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Chapter 242 – The First Battle (Kanata & Sakura)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

“Hyahah~~!” Kanata gleefully yelled, as he swung around the partisan with an expertise that wouldn’t make one believe, that he was holding it for the first time today.

“Hyah!? Ah… I’m sorry, I got caught up in the moment.”

When Kyrian called out to him, he finally stopped swinging around the spear. Ever since the training had started, he had been this way. Of course, his Spear SK2 skill had improved by a tremendous amount.

“Erm… We’re done with training for today.”
“I-It’s over?”
“Y-Yes. It’s over.”

While showing traces of disappointment, Kanata returned the training spear to its original place, and went towards Sakura.

Sakura, on the other hand, didn’t have any issues, thanks to her SK2 skills improving merely by swinging around her sword, despite not being able to see anything. As she was now, if she was holding a sword, she was likely able to strike someone down, even if they were to attack her from behind.

“Hah… hah… phew…”
“Hrm, you did work hard!” Kruzel praised her. “As much as it pains me to say, today’s training is over.”
“Hah… Thank you very much.”
“You’re sweating an awful lot, you know. You should take a bath before lunch.”
“Yes, I will…”

Kanata closed in on Sakura, when Kruzel took back the sword from her and left to put it back into the storeroom.

“How did it go, Sakura? He didn’t do anything to you, did he? Were you able to get some proper training? Do you have any injuries?”
“I’m fine, you worry too much. How did it go for you, Kanata? I constantly heard strange shouts while I was training.”
“…In any case, you probably had fun holding a spear.”
“Yes, I sure did.”

When Kyrian called out to them, the two kids went into the castle interior, changed back into normal clothes, and finished their training. They took a short bath, enjoyed a lavish lunch, and then were called to the throne room.

“Kanata,” the king called out to him, “I was told that you were in high spirits during training, weren’t you?”
“I was…”
“Sakura, it looks like you were also able to manage.”

“Hrm, next would be subjugating magic beasts for practical training, but before that, there is something I want you to do,” Loukis said, while showing them something looking like a jewel, which a maid had carried in unnoticed. “This is usually used to register and form parties at the adventurer guild. The two of you aren’t adventurers, but I want you to register as a party in preparation for the training1.”

Just as Loukis had urged them to, the two kids placed their hands on the jewel and formed a party. With this, if one of them obtained experience points, the other would receive the same amount.

“Good, from now on, you’re in Thor’s hands.”
“Ga-ha-ha, it’s finally my turn!”

When the two kids turned to where the voice had come from, they found that Thor had shown up without them noticing.

He took them with him, handed them weapons and defensive gear, and they were about to leave the castle after equipping themselves.

“Right! I introduced myself yesterday2, didn’t I? I’m Thor. Let me tell you something before we start the practical training. I’m an SSS-Ranker. Contrary to what most people think, your level is quite important, you know? This is something that only SS- and SSS-Rankers notice…”
“…I realized that the moment I arrived in this world.”
“Oh, that’s promising! Erm…”
“I’m Kanata.”
“I see, Nakata!”
“It’s Ka-na-ta, Sir.”

During this back and forth, the three of them left the castle and entered a forest where trees looking like conifers grew in abundance.

“Alright, magic beasts have a rank.”
“That’s what Miss Dace taught us.”
“In that case, this’ll be quick. For the time being, you’ll defeat several cottonlings, F-Rank magic beasts! Let me see…”

Thor closed his eyes for a moment, opened them suddenly, while uttering a “There you are”, and then hurled the giant hammer he was carrying on his shoulder. After a short time, the hammer returned to Thor’s hand by itself.

“Erm, what just happened?”
“Just now, I used a skill called Detection to locate magic beasts, and brought them down with my prided weapon, Mjölnir.”
“I see.”

Right after seeing that spectacle, Kanata and Sakura were informed that they had also acquired the Detection skill.

“Oh, I obtained Detection.”
“That’s great. I left you half of the cottonlings, so go hunt the ones that remain.”

When the two kids headed the way the hammer had flown, they discovered six white cotton balls with what looked like two red eyes attached to each. There were also five F-Rank magic cores on the ground.

“Sakura, even if I am the one to kill them, you should get exp, so please wait here.”
“Eh… no, I can also fight.”
“This is our first time real battle, and we don’t know what our foes can do. I don’t want you to fight.”
“Hm… I guess it can’t be helped. Understood. I’ll wait, this time,” Sakura relented and stopped where she was.

Kanata took out a spear and stabbed it at a cottonling. The blade of the partisan made of Ultimetal cut the magic beast to pieces without any trouble.

“…Sakura, do you want to give it a try, after all?”
“Geez, make up your mind… Understood, I’ll do it. Thanks to detection, I know where my foes are, even without seeing them.”

This time, Sakura took out a sword and used it to cut down the closest cottonling. Afterwards, the two kids brought down the remaining foes gathered there within several seconds, and then felt a warm sensation flowing into them.

TL notes:
Cottonlings sound way too cute to be slaughtered as ruthlessly as it happens here. It’s probably a good thing Sakura can’t see them, or she might’ve refused to kill them. Detection sure sounds useful, I wonder what the condition for learning it is, and why Alim never got it during his trek in the forest.



  1. So, these things really have no level requirement. Again, I really don’t understand King Mephilad not using this to powerlevel his kids to prevent stuff like Karua’s kidnapping.
  2. It says “the day before yesterday” in the original, but it happened the previous day.
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