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Chapter 252 – Shuu’s Skill Synthesis (Shuu)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

Now, it’s my turn.
That said, my level didn’t go up by much, so I probably won’t need to rack my brain too much.

“Rir, you can do whatever you want. I’ll focus on my own stat screen now.”
“Yeah, thank you for taking care of that for me, Master! I’ll read the book you bought for me.”

Now then.
First things first, STP. This time, I have 650… Where to put ’em?

I’ve been thinkin’ for a while that I gotta increase my offensive options, so I’d like to invest some into A. Around 250 should be enough to take care of my Attack stat for the foreseeable future, I guess?

Then, there’s S. When all is said and done, it’s an important stat. After finishin’ several requests, I’m realizin’ that more and more. In that case… I’ll allocate 200 points to it.

I’ll keep them remainin’ 200 ones in reserve for now.

SKP will be the bigger deal… After all, I’m thinkin’ about doin’ a couple of attempts at skill synthesis.

It makes me happy to see how various SK2 skills have been improvin’ by themselves without me noticin’. Detection is maxed out already, ain’t it?

I currently had 400 SKP. Of those, I used 230 on Sword Arts, evolving it into Swordsmanship with a D-Rank magic core, and then maxing it out1. I tried evolving it to the next stage, but that required three C-Rank magic cores, so I gave up. With that being said, I ended up with a maxed-out Swordsmanship skill.

Then, I finally decided to try skill synthesis.
I’m gettin’ strangely excited about that, don’t I?

Well, I’ve already decided on what I’ll synthesize, which will be a combination of [Swordsmanship★★] + [C(X): True Fire Magic2] and [C(X): True Fire Magic] + [Swordsmanship★★]. The former apparently creates “○○ Summoning Magic”, while the latter results in a “Nature of ○○” skill. I’m also thinkin’ about mixin’ in God of Fire, but… if that makes the cost too high, I’ll have to drop it.

I opened the skill synthesis menu and put it into operation. As for the results:

-[Swordsmanship★★] + [C(X): True Fire Magic] = [B: Blaze Sword Summoning Magic] 
-[C(X): True Fire Magic] + [Swordsmanship★★] = [B: Nature of the Blazing Sword Devil3] 

Both had a cost of two D-Rank magic cores.

-[Swordsmanship★★] + [C(X): True Fire Magic] + [God of Fire★★★★★] = [S: Divine Sword of the Miraculous Blaze Summoning Magic] 
-[C(X): True Fire Magic] + [Swordsmanship★★] + [God of Fire★★★★★] = [S: Vigor of the Heat Haze] 

Both had a cost of five B-Rank magic cores.

The latter two were seriously insane. Both their effects and skillranks (plus subranks) were over the top. But at this point, I couldn’t create them.
Nah, it’s probably more a sign of how strong my cheats are, that I can make stuff like this with just five B-Rank magic cores…

I could only create one of the former two, so I decided on [B: Blaze Sword Summoning Magic].
This’ll use up the D-Rank magic cores I have on hand, but guess it can’t be helped4.

Finally, I allocated all my 170 remaining SKP into Blaze Sword Summoning Magic and then checked my status screen.

– Status –
Name: Shuu Hino
Level: 36 EXP: 26’475
HP: 620/620 (100) MP: 2520/2520 (500 +1100)5
A (Attack): 590 (350 +30) C (Dexterity): 315 (100 +5)
D (Defense): 310 (100) W (Magic Power): 1710 (500 +1000)
S (Quickness): 920 (700 +10)6
STP: 200
– Skills –
[B: Blaze Sword Summoning Magic] Lv. 3 [C(X): True Fire Magic] Lv. 1 [C(X): True Water Magic] Lv. 1 [E(X): Wind Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Earth Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Ice Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Psychic Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Restoration Magic] Lv. –
[E(X): Enhancement Magic] Lv. – [E(X): Enfeeblement Magic] Lv. –
[Swordsmanship★] Lv. MAX [Martial Arts★] Lv. 3 [Spear Arts★] Lv. – [Bow Arts★] Lv. –
[Cooking★] Lv. 1 [Detection★] Lv. MAX [Dismantling★] Lv. 2 [God of Fire★★★★★] Lv. MAX
SKP: 0
[Knowledge] [Invited One from another World] [Sovereign of the Miraculous Blaze] [Fire Controller]

Great, I can probably say that feels right. With this, I’ll be able to fight with a sword.

“Master, have you finished?”
“Yup, I kept you waitin’.”
“…Hm? It wasn’t that long, you know. It’s alright.”

As for our plans from now on… For the time bein’, we gotta get our hands on enough D-Rank magic cores to get promoted to C-Rank.

Still… That means subjugatin’ D-Rank magic beasts, which can only be found in places that take at least one day to get to, y’know. That’s awfully inefficient.
But we’re short on magic cores, aren’t we?

That’s the only way, but… I wonder, ain’t there some better method? There might be somethin’ in those dungeons that other adventurers talked about, but from the sound of it, it’s not like you find those at a moment’s notice, so we’ll probably have to give up on ’em7.

TL notes:
Looks like Shuu is going for a mage/swordfighter hybrid build now. I wonder if God of Fire also affects summoned weapons (if they are fire elemental) and if it is as extreme as it is with normal magic. I remember from Alim’s Water Dagger/Sword, that its attack power was based on the Magic Power stat, so maybe that gets an additional multiplier.

I guess that could result in a lightsaber-like weapon with extreme cutting power. Compared to a spell that unilaterally melts down everything, this might improve their earnings, since it wouldn’t damage the corpses so much.



  1. Those 230 SKP would be the sum of maxing out Sword Arts and then Swordsmanship after evolving the skill.
  2. Since he didn’t max out True Fire Magic, he shouldn’t be able to use it for synthesis (the highest should be Advanced Fire Magic). I left it like that, since I don’t think you’d get a B-Rank skill from synthesizing a D-Rank plus a 2-Star skill.
  3. The original is 炎の剣鬼気. If it’s read as 炎の剣 鬼気 instead of 炎の剣鬼 気, it could also mean “Ghastly Blaze Sword”, but it’s an aura type skill, so I don’t think that’s right.
  4. Didn’t he get five D-Rank cores from that giant slime? He should still have two left if he only makes that sword summoning skill.
  5. The original is 2020/2020 (500 +1100), which is too little. The modifiers alone total to 2100 MP (since the 500 are doubled). This error also was in chapter 239.
  6. The original is 920 (500 +10), missing the 200 STP he allocated earlier.
  7. That sure sounds like a flag.
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