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Chapter 275 – Pseudo Date – 2 (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

While holding hands, Kanata and Sakura went outside. Needless to say, the people around them viewed them as a couple.

“The townscape is super pretty…” Sakura commented.
“Yep, it really is…” Kanata agreed. “It feels like some western culture, doesn’t it?”
“That’s true. After seeing this, we could probably save us a trip to France or Italy.”
“Erm… we should still go there. We can go to France or Italy or other places together. Once we’re adults… that’s what I mean.”
“Well… I’ll think about it.”

With their finger entwined, the two kids walked along the picturesque street.

At times, they went into shops. The first they visited was a popular weapon store. They chose this one, since always had to buy something in smaller stores1.

“This here’s a weapon store.”
“Didn’t we get good weapons from Mr. Loukis? Why’d we need more of them?”
“Well… it’s about the atmosphere. Weapons are exciting, aren’t they? I can feel that power of mine being magnified, just by standing here! On Earth, there’s no longer any weapon stores that sell swords or spears, so we should check it out while we can.”
“Jeez… But I guess you’re not wrong.”

The kids left the weapon store and continued wandering through the city.

“Say, Kanata. That woman… the one with animal ears… she’s wearing a collar, isn’t she? Oh, look, that pretty person over there with abnormally long ears, though they aren’t wearing a collar, there’s something else about them… Could it be that the people of this country have this kind of fetish?”
“Just where did that thought come from… Oh, it’s because of those mangas Mika-nee had… Despite being for girls, those things had some rather suggestive content2…”

Due to those mangas, both Mika and Sakura had acquired some rather strange knowledge. Incidentally, Mika hadn’t bought them, but instead won the whole set at a raffle. When she read them for the first time, she ended up blushing an awful lot. It had been the same for Sakura.

“Kanata… Would you like to do this kind of stuff to me? After all, you ogled me in that pervy outfit, so I’m sure you’d like to, right? I can…”
“No… Of course I don’t want to do that… Besides, those people are slaves, you see?”
“Yes, that’s what I meant.”
“No, I wasn’t using it with that kind of meaning…”

In a rare occasion, Kanata gave Sakura an exasperated look. She hurriedly corrected herself, when she saw his reaction.

“I… I know what you mean. I was just trying to make a joke! Having to explain it is embarrassing, you know? I thought you’d get it, since you’re smart, but…”
“I-I guess…”
“Now I’ve embarrassed you for the second time, so let me make it up by treating you to lunch, alright?”
“To begin with, you don’t have any money, do you?”
“True. At any rate, this whole ‘slaves’ thing is unsettling… Shouldn’t we ask Mr. Loukis to get rid of slavery?”
“No… I don’t think it’s something that should concern us. But it certainly isn’t fun to watch.”

Later, the two kids entered a somewhat opulent restaurant.

Sakura was inwardly pleased, that by coming to this restaurant, which seemed to mostly cater to couples, together with Kanata, made their foray feel more date-like, though she didn’t voice any of that, so even Kanata with his sensitive ears didn’t pick up on her thoughts.

“K-Kanata. Uhm, could we sit next to each other? Not opposite.”
“Huh, why?”
“It should be fine, right? If I had to give a reason… Oh! Look, until yesterday, you always helped a bit while eating, didn’t you? It’s some remnant of that. This is also something I’d like to get used to little by little.”
“Well, in that case…”

On the table for four, Sakura sat down in the chair next to Kanata. Her aim was nothing else but to be closer to him.
The two kids then opened the menu and chose what they wanted to order.

“We also ate some of these dishes at the castle, didn’t we?”
“Yep, since the maid always gave us an explanation about the food in advance.”
“But there’s also some I don’t know at all… Hey, Kanata. Can’t we each order a different dish and then take halfsies?”
“Alright, let’s do that.”

After the kids had finished eating lunch and a large helping of dessert (to sate Sakura’s craving for sweets), they went back to looking around the city. While it felt like a rather enjoyable time from Sakura’s point of view, Kanata spent it by frantically trying to keep her in a good mood.

“It’s been a long time since it’s been just the two of us going out to have fun, hasn’t it? Surprisingly long.”
“True… the last time we did this was more than a month ago. Kanata, you went all out today, didn’t you?”
“Well, yes. So, you noticed.”
“Of course I did. You know, we’ve known each other since we were born!”

After they went home and put their purchases away, Sakura started making dinner. This was the third time she treated Kanata to her home cooking. As a form of apology, she put her whole effort into it, so it turned out awfully extravagant. Moreover, she had seasoned it based on Kanata’s preferences.

“Now, please enjoy!”
“I will… Thank you for the food!”
“…So, how does it taste?”
“Delicious, incredibly tasty. It really is great that you regained your vision.”

They finished dinner, took a bath each, and then it was time to sleep, however…

“T-This is kinda embarrassing… Kanata.”
“And that’s why I said I’d sleep on the couch…”
“No way, this is also something we need to get used to! Ah, but I didn’t expect it to be this embarrassing…”
“…That’s true.”

While she did feel embarrassed, Sakura still hugged Kanata as tightly as possible. Of course, she was also the first to fall asleep.

TL notes:
Looks like Kanata’s and Sakura’s relationship is making some progress, mostly thanks to Sakura’s somewhat manipulative actions during what she sees as a date, and Kanata probably sees as something more innocuous.



  1. Is that a cultural thing? At least where I live, there’s no real pressure to buy stuff, even if it’s a very small store.
  2. This sounds more like some doujinshi with adult content masquerading as normal manga, especially since she didn’t buy them but won them somewhere instead.
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