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Chapter 265 – The Forest of Ýdalir (Shuu)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“So… How will we get out of this forest? It’ll probably take us several days.”
“You’re right… Master, couldn’t you do what you did earlier and take a look from the sky?”
“Nah, that won’t work. You’d get caught up in my spells.”
“True. Hm~…”

How will we get outta this? Seriously. To begin with, we’ll probably be stuck in this forest for several days.

Well, since we took a request that was some ways off, we brought changes of cloth and camping gear, and as long as we don’t run out of food, we should manage to survive, but…

I also have some light cooking utensils and seasonings to improve my Cooking on hand. Whenever I can take as much with me as I want, I tend to bring too much.

“Well, miraculously, all our luggage is fine and, just as miraculously, we also have the gear to camp out for several days, so we should be fine for some time.”
“Yeah… For now, what direction should we go, Master? We have a compass, right?”
“We have. For the time bein’ let’s move northwards.”

That moment, a magic beast jumped us from out of nowhere. Rir and I managed to evade the charging foe without any issues. Its head looked like it was from a bird, but its body was that of a beast. Moreover, it was larger than me.

The hell is this?

Not giving me the time for any deeper thoughts, the blasted thing attacked us with ice magic. Judging from the spell’s appearance, it was Emission or higher.
So, is this guy higher ranked than the D-Rank Screw Hooks who attacked with Ball spells?

Matching its size in order to cancel it out, I also shot off an Emission. It easily pushed back the spell of our foe and hit the beast square in the head, piercing through it. As a result, the creature lay defeated.

“Rir, it feels like this guy was around C-Rank…”
“That’s right. It’s a magic beast called Note Forger1. Its meat is apparently remarkably delicious, and the magic beast is rather famous as a high-class cooking ingredient, you see… That you’d defeat a C-Rank foe this easily… As expected of you, Master!”
“Right… thanks. Still, we got one that can be used as food, right outta the gate?”

Thinkin’ about it, the way I killed it was super wasteful, right? There’s a huge hole in it. Well, that’s still enough food to last us two to three days. We’re lucky.

We swiftly dismantled it where we killed it, drained its blood with a dedicated magic item, and then put it away in the magic bag. From what Rir told me, the beak and feathers also sold for a high price, so we kept them. We didn’t need the bones, so I got rid of them with magic.

“Great, with this, we shouldn’t have any food issues. Rir, imma give you these in preparation,” I held out six D-Rank magic cores to her. “You can use ’em to evolve your axe skill and Detection.”
Since we already got a C-Rank magic core, she can use those.

“Oh, since we just obtained a higher ranked magic core, right? Understood.”

Understanding my intention, Rir made use of the magic cores.

I also evolved Detection and then decided to use the 1000 SKP which had piled up due to the 24’000 exp I had earned without noticing (bringing me to level 46), to max out Great Detection, Blaze Sword Summoning Magic, and Cooking.

If anything, I was finally able to evolve Fire Magic again, and even ended up maxing it out.

That said, this seems to be the end of it. It has the word “Extreme2” in it, which makes it sound like there’s nothin’ higher…

This magic seemed to allow me a greater degree of freedom compared to before.

I used up almost all my SKP, but I think that was a good way to invest ’em. I’ll think ’bout STP once I have more time.

“Woof, Master. I also have 195 SKP, what should I do with them?”
“Ah, allocate those in Great Detection3 and your axe skill, then.”

After that, we decided to rest for a while and then went on our way to get out of the forest. While constantly using Great Detection.

By doing that, if there were any C-Rank magic beasts like the one before, we could face off with them, netting us magic cores and exp. That way, we’d get even stronger.

At first, Rir didn’t understand why I’d want to do such a thing, but she grasped my meaning once I explained it to her.


“This is number eight.”
“Yep, there sure are a ton of them.”

It made me think back to when I walked around the forest, searching for goblins. Finding the magic beasts proved extremely easy. Great Detection was an insane ability.

For around two hours, we hunted the magic beasts that were in the direction we traveled. Merely by doing that, we defeated eight of those bird-head monsters. In the end, there were too many magic beasts, and I wasn’t sure which of those we should bring down, so I stopped using Great Detection. Besides, if we walked around aimlessly in the forest, we’d only get lost.

“It’s already getting dark, Master.”
“You’re right. Looks like we won’t be able to walk for more than another hour, or so. Let’s go on for another 30 minutes and then camp somewhere.”

Afterwards, we walked for another half an hour, during which we killed two more bird-head monsters. Rir and I decided to stop at the place where we brought down the second one, and then set up camp.

TL notes:
This chapter marks the end of volume 10 (at least on Syosetsu. From the author’s comments, the break should’ve been after chapter 261). The next volume will focus heavily on the Yggdrasil protagonists powering up.



  1. The original is ノートフォーガ (nootofooga). Not sure what that’s supposed to mean, maybe these things imitate sounds (forge notes)? It might also be some lesser-known creature from Norse mythology that my short search didn’t turn up.
  2. The original 極 can also be translated as “ultimate”, which makes it sound as if it’s the highest form of magic (it isn’t, so I opted for “extreme” instead, but it loses that meaning as a consequence).
  3. The original uses 真探知 (True Detection) instead of 大探知 (Great Detection) here. This happens every now and then, I’ll stick to “Great Detection”, since they are clearly the same thing.
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