Sakura the most. Give her a tour of the castle.”
“I will! Come, Sakura. I shall show you around…”

Lovers; Sakura got no opportunity to deny that word, before she was taken away for a tour of the castle’s interior.

Kyrian, who, as a matter of fact, had a preference for romance stories, showed a grin. If given the chance, she wanted to ask Sakura, how her romance with Kanata began.

Kanata, on the other hand, knew that Sakura was in good hand with Kyrian, so he went to have a bout with Kruzel, to show him the results of those two days.

TL notes:
Funny how that “get used to it little by little” blows up in Sakura’s face, since she clearly thinks of it as “do that stuff more often with time”, while Kanata intends to do the opposite. Also, it’s obvious Loukis didn’t expect them to get this powerful this quickly. I wonder what effects that’ll have on his and Dace’s plan.



  1. Kanata uses 添い寝 while Sakura uses 一緒に寝る. Neither of those really have the notion of “having sex”, but it feels like Kanata means his in a more romance-like meaning than Sakura does hers.
  2. So, she’s an elf? I guess that explains why she’s talking like an old woman while looking as if she’s in her twenties.
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