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Chapter 245 – Worry (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

The two kids had finished getting ready to sleep and were sitting on the bed. When he saw Sakura’s serious expression, Kanata got worried that he had done something wrong.

“So, what… what did you want to talk about?”
“Well, to make it short, you got way too excited today.”

Kanata tried to recall his actions while rubbing his tired eyes. Certainly, he reflected, Sakura was right, he had been in way too high spirits.

“Well. Sakura… you do know my peculiarities, do you not? Muah-ha-ha.”
“Yes, I do. I know what kind of person you are. That’s why I have to make sure you don’t go overboard due to excitement and do something irreversible. This place is different from Japan, you realize?”
“I get how you feel. But you worry too much, you know.”

Sakura felt like she had told herself the same thing during lunch, but for the time being, she continued talking without caring about that.

“Still, when I saw the goblins… I think I understood1 that we might get killed if we are careless, you know? What will I do if you’re caught by surprise since you’re immersed in one of your chuuni fantasies like always, and end up dying?”
“Well… that’s true. I’ll make sure to be careful. For some reason, I was in too much of a good mood today. Though I was tired from the start, so maybe that was the reason.”
“…Is that your way of saying that it was my fault?”
“That’s not what I meant, you know. Still, I would welcome it, if I could get a good night’s sleep today. On the couch.”
“…Understood. I’m sorry.”
“No, no.”

Sakura shifted a bit away from the place Kanata was sitting and bowed her head lightly in apology, though she immediately raised it again and started talking with a pout.

“…Or rather, why am I even apologizing? That’s not what I meant. I want you to be more careful, Kanata… that’s what I am talking about.”
“…So please, erm… don’t go dying in this place that isn’t only not Japan… but not even Earth, will you? If you were gone, who’d be the one to tell me what’s happening around me?”

She urged him with slightly moist eyes. Kanata unexpectedly placed his hand on her head, causing it to start swaying left and right.

“It’ll be alright… probably.”
“I’m worried… Please promise me that we’ll go back to Japan together.”

Sakura pointed her pinky at Kanata. He linked it with his own.

“Right. If you break that promise, I’ll make you regret it2, alright?”
“Yes, yes.”
“Good, you seem to get it. By the way, Kanata. How long are you planning to stroke my head? Isn’t this sexual harassment?”
“Ah… sorry. I’ll stop doing it.”
“Eh… ah… no… erm… that’s not what I meant. Yeah. You don’t… need to stop… Oh, we should go to sleep. Shouldn’t we?”
“Hm~… right.”

Due to Sakura last resort suggestion, the two kids each went to sleep in their respective places. Sakura, as always, on the bed, and Kanata on the wide, high-class sofa. They told each other “Good night” and should have fallen asleep.

However, sleep eluded Sakura. She couldn’t calm down and fall asleep. She had had a faint inkling about that before, but now she keenly felt that she wasn’t able to find sleep, unless she was embracing something3. Still, she frantically tried to sleep.

She knew from all the years of being with Kanata, that’s he’d likely come to her side, should she call out to him, though she was reluctant to do so. If she did that, he would be the one unable to sleep. She continued fidgeting on the bed, unable to find her rest.

“Hey, Sakura. Can’t fall asleep?”
“That’s… that’s not it.”
“Right, in that case, good ni-”
“What… what if I told you, that I want you to come to my side…? You’re welcome to do so. It’s a special offer, you know.”
“Nah, if I do that, I won’t be able to fall asleep…”
“…I-It’s a special offer.”
“I’m really sorry, just let me sleep. Please.”

When she replied like that, Kanata was about to fall asleep. In the end, Sakura was only able to get some shallow sleep…


“Are both of the Sages sleeping?” Loukis’ voice echoed through the throne room.
“Hoh… no, it looks like Sakura still hasn’t fallen asleep.”

The replying voice belonged to Dace, who stood in front of the throne, where Loukis was sitting. There was currently no one but these two in the room.

“I see. Still, if it’s Sakura, it won’t be an issue. Her intuition isn’t as good as Kanata’s and, more than anything, she’s blind. She probably won’t come here at this hour.”
“Hoh, that’s true. Sakura might be the smarter one, but Kanata is faster to react.”
“Yes, they are both pretty good,” Loukis remarked with a satisfied smile.
“That’s right. The two of them… it’s only been a few days since they’ve come to this country, but they’ve steadily gotten stronger, haven’t they?”
“Yes, they seem promising. Promising enough that our plan will succeed.”

TL notes:
Some serious talk between Kanata and Sakura, and an ominous conversation between Loukis and Dace. Seeing she’s the country’s seeress, it’s not surprising that she’s involved in whatever plan they are cooking up, but it remains to be seen how deep her involvement goes.



  1. It’s also possible she thinks that Kanata understood that after seeing the goblins.
  2. The original is 破ったら針千本のます, which is likely a variation of 指切りげんまん、嘘ついたら針千本飲ます (“pinky promise pledge: if you’re lying, I’ll make you drink a thousand needles”).
  3. Couldn’t she just have the castle people get her a plushie or something? We already know from chapter 192 that they exist in Anazumu.
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