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Chapter 257 – D-Rank (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Oh, we ended up playing around for a bit, didn’t we,” Kanata mused.
“We sure did…”
“Well, let’s not waste any more time. From now on, we’ll quickly…”
“Register and then work1 as adventurers?”
“No, we won’t do that. To be honest, yesterday, I hit upon a more efficient way to level up and earn money,” Kanata told Sakura with a self-satisfied look.

Even though she couldn’t see his face, she somehow guessed at how it looked. She decided not to touch upon it.

“…Really? What kind of method?”
“Well, it’s simple. First, we’ll teleport to places where magic beasts around D-Rank can be found. Well, those are all outside of this city. By doing that, we’ll gain exp and we’ll also earn money from selling the corpses of the magic beasts.”
“I see, that does sound like you, Kanata. But didn’t Loukis supply us with money? What do we need it for?”

“Hah…” Kanata gave a small sigh.
“W-What is it?”
“About that, don’t you remember the conditions Loukis gave us for how to obtain that potion to heal your eyes, Sakura? It was either ‘defeat the foe they want us to defeat’ or ‘pay 1.2 million bells’, right? Of course, I’m going to do the latter.”
“Huh, w-why?”
“Well, there’s several reasons… I should tell you all of them. Just for the sake of caution, let’s talk via telepathy. To begin with…”

Kanata explained to her why he acted in this manner.

He was able to think of all these reasons for taking a single action… He considered things she never thought about. and had suspicions, from what had happened until this point, that she hadn’t entertained… At any rate, Sakura was impressed.

Furthermore, there were also things that she hadn’t noticed until he told her about them. Any doubts she held, Kanata had answers that resolved them accurately.

[…that’s about it. There are also some guesses among this, but… it’d be better if we acted with those suspicions in mind.] 
[Understood… Hah, it feels like I’m completely unnecessary in this world. You could probably manage on your own, Kanata.] 
[No, it’s because you’re here that I’m able to consider things like this. If I was by myself, well… I’d just laze about all day, you know.] 
[Heh-heh, that’s true. Then, shall we start your level up regimen, Kanata?] 
[Yeah, let’s.] 

Kanata was on board with Sakura’s suggestion, so he picked up his spear and some luggage, while asking her to carry her sword and a magic bag. With this, it looked like they were ready to go.

“Please touch me somewhere on my body.”

Sakura grabbed Kanatas arm. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself, and then used teleportation to move them to a place called the Forest of Eerlun2.
It was around 42 kilometers from castle town.


The two kids appeared close to the entrance of the Forest of Eerlun.

“Right… here we are.”
“It truly was just in an instant… Whoa, try using Detection, Kanata. There are already numerous magic beasts. And they’re D- and C-Rank, too.”
“Muah-ha-ha, it sure looks like it. Wonderful. Time to show our power to those wicked devils!” Kanata exclaimed while producing a black eyepatch from who-knows-where and putting it on.

Sakura had sewed said eyepatch herself as a present for Kanata’s 12th birthday. It had been in his school uniform3, so he ended up bringing it with him when they were summoned. He had a long history with 8th grader’s syndrome.

“Fine, fine, just don’t get carried away.”
“That kinda slipped out… To start with, I’ll defeat the closest one. Sakura… please cast support magic on me, just as you did during practice. Attack power and quickness… three layers for the time being, alright?”
“You can count on me.”

Sakura layered three casts of support magic, which directly raised A and S, onto Kanata. This caused his stats to rise dramatically.

“This is awesome!”
“Heh-heh-heh! Oh, should I do something specific?”
“Please wait here for 10 seconds,” he told her and then disappeared from in front of her.

She hadn’t even waited for 10 seconds, when he returned, bringing with him the corpse of a D-Rank magic beast that resembled a pig.

“Alright, one down.”
“So fast…”
“It kinda died in a single attack.”
“I see. E-Ranks are no longer enough, I guess.”
“That’s the point. If we stayed in the castle, we’d have been stuck with that inefficient way to level up, you know. I’ll bring down several of them now.”

Kanata disappeared again. 40 seconds later, he reappeared along with the corpses of three magic beasts.

“With these, we’ve already defeated four D-Rank monsters.”
“It looks like we leveled up.”
“Yep, our level went up quite a bit. Sakura, I’m sorry, but could you let me use these magic cores?”
“Didn’t I tell you before, that I’ll leave these decisions to you, Kanata?”
“Yes, you did. I’ll use them, then.”

Kanata utilized the D-Rank magic cores to evolve his Detection into Great Detection, and then allocated enough SKP to max it out. Other than that, he also invested points into Dismantling. Afterwards, Sakura sucked the magic beasts Kanata hunted into the bag she was carrying.

“Great, this should do it. Let’s move further inside. There are fewer and fewer of them in our vicinity.”
“Yeah, gotcha.”

The two kids teleported around three kilometers deeper into the forest.

TL notes:
I guess now we’ll see Kanata’s efficient gaming strategies in action, but I’m sure pretty much everyone who’d be handed a teleportation ability would come to a similar conclusion. Also, I think this is the first time I see a character who is so openly chuuni-ish outside of some stories with videogame/VRMMO settings. It’s kinda refreshing how committed he is to that role.



  1. The original is “Work as adventurers”, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t registered yet.
  2. The original is イアールンの森 (“forest of iaarun”).
  3. Wait, he had that thing in his pocket while going to a funeral?
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