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Chapter 246 – Karua’s Visit – Day 4 (Part 3)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

I reluctantly left the machine.

My appearance this time was an outfit that had been popular in the Mephilad Kingdom until some time ago. Incidentally, the outfits that were currently popular, were based on what Mika and I were wearing on the photographs that were used for magazine covers.

“I wanted to have you try wear that outfit, since I have never seen you wear it before, but… Hrm~, compared to the maid clothes from before, it looks sublime1.”
“You’re right, Karua,” Mika agreed while snapping pictures.
“If you say it suits her, then it does.”
“That is true… Though I think it is because Alim was adorable from the beginning.”
“‘Tmight be that.”

They all are just saying whatever they want…

Possibly because they had already gotten tired of that outfit, they decided to draw lots again. At any rate, I expected Karua to win once more, but I was wrong. Rose drew the winning lot.

“Oh! ‘Tis Us this time? Anon, We chose Alim.”

Right after Rose said that, she grabbed my arm and pushed me into the machine. My clothes were changed in an instant, and I emerged.

My hair had grown longer and was furthermore held in place with a hair clip that looked like a rose. Moreover… For some reason, I felt a draft all over my body. I expected it to be some kind of erotic appearance that showed a lot of skin, but as far as I could see, this wasn’t the case.

My current outfit was a red dress. Only, it looked like said dress was made from gathered roses, and all of them were real, genuine rose petals. This was the cause for the draft I felt. To think that Rose would have me wear such a thing.

“Oh!? Anon, it doth suit thee.”
“A bright red… dress?” Karua wondered.
“Aye, Alim’s hair is red like a rose. Thus, We wanted to try having her wear a dress made of rose petals. We also made her hair longer and tied it in the shape of a rose.”
“B-But is there not something off about this dress?”
“Is that so? Well, ’tis wholly made of rose petals. This way, it seemed more interesting.”
“Even… even so, did you need to make everything, even the underwear, out of roses!?” I yelled without thinking.

I had noticed that everything, up to my panties and bra was made of rose petals. Wearing it felt super uncomfortable. Like diving into a flower field while being naked. Also, Mika kept taking photos with her Tozumaho while grinning.

Damn… I’ll force her to wear this outfit when we go to sleep…!

“Our apologies, We thought ‘twould be more interesting this way…”
“Alim, I would like to verify what you said. Kindly show us your underwear2,” Karua demanded.
“No… no way…”

What is the princess of this country saying? I need to… I need to quickly change into another outfit.

“C-C’mon, let’s quickly draw lots again! Alright?” I urged them.
“Well, if you say so, Alim.”

I wasn’t sure how many rounds it’d been so far, but we drew lots once more. From how things had been going, no matter how you looked at it, if anyone but me drew the winning lot, they’d make me change clothes. Why didn’t I realize that in advance…?

“Finally! It’s me.” Lilo exclaimed as she won.

Please, please make it something decent. I want to get out of this rose dress quickly.

“Then, Alim, please get into the machine.”

I went inside, as she had said, and got out immediately after.

My hair was in super-long pigtails, almost reaching the floor. As for my outfit… this time, I was wearing a fluttering bra and a slip with also fluttering decorations attached to them… It was the outfit that female dancers in this country wore during summer. Additionally, it was the highly revealing type that only some of those dancers dared to wear.

I’d like to spend some time, like an hour, asking them what they are planning to do to me. While wearing proper clothing. If it’s going to be like this, the maid outfit would’ve been preferable, you know…

“T-This… erm… this is super embarrassing…”
“Embarrassing? Isn’t that the same appearance as yesterday?” Lilo asked me. “Still, no matter what you wear, it suits you! Give us a dance!”
“I don’t want to… Geez!”

After that, I was fondled by everyone… and Mika kept taking photos. Some time later, we drew lots again.
I wonder how long this will go on.

The next winner was Mika.

“Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh, I won.”
“P-Please don’t chose anything weird, alright?”

I entered the machine for the nth time, and immediately left it again.

My hair had turned pretty, straight, and long. As for my outfit, I didn’t feel a draft this time… It was… the girl’s uniform of our school.
I mean, I prefer the same kind of socks as Mika does.

In other words, I was currently cosplaying as Mika back on Earth.

“At first glance, it appears like a uniform you might find at a school in another country of this world.”
“You’re right. It’s a school uniform.”
“Alim… you’re cute… so cute!”
“It is different from before, a cuteness that comes from the heart!”
“Hrm? We do not understand thy meaning.”

On closer look, a pen had been inserted in my chest pocket without me noticing, and I was also holding something like Mika’s school bag.

[What are you planning, Mika?] I asked her via telepathy.
[Eh-heh-heh, this time, I wanted to avoid outfits like those before. It suits you, you know.] 
[I-Is that so?] 
[It sure does, it suits you a lot. Then, let’s draw lots again~!] 

After that, I was treated like a toy until we ate dinner.

TL notes:
If all of them are commenting, speakers are Karua -> Mika -> Lilo -> Myuri -> Rose, unless specified otherwise.

Some of these outfits sound interesting, so it’s a bit of a shame that there are no illustrations for this webnovel. Although, considering Alim is supposed to be 12 years old, this might be for the better, at least with the more… risqué ones.



  1. The original is 微妙. Depending on how it is pronounced, it can mean either something like “not great” or “wonderful”. The latter is apparently an obsolete meaning, but it’s likely the one Karua uses here.
  2. Karua sure turns out to be the biggest pervert among them (at least openly).
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