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Chapter 259 – Karua’s Visit – Day 5 (Part 1)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

We were currently discussing what we should play today.

“So, what will we do?” I asked them.
“Let us dress up Alim today, too!”
“Karua, we did that yesterday…”

Was it that much fun?
From my perspective, it hadn’t been fun at all, but… Everyone else, Karua included, apparently enjoyed it quite a lot.

“Hrm! In that case, We think it might be a fine idea to do nothing but eat confectionaries all day.”
“That does not sound like a bad idea either, Rose.”

Before I knew it, those two had become fast friends.
When I met Karua for the first time, she told me she didn’t have any friends, but this makes me wonder if making friends isn’t one of her strengths instead? …Ah, I see. She needs to sleep next to potential friends at least once for it to work.

I should probably also make a suggestion.

“Then, what about fishing for magic beasts at the ocean?” I suggested.
“Huh~?” Mika wondered.
“No, that’s a bit…” Lilo mused.
“Fishing…?” Myuri seemed confused.
“Since I have the long-awaited opportunity to be at your home, Alim, I want to play here,” Karua declared.
“We would agree, if ’twas merely to eat the things We catch,” Rose commented.

Gah… Fishing seems to be unpopular… Well, it’s not like I said that I wanted to do it that much, alright?

“So, in the end, what will we do?” I asked again.
“Could you not create an item to play, like you did yesterday, Alim?” Karua suggested.
“I can, but… I’m not having any good ideas.”
“Anon, how about a thing similar to the one thou dids’t make yesterday, but for food?”

Rose’s remark gave everyone a start.
That’s a really good idea. To think that something useful could be born from her food-obsessed mind…

With that being said, since everyone agreed to it, I created a food version of the clothing-change-machine from yesterday. Also, we’d be reusing the lots we had used yesterday.

This time, the one who won would push the button on the machine. Then, enough portions of the food said person imagined for everyone present would appear on the table.

As long as you didn’t deliberately order food with a bad taste, it would try to make it delicious, and I also added a feature that would reset the taste and stomach contents of food created by the machine, once the next meal was eaten. This way, we wouldn’t put on weight.

“Right on, let Us draw lots!”

Together with Rose’s shout, everyone pulled out lots from the device. The first winner was, as usual, Karua. I knew it.

“H-Huh. Is it me? Alim, do I need to have a clear image for using it?”
“No. For example… If you just think ‘Soup’, it’ll read the thoughts of everyone else here, combine them, and then create a soup based on that… that’s about how it works.”
“I see!”

Karua pushed the button. In an instant, food was lined up on the table. It was Meuniere from the white flesh of a fish magic beast.

“After hearing all that talk about fishing, I wanted to eat some white fish,” Karua explained.

The taste went without saying. Legend grade… was obviously impossible, but it was on the level of national treasure grade.
You’re asking, what exactly is national treasure grade taste…? Well, that’s the only way I can describe it, you see.

We continued drawing lots. This time, Rose won.
It looks like she has the highest luck after Karua.

She pushed the button without any hesitation. What came out were steaks.

“‘Tis Our favorite dish!”

I tried a bite of said steak. It was made of Golden Rose Queen Dragon meat.
Rose said it is her favorite dish. So, she’s saying that her own meat is her favorite food?

Sure enough, she showed an adorable smile, as she devoured the steak.
…Is she fine with anything, as long as it tastes good?

We drew lots once more. This time, on a rare occasion, I was the winner. Yesterday, I didn’t win even a single time… Though if I had, I would’ve dressed Mika up.
…Well, I didn’t expect her to ask me to do exactly that later that night.

Incidentally, I couldn’t get soup out of my mind, seeing I had talked about it earlier.
I’m not sure why, but I’d like to eat soup, warm soup with onions…

When I hit the switch, soup made mainly with onions emerged from the machine.
This should be fine, just as it is.

“…It does taste good, but is this not normal soup?” Karua wondered
“You’re right, it’s onion soup. Did you want to eat some soup, Alim?” Mika asked me.
“Compared to the steak before… this soup’s impact is a bit lacking, isn’t it?” Lilo commented harshly.


Apparently, everyone’s impressions were vastly different from mine. I thought this soup was delicious.

We drew lots again. Karua emerged as the winner for the second time. When she pressed the switch… Sushi emerged from the machine.


Both Mika and I ended up voicing our surprise unintentionally.
Why would Karua’s request produce Sushi?

“What might that be…? I have never seen this white stuff underneath… This came out, when I thought ‘A raw fish-based dish that isn’t Carpaccio1‘, you see? Do you know what this is, Alim?”
“Ah, let me see, appraisal says that it’s a dish called Sushi and that you eat it with this black sauce,” I replied to Karua’s question, while cold sweat ran down my back.
“Really… is that so? Could it be that you know about this dish, Alim, Mika2?”

Gah… how could this happen? For the time being, let’s deny it.

“I’ve never seen it before. What about you, Mika?”
“Right, it’s the same for me.”
“I see… How strange, a dish that no one seems to know.”


So, this world finally learned about rice… Well, I still have no idea how to cultivate it.

TL notes:
The author mentioned in their comments that they didn’t know what to write for this day and thinking about what Rose might say gave them the idea to make it food themed. Is it just me, or do web/light-novels authors often default to food, when they don’t know what to write?



  2. He kinda dug his own grave by explaining that dishes would be made from the knowledge of the people present.
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