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Chapter 244 – Magic (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Then first, what is magic? To put it simply, it’s something you learn via skills and create by converting MP. The results of it depend on your magic power… that’s about it.”

The two kids were able to easily understand that explanation.

“Now, people are able to feel the magic power of others. Did you know that?”
“Yes, Teacher Dace told us about that.”
“I see. You can usually think of magic power as a mixture of MP swirling around a person. The more magic power there is, the stronger one’s magic becomes. Well, it’s impossible to hide it, so other people can always feel it. Though you can freely adjust its strength.”
“I thought for sure it’d be inside, like blood.”

At Kanata’s comment, Heimdall nodded lightly.

“You’re right, in the distant past… until around 2000 years ago, people apparently thought like that.”
“I see.”
“Incidentally, would you like to see my magic power? If you’re exposed to too much power, it’ll feel bad, and some people even lose consciousness. I’ll try to let out less than 10%.”

After a short discussion, Kanata and Sakura decided to have Heimdall show them his magic power.

“Please show us.”
“Good, in that case, feel it.”

Right after he said that, a large amount of magic power was emitted from the old man, who carried a horn. The two kids were caught in a chill that felt as if they were standing in a haunted place. Heimdall continued to release his magic for several seconds.

“Now, how did it feel?”
“It somehow felt like… *whoosh*…”
“I see, I see. Then, that’s it for this class.”

The two kids were surprised once again. When they looked at the clock in the room, not even 30 minutes had passed. It had been planned for Heimdall to teach them a full hour today. Both Kanata and Sakura thought that they had done too little and that the lecture had ended too quickly.

“That’s… it?”
“Indeed. We only have an hour. That said, even if we had ten hours, I would have finished the lecture at this point. What I told you earlier? That’s pretty much everything about magic1.”
“Eh, then what about the remaining time?”
“I was planning to teach you about skills, how to perform skill synthesis, and so on, you see. From tomorrow on, this will be the main part of this class.”

Once Kanata heard that they would be taught about skill synthesis, he agreed that he was fine with that. It was the same for Sakura.

“In that case, what about today’s remaining time?”
“Hm, I thought about showing you the magic I specialize in. In any case, Thor probably gave you an example of his thunder magic, didn’t he?”
“Yes, he did.”
“In that case, I’ll show you mine, too. My magic isn’t as flashy as his, so you can rest easy.”

Before the kids knew it, Heimdall was holding the large horn in his hands. When he blew lightly into it, five magic circles appeared in front of them.

“My strength lies in summoning magic, you see. There are two types of summoning magic. First, the one that usually summons one to two strong individual beings or magic beasts. Second, the one that summons a great number of things. I specialize in the latter.”

While he was giving that explanation, one by one, beings that looked like knights in western-styled armor emerged from one of the magic circles.

“That’s about it. If I were to put in some effort, I’d manage 10’000, and with my full power, 30’000 are possible.”

Due to the magic power, he had felt earlier, Kanata judged that these words weren’t a lie. Sakura also confirmed via detection that the number of beings in this room with magic power had increased by five.

“I see, I see. At any rate, this is why I am called the ‘One Man Army’.”
“The ‘One Man Army’… that’s so cool.”
“It is, isn’t it?”

After that, due to Kanata’s sweet talking, Heimdall showed them a lot of magic of a level that wouldn’t affect their surroundings. Each time, Kanata looked at it with shining eyes. Sakura, on the other hand, frantically continued to use Detection on the beings and their magic power, which caused the skill to reach the next stage.

“Hah… hah… that’s it. See you again tomorrow.”
“Yes, until tomorrow! Thank you very much.”
“Thank you so much!”

The time had come. The kids bowed to Heimdall and left the room.

They then moved to Dace’s classroom, where she taught them for several hours. During that time, Kanata was continuously grinning. For some reason, it seemed as if something was on his mind for the whole day. Sakura, with her intuition as Kanata’s childhood friend, vowed, once more, to remind him strongly not to do anything reckless before they went to bed.

They ate dinner, which was just as lavish as their lunch had been2, worked hard at their studies once more, and then returned to their room, completely exhausted.

“Hah, today was a bit tiring, wasn’t it?”
“Weren’t you super excited all day?”
“Oh… was it that obvious?”
“I notice these things… Erm, Kanta. Once I’m done in the bath… we need to talk for a bit.”
“Huh? Gotcha.”

TL notes:
And here’s Yggdrasil’s second SSS-Ranker who seems to be somewhat similar to Mira/Danblf from Pupil of the Wiseman (at least his moniker is the same). Summoning magic wasn’t much present in this story, except for the part with King Mephilad at the start of volume 7, who’s less the “strength in numbers” and more the “few summons with overwhelming strength” type.



  1. Well, there’s the part about how to use your magic power to cast different spells at the same time (the one Alim learned during the boss fight in chapter 22) but for that they’d need to learn magic first. Though it’s also possible the author simply forgot about it.
  2. I says they eat lunch and dinner in the original, but they already ate lunch in chapter 242. Though it’s also possible the original means something like “in a continuance of the lunch, they also ate a lavish dinner”.
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