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Chapter 253 – Five Days (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

The two kids continued their training for five days.

Within four of these days, they finished the schedule that Loukis had proposed. Their classes gradually turned to history and legends of Yggdrasil, the country of the holy tree, which Kanata didn’t consider very important, so he told Loukis that he’d train during the first period.

Also, as a result of Kanata and Sakura continuously defeating E-Rank magic beasts during practical training, they both reached level 26.


“Today you can rest, Kanata, Sakura.”

Loukis announced that to the Kids, who’d been called to the throne room right after waking up.

“Incidentally, don’t the two have any requests or things you need, so you can get stronger? Magic cores for skill evolution and synthesis, for example…”
“Requests… or things we need?” Kanata responded to Loukis’ question.

He’d been thinking that it was time to make some major changes in the way they leveled up. Merely hunting dozens of E-Rank magic beasts per day didn’t amount to much.

“In that case… couldn’t you let us head out to the city as adventurers? Starting from tomorrow, if possible.”
“Oh-ho, what’s your reason for that?”
“I think that if we act as adventurers, leveling up would be easier, and we could fight stronger foes.”
“Indeed, however…” Loukis stood up from his throne and closed in on the kids. “There is a possibility, that you’ll escape.”

“No, we won’t do that.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“First, your power is the only way for us to get back to our original world, Mr. Loukis. Besides, I also made a promise to heal Sakura’s eyes with that potion. Furthermore, since everyone treated us well until now, we don’t have any particular need to escape.”
“I see, I see, that does make sense.” Loukis returned to the throne, sat down again, pulled up one knee and raised his head. “Good, in that case, I allow you to sally forth to castle town as adventurers. We shall provide you with necessities like money, armaments, clothing, and an apartment. You will likely get even stronger, won’t you?”

“Yes, for sure. Ah, could I ask for one more thing?”
“What is it?”
“I would like to challenge a dungeon, some time soon…” Kanata made another proposal, appearing somewhat happy.
“That too… For what reason?”
“To see how strong the monsters are1.”
“…Understood. For your sakes, we will make one of the dungeons our country owns available2, just for you. Will that be sufficient?”
“Yes! Thank you very much!”
“Hrm, seeking out power is a desirable trait. Work hard in the future, too. You can leave now,” Loukis commented.

The kids then gave him a bow, left the throne room, and went back to their own room.

“Phew, with this, we should be fine. I was able to request the things I wanted.”
“Right. You’ve been thinking hard about various things the last five days, haven’t you?”

They talked while sitting on the bed.

“In any case, Kanata, after all is said and done, you properly kept up your weapon training.”
“For sure~… You can also handle the sword well, can’t you, Sakura?”
“I guess.”

For those five days, both kids took their weapon training seriously. As a result, their SK2 skills had improved by leaps and bounds.

“Say, I didn’t smell much of sweat during training, did I?”
“Huh? Why are you asking? I don’t think you did.”
“Well… erm, I was just curious. I-I understand that I shouldn’t worry about my appearance, but…”
“No, you’re as cute as always. What are you talking about? …Oh.”

Damn, Kanata thought. I blurted that one out.

There were times when Sakura compared herself to her older sister, lost her self-confidence, and ended up saying something self-abasing. It had become somewhat of a habit… though she didn’t say things like that to anyone but Kanata. On these occasions, he indirectly encouraged her to be more confident in her looks, but since it hadn’t happened for several days, his guard had been down.

“Eh… eh… huh!? Huh… Wha~!?” Sakura trembled violently. “S-S-S-S-Saying something like that, w-w-w-won’t get you anything…! Y-Y-Y-You can sweet talk all you like, that won’t change…”
“Let’s… let’s calm down for a bit, alright, Sakura?”

Kanata made Sakura take several deep breaths. While she did that, she managed to calm her feelings.

“Hah… That was surprising. Still, thank you for the compliment.”
“Really, it feels somewhat strange, not being able to see your face for several days, Kanata.”
“That’s for sure… You still haven’t seen everyone’s faces, have you, Sakura?”
“Yeah… I’ve always thought of my glasses as a hindrance, but I’m useless without them, after all. Thank you for always guiding me, Kanata,” Sakura told him with a smile. “All I’ve done today is thanking you,”

Kanata, who was hit by an adorable smiling face, which greatly resembled Sakura’s older sister’s, was captivated for a moment, but then quickly changed the subject. He concluded that if even more happened, he would likely end up distracted by her, and thus unable to keep his cool for the day.

“Ha-ha… well. You’re welcome. At any rate… Today’s our first free day, you know. Should we play something, Sakura?”
“We… we probably won’t have that much time to play… Should we ask the maid for a sugoroku board?”
“Eh, I was joking, you know? Let’s allocate points on our status screens3.”
“…Right, that’d be a good idea…”

Sakura looked somewhat disappointed.

“I mean, you currently can’t see, so you probably wouldn’t be able to play sugoroku anyway.
“Urk… You’re right…”
“Well, I’ll go first.”

TL notes:
Back to Kanata and Sakura, who seem to be making steady progress. I wonder if they ever told the castle people about their cheat abilities? I guess they didn’t, or Loukis wouldn’t have used that “might escape” argument, since, unless the castle has some no-teleportation-barrier around it, it wouldn’t matter where the kids are, they could easily get away.



  1. The original is 実力を見るため: “for the sake of seeing (their) true strength”. I assume he means strong magic beasts, but it’s also possible he wants to see his own true power.
  2. The original is 解放 (“release”, “liberate”). I assume he either means blocking it to the general public or unsealing a dungeon they know about but haven’t made public.
  3. Good job killing the mood.
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