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Chapter 270 – Kanata Ponders – 2 (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

The two kids used the meat of the magic beasts Kanata had hunted with his spear-throwing method, to enjoy a somewhat lavish breakfast.

“Now, as for today’s plans… we should first manage our status screens1,” Kanata suggested.
“Alright. And after that?” Sakura asked.
“Obviously, we’ll go hunt more magic beasts. I’m thinking of going to a different spot than yesterday… a mountain where C- and B-Rank monsters can be found. Apparently, there’s occasionally even A-Ranks.”
“A-Ranks!? Oh, with your skill, we can escape at a moment’s notice, so I guess there’s no need to worry, is there?”

The two kids finished their breakfast, brushed their teeth, washed their faces, and changed their clothes, and then sat down on the couch to go over their status screens.

“Then, let’s check how our stats currently look like. Our levels should’ve gone up by a lot.”

– Status –
Name: Kanata
Level: 67 EXP: 156’600
HP: 1410/1410 (100) MP: 2010/2010 (400)
A (Attack): 810 (200 +5) C (Dexterity): 615 (+10)
D (Defense): 705 (100) W (Magic Power): 605
S (Quickness): 1655 (1000 +50)
STP: 4750
– Skills –
[E(X): Fire Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Water Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Wind Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Earth Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Psychic Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Restoration Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enhancement Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. –
[Sword Arts★] Lv. – [Martial Arts★] Lv. 3 [Spearmanship★★] Lv. MAX [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Cooking★] Lv. 3 [Dismantling★] Lv. MAX [Stealth★] Lv. MAX [Great Detection★★★] Lv. MAX
[Stýra Rúm★★★★★] Lv. 2
SKP: 4810
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World]
– Status –
Name: Sakura
Level: 67 EXP: 156’600
HP: 1410/1410 (100) MP: 2010/2010 (400)
A (Attack): 735 (100 +30) C (Dexterity): 610 (+5)
D (Defense): 705 (100) W (Magic Power): 1065 (400 +60)
S (Quickness): 1155 (500 +50)
STP: 4950
– Skills –
[E(X): Fire Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Water Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Wind Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Earth Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Psychic Magic] Lv. – [C(X): True Restoration Magic] Lv. 2 [C(X): True Enhancement Magic] Lv. 1 [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Abnormal Dispel Magic] Lv. –
[Swordsmanship★★] Lv. MAX [Spear Arts★] Lv. – [Martial Arts★] Lv. 2 [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Dismantling★] Lv. 22 [Stealth★] Lv. MAX [Great Detection★★★] Lv. MAX [Fýsa Lífdagar★★★★★] Lv. 2
SKP: 4600
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World]

“What the…! Kanata, just what is this…? There’s an outrageous amount of STP and SKP!?”
“Right… there is…”

In truth, even though he had predicted what might happen, Kanata was also shocked. With more than 4500 points each, they could pretty much do whatever they wanted. They also had a reasonable supply of magic cores, which allowed them to freely perform skill synthesis and evolutions, at least to some extent.

“This is insane. We can do whatever we want. Sakura, I’m sorry, but I’ll think about to use mine first, if that’s alright with you.”

Kanata reopened his status screen.

Based on the accumulated practical experience of several battles, he had already decided how to allocate his STP. Of the 4750 he had, he invested 1000 each into S and MP. Since there were still so many points left, he then added another 400 to both stats.

Next, he allocated 1000 points to C, of which he had been able to experience the convenience it allowed. This was also to get more out of Sakura’s support magic3.
Of the remaining 950 points, he then allocated 450 to A and kept 500 in reserve.

“Phew… I’m done with my STP. Sakura, I’m going to take care of your STP before I start with skills, alright?”
“Please do.”

So, Kanata next pondered how to invest Sakura’s STP. Of her 4950 STP, he had her allocate 1000 each to S and MP, similar to how he had done for himself. Next, he suggested to her to invest 1600 points into W. This didn’t feel like a good point to stop at4, so he had her add another 100 to MP, which left her with 1250 points. Of those, 250 would go into A, and 500 into C.

“That’s about it. Your support magic really helps… That’s why I set your W at the higher end.”
“Oh, is it that useful? Please rely on me even more!”
“Sure, I’ll do exactly that later today. Next, I need to think about what to do with our SKP.”
“I’m in your hands.”
“I won’t let you down.”

Now, Kanata started allocating SKP.

The first priority were the 5-star skills, and now they had more than enough SKP to max them out.

So, the first thing he did was allocate 1500 SKP to Stýra Rúm, which got it to max level. As a result, he obtained the [Conqueror of the Fimbulwinter5] and [Quick Runner] titles, and had 1000 points added to S and A each. The first title didn’t have any effects, but the second provided him with a stat modification in relation to S.

Kanata then further used three C-Rank magic cores to evolve Spearmanship into Great Spearmanship and then 200 SKP to max it out. He also evolved Stealth into Great Stealth with three D-Rank magic cores and maxed out the evolved skill.

There were still 2960 points left. Even with all he did, they didn’t seem to decrease much. That being the case, Kanata decided to start working on SK1 skills, for the sake of using them for skill synthesis.

Like his older brother, who had a preference for Lightning Magic, due to the main character of one of his videogames using it, Kanata took a liking to Wind Magic for a similar reason. Furthermore, he considered combining Psychic Magic with Stýra Rúm’s teleportation.

That’s why he decided to start by raising those two skills as far as possible. As a result, he spent 1100 SKP to bring both skills to the “Extreme” stage.

Furthermore, he also decided to learn the magic of his brother’s favorite character. Consequently, he spent another 1100 SKP, first raising Water Magic to its absolute limit, then synthesizing it with Wind Magic, resulting in Thunder Magic, and then improving said skill as far as possible.

There were 760 points left, but Kanata, guessing that he wouldn’t be able to create any S-Rank skills with the magic cores they currently had, decided to keep them in reserve for that.

Next, he started fiddling with Sakura’s SKP.

First, he had her allocate 750 points to Fýsa Lífdagar in order to max it out. As a result, she obtained the [Vanadís, the Bountiful6], [Bringer of Fertility], and [Gift of …] titles, though she wouldn’t tell him what the last one was about. She got strangely bashful and muttered “That’s impossible” in a small voice, which made Kanata curious, but seeing that it made her uncomfortable, he stopped pressing for details.

Furthermore, the title Bringer of Fertility had the effect of improving the effects of Wood, Plant, Restoration, and Support magic. She also gained a bonus of 1000 points to W and MP each.

As for the remaining points, Kanata first had her allocate them into Great Swordsmanship and Great Stealth after evolving their previous forms, and next get Restoration and Enhancement Magic from the “True” stage to the “Extreme” stage and max those out.

Since there were still 2480 points left, he told her to allocate just 15 each to Water and Earth Magic. Next, he had her synthesize those skills, resulting in Wood Magic, and subsequently get that to the “Extreme” stage. Following that, he also had her max out Abnormal Dispel Magic, leaving her with 1300 SKP.

To give her a wider variety of attacks to use, Kanata then told Sakura to max out both Water and Earth magic to their “Extreme” stage, and keep the leftover 370 points in reserve. With this, he was done allocating points on her status screen.

“Great, that should do it. There’s a bunch of points left, but once we get more magic cores…”
“Oh? Aren’t we strong enough already?”
“Well, maybe. But we’re still nowhere near SSS-Rank, you know.”
“That’s true… I guess.”

“By the way, Sakura, today, you’re kinda…”
“Huh? Is something wrong with me?”

Sakura turned to where Kanata likely was and inclined her head. Once more, she didn’t have any particular aim by doing so. Still, it made Kanata’s heart beat a bit faster.

While Sakura did have an attractive face from the beginning, she now seemed even more lovely to Kanata, who should’ve been used to her looks. This was the effect of one of her titles.

“No… it’s nothing, nothing at all.
“Hmph, you’re weird. Well, whatever. Let’s quickly go level up! C’mon!”
“S-Sure. You’re right, let’s go.”

Authors note:
Kanata’s and Sakura’s stat screens at the end of the chapter:

– Status –
Name: Kanata
Level: 67 EXP: 156’600
HP: 1410/1410 (100) MP: 5110/5110 (1800 +300)
A (Attack): 2355 (650 +1100) C (Dexterity): 1710 (1000 +105)
D (Defense): 705 (100) W (Magic Power): 705 (+100)
S (Quickness): 4105 (2400 +1100)
STP: 500
– Skills –
[A(X): Extreme Thunder Magic] Lv. MAX [A(X): Extreme Water Magic] Lv. MAX [A(X): Extreme Wind Magic] Lv. MAX [E(X): Fire Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Ice Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Earth Magic] Lv. – [A(X): Extreme Psychic Magic] Lv. MAX [E(X): Illusion Magic] Lv. –7
[E(X): Restoration Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enhancement Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. –
[Sword Arts★] Lv. – [Martial Arts★] Lv. 3 [Great Spearmanship★★★] Lv. MAX [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Cooking★] Lv. 3 [Dismantling★] Lv. MAX [Great Stealth★★★] Lv. MAX [Great Detection★★★] Lv. MAX
[Stýra Rúm★★★★★] Lv. MAX
SKP: 760
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World] [Conqueror of the Fimbulwinter] [Quick Runner]
– Status –
Name: Sakura
Level: 67 EXP: 156’600
HP: 1410/1410 (100) MP: 5310/5310 (1400 +1300)
A (Attack): 1055 (350 +100) C (Dexterity): 1205 (500 +100)
D (Defense): 705 (100) W (Magic Power): 4005 (2100 +1300)
S (Quickness): 2205 (1500 +100)
STP: 500
– Skills –
[A(X): Extreme Wood Magic] Lv. MAX [A(X): Extreme Water Magic] Lv. MAX [A(X): Extreme Earth Magic] Lv. MAX [E(X): Wind Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Fire Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Stone Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Ice Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Psychic Magic] Lv. –
[A(X): Extreme Restoration Magic] Lv. MAX [A(X): Extreme Enhancement Magic] Lv. MAX [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. – [A(X): Extreme Abnormal Dispel Magic] Lv. MAX
[Great Swordsmanship★★★] Lv. MAX [Spear Arts★] Lv. – [Martial Arts★] Lv. 2 [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Dismantling★] Lv. 2 [Great Stealth★★★] Lv. MAX [Great Detection★★★] Lv. MAX [Fýsa Lífdagar★★★★★] Lv. MAX
SKP: 370
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World] [Vanadís, the Bountiful] [Bringer of Fertility]
[Gift of Charm]

TL notes:
Looks like the kids are growing extremely fast, now that they are no longer confined to the castle. At this rate, they’ll probably get to the level cap in a matter of days.

I’m pretty sure that a lot of the numbers, especially for SKP (but others too) are wrong, even more so in Sakura’s part than Kanata’s. I fixed a lot of stats which were calculated wrong, but for other stuff I lacked exact numbers (mainly how much SKP Sakura spends each time), so I left them how they were.



  1. The original says スキル (“skill(s)”). I assume that’s a typo.
  2. This is missing in the original, though it is present in the stat screen at the end of the chapter and in stat screens in later chapters, so I assume it belongs here.
  3. So, support magic works as a multiplier and not a flat stat boost? Sounds like it could get extremely powerful at high stats.
  4. The original is キリが悪い which apparently means something like “a bad place to stop”. Not sure why MP needed another 100 points for it to become a good place to stop, but that’s what it says.
  5. The original here is 勝利者フィムブチュール (“winner/conqueror fimubuchuuru”). I assume the second part is about the Fimbulwinter, a harsh winter that proceeds Ragnarök in Norse mythology. Though the second part of the katakana neither fits the English “Fimbulwinter” nor the Old Norse “Fimbulvetr”, so it might be something completely different.
  6. The original is 豊穣者ヴァナディース (“abundant crop person vanadiisu). Vanadís is another name for the goddess Freyja in Norse mythology, meaning “goddess of the vanir”.
  7. I guess now we know that this skill derivates from Psychic Magic.
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