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Chapter 272 – Eyes (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Huh… ah… Right!”

Sakura looked a bit uncomfortable, likely since the thought, that she might heal her eyes with restoration magic, had occurred to her. The blush on her face didn’t seem like the healthy kind, so Kanata grew worried.

“What’s wrong? Sakura… I didn’t notice at the start since I was so hyped-up… do you have a fever?”
“N-No, I don’t! I’m fine!”
“Huh… are you sure?”

He closed in on Sakura and touched her forehead with his hand. Then, he touched his own forehead with his other hand for comparison1.

“H-Hang on… Kanata…”
“Feels like you don’t have one. Still, are you really fine? You’re not hurting anywhere, are you?”
“Nothing hurts… Besides, even if something did, I’d be able to handle it with my healing magic.”
“Oh, gotcha.”

Kanata took his hand off Sakura’s forehead.

“U-Uhm, Kanata… This is pretty hard to say, but… could you listen to me?”
“What is it? Is something wrong?”
“Perhaps… perhaps I could heal my eyes myself… with magic,” she told him with an utterly apologetic expression.

However, Kanata reacted in a bright voice.

“Oh! With your skills? We certainly are in a marvelous world where such a thing might be possible. Maybe you can heal them. That option completely slipped my mind, you know. Then, just to make sure, you should cast some spellpower2 buffs on yourself, before you try using Restoration or Abnormal Dispel Magic.”
“S-Sure. Erm… Kanata.”
“What is it?”
“You’re not angry?”
“Why would I be?”

He didn’t understand where Sakura was going with that question. In his mind, he was nothing but overjoyed.

“After all… you worked so hard, to save up those 1.2 million bells, didn’t you? Just for me… All that effort is going to go to waste…”
“If we don’t use the money for your eyes, we can always utilize it on something else, so no need to worry that much about it,” Kanata gently told her, as he sat down next to her on the bed. “Healing your eyes is the highest priority, Sakura, so if we manage that, it’s all good. Right?”

Sakura almost hugged him on the spot but managed to stop herself with sheer willpower. She worried, that if he said another word, she might not manage to hold back anymore.

“I… I see, thanks. B-B-But when all is said and done, what will you do with it? With the 1.2 million bells, I mean.”
“…Buy a house?”
“What’d you buy a house for…?”
“Uhm… to live there?”
“Just by yourself?”
“No, with you…”
“W-What are you saying? That’d make us look like some married couple. We’re not even married yet, and then we’d suddenly live in a-”

In a hurry, Sakura held her tongue. She had realized that she was saying some rather strange things. Towards her “We’re not even married yet”, the question might be raised if they even were in a relationship.

“Eh, uhm… Kanata, I didn’t mean that just now! Erm, we might be more than friends, but we’re not married yet… no, wrong… I mean, we might be more than friends, but we’re not a couple. I didn’t mean it that way!”
“Huh…? Uhm… sorry. I don’t really get it…?”
“R-Right! In that case, everything’s fine! L-Let’s quickly try using magic.”
“Yep, let’s.”

Just as Kanata had recommended, Sakura cast support magic on herself and then used healing and debuff dispel magic with all her might. Still, other than getting rid of exhaustion and various other minor things ailing her body, it had no effect.

“Looks like it was no use…”
“Then I guess there’s no other… Wait, what about synthesis? Sakura, let’s give skill synthesis a try, maybe you’ll learn some stronger healing magic… one that can heal your eyes. We have tons of magic cores, too.”
“Yeah… understood. I’ll try that. But first, how should I synthesize my skills?”

After Kanata had pondered for a while, he told her some combinations that he thought promising for synthesis.

The first was Healing + Abnormal Dispel Magic. By synthesizing those, an A-Rank skill called “Extreme Condition Restoration Magic” was created. Thanks to Fýsa Lífdagar, it only required 4 D-Rank magic cores, and Sakura then maxed out the skill with the SKP she gained from the level-ups this morning.

“Then, try using it.”

It turned out a failure. It was magic that merely healed and removed debuffs at the same time.

Next, Kanata told Sakura to synthesize Restoration + Enhancement Magic. This combination resulted in an A-Rank skill called “Extreme Restoration Support Magic”, with its effect being “For a certain time, continually heals the target it is cast on by a small amount”.

“That one’s no use at all3…”
“Hmm… so, magic can’t fix bigger physical injuries, like regrowing an arm, I guess…? In that case, what’d happen, if we add Fýsa Lífdagar to the two skills you just created…?”
“Should I try it?”
“Yup, do it.”

Sakura synthesized “Extreme Condition Restoration Magic”, “Extreme Restoration Support Magic” and Fýsa Lífdagar. Furthermore, she had also maxed out “Extreme Restoration Support Magic” in advance (it and the other skill she created required 420 SKP each).

By spending one A-, two B-, and two C-Rank magic cores, she obtained a skill called “Secret Art of Absolute Restoration”. Due to the SKP carrying over from the two original skills used in the synthesis, Sakura only needed to invest another 140 points to get the S-Rank skill into a usable state.

“This one looks promising, doesn’t it, Sakura?”
“Y-Yeah! I’ll give it a try. Kanata, could you stand right in front of me? …Are you standing there?”
“I’m right here.”

Keeping her eyes closed, Sakura cast the magic, she had just obtained, on herself. Any lingering pain, aches, and exhaustion completely vanished from her body, and she was enveloped by a warm and gentle feeling.

Finally, she slowly opened her eyes…

“How is it, Sakura… can you see?”

Right in front of her eyes, Sakura saw a pretty boy who might’ve been mistaken for a girl at first glance, with his knees bent so he’d meet her line of sight, and slightly waving his hand at her… her childhood friend, Kanata.

It was a face she had seen on an everyday basis, so she was used to it as matter of course.

TL notes:
Seeing that Master Potions are “only” national treasure grade, it’s not that surprising that there’s magic capable of the same thing. Normally, I’d comment that those two should’ve gotten that idea earlier, seeing that they actually got a proper education about how Anazumu works, but after what we learned in chapter 269, they might not have learned that much useful/correct information there.



  1. The original here uses the adverb ヒタリ. I didn’t find a translation for it. It might be a misspelled ピタリ (“tightly”, “exactly”, “suddenly”) or something completely different.
  2. I’ll be using “spellpower” for 魔法力 and “magic power” for 魔力 from now on. I honestly regret not using “mana” for the latter from the beginning. I’ll change it for older chapters, too, once I have some time. Changes have been made. Make a comment if I missed some.
  3. I disagree. HoTs are pretty useful if you either have multiple targets to heal or go for a healer/dps hybrid.
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