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Chapter 260 – Karua’s Visit – Day 5 (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“…It tastes like nothing I ever had,” Karua commented, as she tried the Salmon Sushi.
This is only natural, Sushi doesn’t exist in this world, and neither do rice, soy sauce, and wasabi.

Once Karua had started, everyone tried it. It felt a bit strange for Karua, as the princess, to be the first to try some unidentified food, but I decided not to worry about that.

“That white stuff under the raw fish has a somewhat doughy texture, doesn’t it?” Lilo observed.
“That is true… What might it be?” Myuri wondered.
“‘Thas a mouthfeel that resembles the white part of bread just a smidgen, nay?” Rose commented.

Mika and I looked at each other. It seemed like we both thought the same. That we should not come clean and instead leave it as some cryptic thing.

“I seriously have no idea what this is~…” I lied. “For now, all we know is the name ‘Sushi’…”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Mika backed me up. “I wonder what this ri-… this white stuff is. It has a somewhat lumpy texture.”

Three rolls of Sushi had been dished up for every person, made of tuna, salmon, and squid. In the end, it looked like everyone ate all of it. Judging from their faces, it being tasty… wasn’t the reason they ate it, they did so simply out of curiosity.

“…Hah. I would like to learn more about this dish, but…” Karua mused. “I shall postpone that investigation for another day, let us swiftly move on to the next round!”
“Yes, you’re right,” Lilo agreed with her.
“Then, let us draw lots without delay, Princess Karua!” Myuri exclaimed.

She wants to… have it again another day? Well, whatever. Let’s hope the next dish will make her forget about Sushi.

As for the result of us drawing lots; it was now Myuri’s turn to decide on a dish. When she pressed the switch, steaks were distributed once more to everyone present for some reason.

“Huh…? You want to eat another steak?” Lilo asked her in confusion.
“Uhm, well, yes. I do!”
“Really… you like hearty food, Miss Myuri, don’t you?” I guessed.
“Y-Yes. I have a liking for both light and hearty meals, you see!”

For some reason, Myuri acted weirdly. This made me curious, so I decided to appraise the steak.

I learned that it was made of the flesh of a D-Rank magic beast… a so-called Cow of Bounty1. When you ate the meat of the Cow of Bounty while thinking of a part of your body you wanted to grow – for example your height or the length of your legs – it would apparently happen. It was an item just as mysterious as the golden roses2.

In other words, Myuri wants to…

“Huh, Alim. You stopped eating? Do you not want it? I can eat your part if you want me to…”
…She’s kinda desperate, isn’t she?

It isn’t that I don’t want it, but I can make it with Dark Matter whenever I want, so I can probably give it to her this time.

Incidentally, its effectiveness depended on the individual.

“R-Right, sure. There you go.”
“Thank you very much!”

Myuri happily took my steak.

It’s a bit sad to watch, you know. I should probably make that item she requested as soon as possible3.


“Hah, we ate a lot, did we not?” Karua said.
“Heh-heh, We are satisfied,” Rose commented.

Including dinner, dessert, and sweets, we ate around 50 courses. We did nothing but eat. Since we didn’t have to worry about putting on weight or getting cavities, we probably ended up eating a bit too much4.

“It is already this late…” Karua realized. “The time passed so quickly.”
“That’s right! We should go into the bath, soon… By the way, Alim, we really won’t get fat from eating all this food, right? Right?” Lilo asked, as she closed in on me.

I had created the machine, so that happening was impossible.

“We’ll be fine.”
“Alright, then.”

“Say, Alim. Erm… when we ate that food, if it had special ingredients… their effects applied, did they not?” Myuri asked me with a hopeful expression.

All the food she had ordered contained Cow of Bounty in some form or other, you see. Inwardly, I was wondering what might happen, if it ended up having an effect on Lilo instead of Myuri.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure they did,” I told her.
“Right…! It must be so!”

Well, the Cow of Bounty meat is more expensive than normal meat from D-Rank monsters, so it probably isn’t served often as food in the castle. Moreover, she likely can’t tell them that she wants them to serve it, so her chest will grow bigger.

“Oh, did you like that cow meat this much? If you want, I can give you some dried meat of that magic beast together with the serum, once it’s done…”
“A-Are you sure? Thank you so much, Alim!”

She looked awfully happy.
Before, she wasn’t so fixated on her chest, I wonder what happened?

Afterwards, we took a bath and then went to sleep. Karua slept together with us again, and, as usual, Mika clung to my arm. Karua ended up doing the same.



  1. The original is トミウシー (tomiushii) which is likely a combination of トミ/富 (“riches”, “wealth”, “resources”) and ウシ/牛 (“cattle”).
  2. The ones they got in chapter 111 and never used for anything.
  3. This made me realize that I made an error in chapter 247. I assumed he made the item on the spot (as he always does), but apparently he only decided to make it at some point in the future.
  4. “A bit”? Honestly, what they did sounds like one of these Roman orgies where people made themselves vomit over and over so they could eat more.
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