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Chapter 250 – Dissolution

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

After that, Rir fought another two or three times, during which she separated the goblins’ heads from their necks without any big issues.
Well, I get it. That’s a normal thing in this world…

On that note, I wonder how much exp she got.

“Hey, Rir.”
“What is it, Master? Being an adventurer is a lot of fun!”
“Ah… I guess… How does your status screen look right now?”
“My status screen…? Let me check,” Rir told me and started peering at her status screen, though after a short time she cried out in a hysterical voice. “Woof~? That’s weird… Even though this is the first time I’m fighting magic beasts and gaining experience points… Master, the amount I got is way too much1.”

What, does she get the same amount of exp that I get? That’s great, just like a cheat.

“Right, about that. It’s ’cause of some titles I have, no need to worry ’bout that, y’know. We can take our time to allocate skillpoints and stuff later.”
“Huh!? Those are some incredible titles, if they increase the experience gain by that much! You’re amazing, Master!”

She gazed at me with shining eyes and a look of reverence.
Yup, if only she wasn’t holdin’ a blood-covered knife…

“Incidentally, they told me at the training facility, that a master usually tells2 their slave how to allocate points on their status screen, but should we do that? I want to be useful to you, Master, so I’d like you to decide.”
“You fine with me doin’ that?”
“Of course.”

Looks like the natives of this world know little about the status screen, so it’s probably better if tell her how to invest her points.

“Master, once we find the next goblin, could you defeat it? Erm, I’d like to see your amazing magic from up close.”
“…Yup, gotcha.”

Lately, I’ve been wonderin’ whether I should stop usin’ that magic.

Ever since getting God of Fire to max level, my Fireballs started melting things if I didn’t reduce their power. Two days ago, while I was on a job, I tried hitting some trees as an experiment. The Fireballs I created were abnormally big, bigger even than balance balls, and when I shot them off, they melted everything they touched until there was nothing left. On the ground, they even created craters the same size as the Fireballs themselves.

If I didn’t dial down their power, they were seriously dangerous. That’s why I got super scared and still hadn’t tried using Emission and Cannon spells.

Yesterday, I made the smallest possible Fireball and shot it through the head of a goblin. So far, this worked best.

But now Rir told me that she wants to see my magic, so… I’m a boy, so I’d like to show off a little. I probably won’t be blamed if I make another crater in this forest.

Rir and I discovered another goblin, right away.

“Great, if you would, Master.”
“Watch from behind me, alright? It’s crazy dangerous.”

Rir obediently took position behind me. I verified that she stood there, and also made sure there were no other people in our surroundings. Then I created a Fireball.

“Wow… What is this? Is this the strongest type of magic… Matchless?”
“Nah, that’s a Ball.”
“A Ball!? This is a Ball!?”
“Yup… watch this.”

I shot the Fireball at the goblin.

There was a small-scale explosion, and smoke rose up. Once the smoke cleared, a large hole had opened up where the magic had hit, and the goblin’s corpse was nowhere to be seen, with only the magic core sparkling in the center3.

“Huh… What happened to the goblin?”
“…It was melted and disappeared due to the strength of my magic.”

Rir retreated and took around two steps distance from me.
Ah, she got seriously scared4.

“…You were the one who said you wanted to see it, Rir, y’know.”
“T-True, but… what is this? This tremendous power… It was even more incredible than when I first saw it.”
“Well, I’ve gotten stronger.”
“H-Hey, how does magic higher than a Ball turn out?”
“Dunno. I never used anythin’ higher than ’em.”

After that, I put a total of 16 goblins into the ground together with Rir, who seemed a bit scared of me, in a different way than when she met me for the first time.
She apparently possessed a convenient skill called “Detection”. She said she’d teach it to me, once we got home.

We made a lot of money from the goblin subjugation, and then returned to the inn.

“Woof, woof… You were like a mighty sorcerer, Master.”
“That so? Well, dissolvin’ bodies is clearly abnormal.”
“Woof~… It was scary, but… you were also a little cool, Master.”
“Ha-ha, was I?”

Until we had dinner, Rir taught me Detection and Dismantling. I was able to learn them without any issues, and they even improved by a few stages. We decided to allocate the points another time, and the day of Rir’s debut as an adventurer came to an end.

TL notes:
That magic demonstration went as well as expected. As a reminder, Shuu has at least 1670 in his magic power stat (likely more since he’s been going on quests for three days since then). That’s something you normally wouldn’t get until level 117 (unless you’re dumping all STP into W, in which case it’d be possible at level 64). And then there’s God of Fire which multiplies that by probably around several dozen times.



  1. So, the exp increase of both titles apply to party members? Back in chapter 206, it sounded like only the effect of making it more likely for skills to improve could be shared with others.
  2. The original is 強制 (“compulsion”, “forcing to do”). The problem is, as we’ll see next time, that there’s no way to directly manipulate the status screen of someone else, so the slave could still decide to allocate points as they want and not how the master tells them to.
  3. So, are these things indestructible, or did it simply spawn after the explosion happened?
  4. The original is more like “she seriously drew back from me”, though I guess this is the implied meaning.
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