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Chapter 263 – The Job at the Valley (Shuu)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

Today, too, Rir and I had accepted a request. While we went to a village to subjugate magic beasts yesterday, today we’d go to a valley.

The request to obtain feathers of D-Rank bird magic beasts called Screw Hooks1, who inhabited the Valley of Ýdalir2, was aimed at D-Rank or higher parties.

This time, a one-way trip would take four and a half hours. It was a bit far, but if we hunted a single bird, we’d complete the request, and the requester would apparently buy as many additional Screw Hooks, as they could afford.
The requester, a merchant, didn’t seem to have high expectations of us, seeing we were D-Rankers, but that was more or less what they told us.

Rir and I were currently chatting in the carriage.

“Master, we are going to the Valley of Ýdalir today, right? Apparently, there are amazingly pretty sights there, you know?”
“I see. By the way, Rir, aren’t you a bit close?”

For some reason, even though the magic room we were in was as wide as a living room, she sat right next to me. Well, her just sitting next to me wouldn’t have been a problem, but it felt like our bodies were glued together in some places.

“Is that so? I’m sorry, should I give you some space?”
“Ah, it’s not that bad, y’know. I was just curious why.”
“Okay? Well, if I had to put it into words, I’d say I felt like it, I guess?”

She felt like it. I really don’t get girls.

To be honest, I didn’t bring anythin’ to kill time yesterday. I had nothin’ to do, so it was what it was. Not like I could stare at those skill synthesis books all the time.
Due to that, I brought a variety of stuff today that’d allow me to learn and improve SK2 skills.

For example, a mat to practice Judo on, which I hadn’t done at all lately. Then, that storekeeper, where I always sold my materials at, told me about the appraisal skill. To learn it, you had to look at anything you could get your hands on.

It’d have been great, if I’d been able to have some riveting conversation with Rir, but… It kinda dried up after around an hour. On the other hand, I thought it was a good thing that we managed to keep going for that long, but that was only one… of four and half hours.

We left at 8am and arrived at the Valley of Ýdalir a bit past 12:30pm. We had our lunch in the carriage.

“Mh~… Oh, we’re finally here.”
“That we are.”
“Master, we should get moving. Let’s bring down lots of Screw Hooks.”

We started searching for our targets with Detection. We found one, about five minutes after we started searching, and when we faced off with it, it attacked us with wind magic. Other than that, we were able to defeat it normally without any issues. Rather, Rir lightly walked on the super complicated path…

The physical abilities of demi humans really are high, ain’t they.

“That’s the first one. It took so long to get here, so I’d like to hunt lots of them, Master.”
“Right. But don’t get careless, alright? We’re at a valley. There’s a cliff just a few meters from us.”

There was a forest down in the valley. And we were at a height where a fall would likely kill us.
Well, it sure is a spectacular view, ain’t it?


“This was the twelfth.”
“We’re doing great.”

It had been an hour and a half since we started roaming the mountainous valley. It looked like Rir still wasn’t tired. To think that she could move this well with her delicate body. I didn’t feel much exhaustion, either.
That’s probably thanks to me makin’ a habit of doin’ strength trainin’.

I had no idea, there were this many Screw Hooks further in. Other than Screw Hooks, we killed around eight other D-Rank magic beasts…
When I think about it carefully, we didn’t have to go outta our way to accept some request, just to go huntin’ on mountains or in forests where magic beasts might be, and gatherin’ their magic cores. Ayumu probably would’ve thought of that immediately.

At any rate, let’s continue huntin’ Screw Hooks full-time. The coachman will apparently also wait here the whole day.

Oh, right. Come to think of it, we also went to buy a new magic bag, y’know.
It could store an insane amount of stuff. Though it ran us down 30’000 bells. From what the shopkeeper said, it could hold around 1000 two-meter sized magic beasts. Even more, if we dismantled them first.

“Master, will we become C-Rank adventurers, once we go home?” Rir asked me happily.
“Yup, that’s the plan.”
“I see, I see, once we’re promoted to C-Rank, we should celebrate for-… huh?”

She suddenly looked at something behind me with wide eyes and went rigid.
Hang on, what is there?

I carefully turned around. There it was, a straight up weird and abnormal being. An eagle that looked way too huge.
Said abnormally large eagle flew towards us.

“The hell… is this?”
“I… I… I don’t… I don’t know…”

As we watched, it gradually closed in on us.

We gotta escape… From its magic power, I know I can’t beat this thing. But where to?
Should I melt the ground with my magic, so we can hide there? Nah, that won’t work, it’d get us long before I’m done.

What can I do… just what…

However, I didn’t have the time for these idle thoughts. Before we knew it, Rir and I were falling head-first towards the bottom of the valley.

TL notes:
That… doesn’t sound good. So far, Shuu hasn’t learned any flight abilities, and it’s doubtful that there will be some timely divine intervention this time. It took only four chapters for Sakura’s premonition in chapter 258 to come true, but unlike their party, Shuu and Rin don’t have anything as convenient as teleportation to get away.



  1. The original is スクリューフーク (sukuryuufuuku).
  2. The original is ユーダリルの谷 (“valley of yuudariru”).Ýdalir (“yew-dales”) is a location in Norse mythology containing a dwelling owned by the god Ullr.
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