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Chapter 9 Age Five(9)

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I’ve been cooped up at home living the same routine every day for 3 months.
The commercials that tormented me are finally over today.
For the past 3 months, whenever a commercial came on TV, I’d be caught by my dad or mom and forced to watch it without being able to escape.

As I was forced to watch, I realized something.
In the commercial, I was doing a crying performance.
Those tears were an all-out performance that even deceived myself.
Damn, showing this level of acting at 5 years old, am I meant to win an Academy Award for Best Actress?

What does a person like me lack?
Hooo, but my career as a child actor ends here.
What if other child actors despair because of my talent?
I’m quite considerate, thinking about others.

“Honey, Dohee has been talking to herself for a while now.”

“She’s still a baby. It’s the age where she can have fun playing alone.”


And today marks 10 months since I started learning the piano, and my piano progress is about to finish Czerny 100.

During my piano lesson,

I lean against my teacher’s chest to learn piano.
Would I have been able to withstand the mental breakdowns caused by the commercials without these perfect breasts?

“Teacher, I like you.”

“I really like Dohee too~.”

“Did you accept my confession?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ll take that as a yes and keep touching.”

Over the past 10 months, as I got closer to my teacher, my prudence about her chest lowered.
As a result, I can now touch my teacher’s chest with my hands.

The first time I touched it, it was nothing short of heaven.
Of course, even now, touching it is heaven.
While touching, I want to touch it again.

“Hey, Dohee, you need to play the piano. Enough with the teacher’s breasts!”


When I look up at the teacher with pitiful eyes, she eventually softens her expression.

“Okay, just a little touch and then back to the piano?”

“Hehe, yes!”

A big chest is peace. It’s justice. It’s an embracement.

But what if my chest becomes big when I grow up?
Nah, looking at mom’s chest, it’s impossible to have a big chest anyways.
Why worry.

After touching my teacher’s chest a lot, I resumed the piano lesson.

“Dohee, the next lesson will be the end of Czerny 100?”

‘Hehe, then as a reward, I should touch your chest~’

“Dohee, do you want to start preparing for a competition from the next lesson?”

“Huh? Not Czerny 30?”

“That’s good too, but I think you’re ready to enter the competition now.”

In my previous life, I couldn’t even read sheet music properly.
The fact that I can compete now is overwhelming.

“Teacher, if I enter the competition, can I win an award?”

“Of course~”

Me, a competition winner?
Wow… Please, if you’re Korean, let’s all support Lee Dohee.

“But actually, in kindergarten competitions, everyone gets a participation award just for completing the performance.”


“The competitions have a lot of awards, starting with the grand prize, second prize, special prize, excellence award, merit award, gold, silver, bronze, and encouragement award. The names of the awards might vary slightly between competitions, but for the smaller kindergarten category, you receive an award just by completing the performance.”

Then is there any point in entering?
It’s not an award worthy of bragging, I want an award to show off, not just any award.
Does that mean my ten months of practicing piano for hours every day won’t be rewarded?

“Oh, is Dohee disappointed?”


“Getting an award is guaranteed, but I didn’t say the grand prize is meaningless, did I? The grand prize is still a big deal even in kindergarten, only the really talented get it.”


“And did you know the grand prize comes with a cash prize of over a million won?”


“Haha, then let’s start practicing for the competition from the next lesson, okay?”


“Dohee, what piece would you like to play? You can choose from what you’ve learned so far.”

“Teacher, please choose a piece that will get me the grand prize.”

“Hmm, then let’s try Mozart’s Rondo.”

“I haven’t learned that piece. Will I win the grand prize if I play it?”

“Of course. It’s a piece that often wins in elementary school competitions, and if you play it perfectly without mistakes in the elementary division, you’ll get the grand prize.”

It seems like a fairly difficult piece.

“Then I’ll do it!”

“Okay, I’ll print the sheet music for the next lesson. Shall we end the lesson here today?”

“Yes! Teacher, can you give me a hug now~?”

After the lesson, I always leave the room while being held by my teacher instead of leaving by myself.

“Aw, our Dohee is so spoiled, haha. When will you start leaving by yourself?”

“Hug me.”

While being held by the teacher, I called my mom when the door opened, leaving the room.

“Mom, the lesson is over~”

“Ma’am, our lesson is finished~”

“Thank you for your hard work~, Hey, Lee Dohee, I told you not to cling to the teacher because she’s tired.”

“Haha, I’m fine, ma’am.”

“Teacher said she’s fine.”

“Hooo, come here and give mom a hug, the teacher is tired.”

Mom opens her arms and looks at me.
I look at my mother’s chest.


When I grow up, I won’t be that small, right?
Of course, I don’t want to be too big, but as a woman, you need a certain size to look good in clothes.

“Hey! Lee Dohee, did you just sigh looking at mom’s chest?”


“What’s wrong with mom’s chest? You think you’ll be different? You have mother’s genes after all.”

“I’ll stake my entire chest on 50% of my dad’s genes.”

My mom must’ve got annoyed and ended up giving me a flick on the forehead, which she hadn’t done since the commercial shoot.


But I don’t cry.
That time it was really acting.


With lots of imaginary training, I eventually overcame it.
The nightmare of that day is over.

“Huhu, mom’s flick can’t make me cry anymore? It’s my victory.”

“You’re asking for more?”


I got hit again in the same spot.


I guess my body can’t endure two hits.

Two days later, it’s piano lesson time again.
The teacher brought the competition piece sheet music she mentioned last time.

“Now Dohee, shall we play it?”


After 10 months, my skills have improved enough that I can now play most pieces with both hands even if I see them for the first time.

“As expected, Dohee you’re really good.”


“But there were a few mistakes, so let’s try again.”


“As I said last time, this piece is aimed at winning in elementary competitions, so it might be too hard for a 5-year-old. Let’s take it slow.”

I nod and repeat playing.
But every time, I make mistakes due to lack of strength.
Since I was 5, my fine motor skills haven’t developed enough to play with consistent rhythm and intensity.

“Dohee, if it’s too hard, you don’t have to use this piece. You can still win the grand prize with an easier piece.”

“I want to keep trying with this song. There’s only some time left until the competition, but I think I can do it.”

A man’s pride, once you draw the sword, you must cut down your target.

“Haha, you’re so diligent, and lovely Dohee.”

The teacher hugs me for being so earnest.

With this chest, nothing is impossible, not even Mozart or Beethoven.

About a month later,
On the day of the Korean Music Competition

“Sweetie, hurry and get dressed.”

“Can’t I wear something else?”

“Like what?”

“First, put away that princess dress.”

“But I saved up my money to buy it for this day.”

“Go get a refund.”

A pink princess dress with lots of frills… I can’t tolerate it…

“Okay… then wear this at least…”

After a dramatic negotiation with mom, we decided on a black dress with a big collar.

“Honey, are you ready?”

“Yes~ I’ll be out soon~”

Dad decided to come with us today for my first competition.

“The teacher is waiting downstairs, let’s go quickly.”


When we leave the house and get in the car, as we drive, we see the teacher standing on the side of the road.
Wow, her chest is big today too.

“Honey, that’s Dohee’s teacher. So stop the car right there in front of me.”

“Uh, got it.”

As we stop in the car, I see
dad’s eyes looking at the teacher’s chest.

“Mom, dad just looked at the teacher’s chest.”


“Ah…what are you talking about, Lee Dohee, you’ll get scolded for lying.”

“Sir, I saw it clearly with my own eyes.”

“No, no I didn’t!”

“You just wait, until the piano teacher isn’t around…”

Sigh. This is why they say men are so obsessed with breasts, tsk tsk… a person who has a wife and child is ogling.

When we park in front of the teacher, she opens the car door and gets in the back seat where I am.

“Hello, ma’am. Dohee~”


“Nice to meet you, Dohee’s father. I am Joo Yeonji, Dohee’s piano teacher.”

“Hello, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“I thought Dohee was pretty because her mom is beautiful, but her dad is handsome too. Haha.”

Uh-oh… Teacher, you shouldn’t say that right now…

“AHaha…, thank you.”

Mom glares at dad.
She pokes him with her finger and whispers so only he can hear.

-Do you like it? Do you like it so much that you could die? –
Ah… maybe I shouldn’t have tattled?
The tense atmosphere in the car continues until we reach the competition venue, the art hall where it was held.

After arriving at the art hall, we checked the performance order and received a ticket number.
My teacher and I go to the waiting room while mom and dad head to the audience alone.

Dad, cheer up! Hang in there!

The teacher and I sit on the waiting room chairs and wait for our turn.
Looking at the kids performing before me, it’s clear that they often make mistakes, their piano key presses are inconsistent, and they lack dynamics in parts that need to be emphasized.

‘Guess I could’ve won the grand prize even with an easier piece.’

Before I knew it my turn came up.
I go to the piano on stage and sit down.
Honestly, I’m nervous.
Phew… As long as I don’t make mistakes in what I practiced so far, it’ll be fine.
I calmly place my hands on the piano keys and start playing.
Once I started playing my body unconsciously was able to play the song I’d played countless times over the course of a month, even without needing to think.

After the short one-minute performance, I bow to the audience and leave the stage.

Back in the waiting room, my teacher greets me.
The teacher lifts me up and says.

“Dohee, you did so well today, you’re the best. You’ll definitely get the grand prize!”

“Yes, I think I played really well today.”

Even in my opinion, it was a clean performance.
As my nerves ease, my hands tremble slightly.
I feel an inexplicable euphoria as I head to where mom and dad are waiting in the audience.

Arriving at the audience my mom picks me up, embracing me and says.

“My daughter did so well. She was so amazing.”

“Yeah, I did well.”

I wondered why Dad was so quiet, and when I looked at him, he was watching Mom’s expression.

Sigh… I need to help him.

“Dad, hug me.”

Dad is delighted by my rare request and hugs me.

“Dad loves our Dohee the most.”

“Okay, tell that to mom.”

At least thanks to me, the atmosphere seems to have relaxed a bit.

For the rest of the time, we sit in the audience listening to the remaining performances after me.
Now I can definitely tell.
I’m much more skilled than the other kids.

After all the participants finish their performances, the award ceremony starts.
My name isn’t called for bronze, silver, or gold, nor for merit, excellence, special, or second prizes.

Finally, my name is called for the grand prize.

I feel a surge of joy through my body.
Even though it’s the kindergarten division,
The competition grand prize isn’t just a personal achievement only I can boast about.

Being reborn and continuously working hard has finally been tangibly rewarded for the first time.
It’s a small trophy and cash prize, but it confirms that I wasn’t wrong.
I feel like I have been validated with the small award and prize money showing me it wasn’t fruitless.

Mom’s SNS today.
Kwon Johee
November 4, 2012, 7:43 PM.

Today my princess won the grand prize in a competition.

Mom is so proud and loves her princess so much ♡

(Video of me playing piano)
(Photo of me receiving the award).


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