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Chapter 258 – Spear Throw (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“There, we moved to the next spot.”
“Whoa… what is this, there’s much more of them than before…”
“There aren’t that many magic beasts around the city. Instead, they lurk in places like this one. Sakura, are another two layers each of attack power and quickness support magic possible? And in addition to that, five layers of dexterity.”
“Sure! Huh, why dexterity? Didn’t you tell me before that the stat isn’t that important?”
“Well, usually that’s the case. But I’ll need it for what I’m about to do.”
“Hm, understood.”

Sakura cast her support magic on Kanata, as he asked her to.

“From this point on, I’m going to throw my spear.”
“Eh? You’ll throw it?”
“Yep, I’ll throw the spear, and then retrieve it and the corpses with teleportation. If I keep doing that, I should be able to hunt tons of magic beasts without moving from this spot.”
“Still, aren’t there lots of trees around us?”
“That shouldn’t be an issue, you see. If my dexterity is high enough, then… Sooi!”

With that weird shout, Kanata threw his spear at a magic beast that was some distance away. For some reason, the spear hit its mark without being stopped by all the obstacles around them, and Kanata then called it back via teleportation.

“Alright, this was the first.”
“Huh… it really worked…”
“Heh-heh-heh, it takes a large amount1, but if your dexterity is high enough, it has a marvelous influence on throwing abilities and such. It apparently makes automatic course corrections.”

Kanata pulled his spear out of the cow-like magic beast, and then threw it again. It pierced another magic beast without any issues. Obviously, the target died in a single attack.

“Great, that’s the second… which makes a total of six D-Rank foes.”
“Wow… incredible!”
“Muah-ha-ha, for one who pays mind to efficiency such as me, this little is mere child’s play! For now, I shall bring down everything within a 200-meter radius2.”

Kanata single mindedly kept throwing his spear. He had also picked up C-Rank magic beasts with Great Detection, but he skillfully avoided those, hunting only D-Rank monsters.

Three minutes later, just as he had declared, every D-Rank magic beast within a 200-meter radius had been defeated by him. There had been 14 of them.

“What a large haul!”
“Hah… I guess I should’ve expected that.”
“Now, let’s start working on C-Rank magic beasts. Is it possible to layer more attack power buffs?”
“Let me see… looks like it’s fine. At least two more layers shouldn’t cause any issues.”
“In that case, two more rounds of buffs, please.”
“Sure thing.”

Once Sakura had added another two layers of attack power support magic onto him, Kanata threw his spear at a C-Rank magic beast.

“…Wha-? It ended up dying in a single hit…”
“Are you serious!?”

When Kanata used teleportation to recall his spear, a magic beast that looked like a large wild boar and a single magic core came along with it. Said boar was roughly the same height as him3.

“Whoa… it’s huge…”
“This is going great, seriously.”
“Now, shall I hunt the remaining three?”

Kanata threw his spear another three times, defeating all the remaining C-Rank magic beasts that Great Detection had picked up… Which turned out to be two more wild boars and a gigantic bird. Little by little, the corpses piled up in the supreme grade magic bag, already filling it to 20% of its capacity.

“If it’s going this well, I’m getting scared of what might happen later… Like some S-Rank magic beast suddenly attacking us from behind.”
“Don’t worry about that. You know, supposing something like that happens, we can just escape with teleportation.”
“Right… What do you call these kinds of abilities again? Cheats… right?”
“Well… I guess you would. Sakura, please use a C-Rank magic core and your SKP to learn Great Detection.”


“Shall we head back for today?” Kanata asked Sakura with a satisfied look.

It had been 30 minutes since they came to the forest, and he had hunted a total of 31 D-Rank, and eight C-Rank magic beasts.

“That’s fine, but… It’s only been half an hour since we came here, you know?”
“True, but I also need to dismantle the corpses and go to sell the materials. This will probably take longer, you see.”
“Gotcha, then let’s head back, Kanata.”

The kids used teleportation to return to the inn Loukis had arranged for them, and Kanata immediately got ready to head out again.

“Huh, you’re leaving again?”
“Look, I have to do the dismantling outside.”
“Right, that’s true. Should I help you?”
“No… I’ll be fine. Only, could you cast as much quickness and dexterity support magic as possible on me? With that, I should be able to finish my job faster… Oh, also, for today’s dinner, I’m thinking of cooking steaks from the boar meat4.”
“Yeah, alright. Gotcha.”
“I’ll be off, then,” Kanata said and left for who-knows-where.

When he returned three hours later, he was in a great mood, with an awfully happy look on his face. While Sakura couldn’t see that, she guessed from the tone of his voice when he exclaimed his “I’m back!”, that he was in high spirits.

“Did something good happen?”
“Ha-ha, well, the materials from the magic beasts sold for more than I expected.
“Oh, how much did you get?”
“242’000 bells… That’s roughly one fifth of the amount Mr. Loukis asked me for.”
“Huh…? Let me think, that would be… 2.42 million yen!?”
“Right! That’s crazy, isn’t it? Sakura, I’ll absolutely fix your eyes!” Kanata exclaimed while firmly grabbing Sakura’s hand.

While Sakura was bewildered for a moment, she squeezed his hand back and replied to what he had said.

“I… I never said that I wanted you to fix my eyes! Still… thank you so much, Kanata!”

TL notes:
Now this sounds more like an efficiency-oriented gamer. I wonder if Great Detection is enough to keep track of where his spear and prey are exactly, so he can teleport them back or if his teleport skill itself gives him that information.



  1. This might also mean “it’s possible, if your dexterity is high…”.
  2. The word record for spear-throwing without an atlatl seems to be around 105 meters. Looks like he has already surpassed humanity by quite a bit.
  3. The original is more “the same size as his height”. Maybe it means that it’s as tall as him in its collapsed state, or maybe it would be as tall as him while standing.
  4. Isn’t wild boar super gamey? Maybe it’s different for magic beasts or the cooking skill can compensate for it.
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