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Chapter 241 – Karua’s Visit – Day 4 (Part 2)

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Author: SS Samurai Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: rm31439 English Source: Re:Library

After that, various things happened and Karua managed to get Rose to drop her weird formal speech, though she still seemed to be nervous.

Well, I’ll try not to worry about this stuff now that we’re six people here. I wonder, what should we best play today?

“We have time until lunch, so is there something you’d like to do?” I asked them.
“S-Since we have so many people here, now…” Karua started.
“In that case, couldst thou not create something with thy skill, Alim?” Rose asked.

The following short discussion ended in support of Rose’s suggestion.
Either way, I wonder what I should make?

To be honest, since I was currently a girl, too, I couldn’t think of much else but eat sweets, cook something, play videogames or board games, watch a movie, read mangas, or play with cute accessories. We always played board games, and mangas and video games were things from another world, which I, of course, couldn’t show the people of this world1. Karua had also already seen a movie.

In that case, should we either eat sweets or look at accessories2? I guess I better ask Mika, seeing she’s a genuine, trueborn girl.

[Mika~, I can’t think of anything good… What do girls usually do, when they meet up?] 
[Sorry, don’t you remember that I always spent my time with you, Ayumu? I can probably count on my hands how often I’ve ever met up with other girls…] 
[I’d say you definitely did that more than 15 times.] 
[Well~, personally, I rather wanted to spend time with you, so… I never focused on what happened during those times, you see. Rather than that, I often imagined what would happen if you had joined us wearing girl’s clothes, Ayumu.] 

Jeez, what was she thinking… Ah-ha-ha-ha…

…Hrm, what to do. Girl’s clothes… Girl’s clothes… That’s it! Let’s have a dress-up competition. I can create any clothes we want. I can also temporarily lengthen or shorten someone’s hair. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

“Alright, everyone! We can play dress-up! I’ll make a magic item that allows us to freely adjust the length of our hair and that can create any clothes we think of. That should be lots of fun!”
“That does sound good!”

After Karua’s exclamation, everyone else also approved of the idea. In any case… at her proposal, a rule was added to draw lots and have the winner decide who they want to dress up.
…Which turned out to be a terrible idea.

On second thought, all of them, except for Rose, were people who toyed with me on a regular basis. Not realizing that in time was how my nightmare began.


“Then, let’s draw lots.”

At Karua’s shout, the six of us pushed our hands into a machine I had created, and pulled out rods. As for the winner, it was, surprise surprise, Karua. She looked at me with a joyful expression.
Why is she staring at me? Stop it, don’t gaze at me with such a glow in your eyes!

“In that case, I chose Alim!” she said exactly what I thought she would say.

She then pulled me by my hand and shoved me into the fully automatic machine that could modify clothing, hair shape and makeup.

“Hm~, I want to see her in this, after all,” while mumbling that, Karua put on the helmet-like mind-reading contraption outside the machine, and formed a mental image of the shape I’d be stuck with from now on.

After several seconds, I found myself wearing a frilly maid outfit with a headband, carrying a silver tray. It looked like my hair hadn’t changed. I reluctantly came out of the machine.

“Kyah~! You’re incredibly cute!” Lilo exclaimed.
“I-I never realized, the maid outfits were this lovely!” Myuri mused.
“Heh-heh, I knew it, I always wanted to try having Alim wear this,” Karua nodded to herself.
“Right on… or rather, as one wouldst expect of the girl who’s just that popular in the nation, by my troth,” Rose commented.

While everyone else gave their impressions, Mika took out her Tozumaho and started taking photos without saying anything.

I’ll have to get rid of those later. Mika probably doesn’t realize that, but if, for instance, those photos were to spread among the people of the Association of Earth Member Adorers, it won’t end well. It’s not that I’m particularly vain or anything, but those people would probably pay 10’000 bells for one of those photos.

“L-Let’s move on to the next quickly, quickly!” I urged them on.
“That is fine, but you have to stay in this outfit until you change into another, Alim, you know?” Karua mercilessly commented.

Finally, we drew lots for the next round. Karua won again. I forgot her insane luck.

“Oh my… Me again.”
“Who will you choose next, Princess Karua?”
“That should be obvious, dear sister Myuri… I chose Alim.”

I was pushed into the machine once more, having my outfit changed against my will.

TL notes:
Day 4 of Karua’s visit has four parts instead of the usual two, so this isn’t the end of Alim’s suffering, though there will be some Kanata/Sakura chapters in between.

I’m not sure why they’d be so laser-focused on Alim, despite all of them being rather pretty and having a machine at their disposal that can create any outfit one imagines. But I guess it’s mostly the “gender-bender protagonist being forced to try on tons of different outfits”-trope at play this time. I guess I have to take back what I said in chapter 148, about the story skirting this one.



  1. Why not? Just say it’s a weird magic item his skill created.
  2. He does realize that would just be the girls making him try on tons of accessories?
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