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Chapter 6 Age Five(6)

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As I studied, exercised, and practiced piano every day, just like a hamster running on a wheel, winter passed and spring arrived before I knew it.
Thanks to daily practice, my piano skills improved day by day, and I finished Beyer[1] in four months, while others usually take around a year to complete.
Seeing me play the piano every day, my mom eventually sold the electric piano and bought me an acoustic one.

“Dohee, you play so well now?”

Leaning on my teacher’s chest while playing the piano is a tremendous healing time for me in my monotonous routine. I pretended to answer and buried my face in her chest.

“It’s because my teacher taught me so well.”

“Oh my, how can you speak so eloquently? I want to kidnap you and raise you as my daughter.”

“I’d like that.”

‘Waa, please take care of me, new mom, feed me.’

“Haha, our Dohee will start Czerny[2] soon, right?”


After my cheerful lesson with the teacher, my mom and the teacher had a simple tea time.

“So, I think Dohee can start Czerny starting next week.”

“Oh my, already?”

“Yes, she has talent and works hard, so she learns quickly.”

“Well, my daughter has been practicing every day since the first day. However, I didn’t expect her to start Czerny in just four months, but looking at her now, she’s worked very hard, right?”

The consistent effort for four months paid off.

“Yes, she could even enter a competition.”

“At this rate, I think she could win a prize in a contest in six months.”

My mom looked at me with a sly smile.

“Our Dohee is so commendable; I should reward her. Come here, my princess.”

My mom hugged me, who was quietly nibbling on a cookie, and gave me a barrage of kisses.

“Stop it! You’ll leave lipstick marks.”

My mom’s kisses are better than dad’s, but they leave too many lipstick marks. After the praise disguised as torment ended, my mom and the teacher continued their brief conversation.
After tea time, my mom and I saw the teacher off and came back inside.


My mom looked at me with the same sly eyes as before.
Sensing something unusual, I ran under the bed. Being small, hiding under the sofa or bed is the best escape from my mom and dad’s reach.

“Why are you under there again, my princess? It’s dusty, come out quickly~”

“Mom, your gaze is more dirty.”

“Mom isn’t trying to kiss you this time, really~ Please come out quickly~”

“I don’t believe you!!”

“This time, I’m really not. I promise~”

“You promise?”

“Of course~ now, come out quickly~”

Trusting her words, I crawled out from under the bed.
As soon as I came out, my mom hugged me like she was catching a kitten.

“Gotcha! I can’t help but kiss my daughter. Smooch smooch smooch”


After being tormented by my mom, I went to the living room, turned on YouTube, and lay on the sofa.

“Is my princess sulking~?”


My mom called out, but I ignored her, keeping my eyes on YouTube.

“Aww, mommy was wrong~ I just wanted to kiss you because my daughter is so pretty and commendable.”


“Instead, I have something my princess might like. Want to hear it?”


“Don’t you want to know?”

“…What is it?”

“Should we shoot a commercial for my little sweetheart?”

“There haven’t been any offers for a while, and now there are?”

“The offers before were from unknown places, but this time it’s a famous big company.”

“Really? Then let’s do it. What kind of commercial?”

“Well, mom is not sure yet. Should we meet them first?”


My mom, seeing that my mood had improved, layed down on the sofa with me and hugged me.

“Sweetheart, would you be mad if mommy kissed you?”


“Aww, let’s kiss~”


“Oh well I can’t help it. Smooch smooch smooch.”


A few days later, my mom and I went to meet the advertising company representative at a nearby cafe.
As soon as we arrived, a man sitting there recognized us and approached.

“Oh, you’re here. You must be Dohee. Pleasure to meet you. You look even more like a doll in person.”


“And you must be her mother?”

“Ah yes, I’m Dohee’s mom. Nice to meet you.”

“Shall we order something? It’s on me. What would you like?”

“Oh, thank you. I’ll have a hot Americano, please.”

“And Dohee?”

“Hot chocolate.”

Hearing hot chocolate, my mom looked at me with a cute smile.

“Haha, our Dohee acts like an adult but has a child’s taste?”

I glared at my mom.

“Ha, I’m a child, so of course, I have a child’s taste. Scientifically, children are designed to like sweet things.”

“Hehe, my baby~ Come here, mommy will hug you.”

It’s not that I particularly like sweet things.
But children can’t drink coffee or tea.

“Dohee, would you like a cake? I’ll buy it for you.”

“Yes, strawberry cake.”

  • Pfft

My mom covered her mouth and laughed.

When our order came, we started discussing the commercial in earnest.

“First, I’d like to know what kind of commercial it is.”

“Ah, right, let me explain briefly. It’s an aloe drink advertisement.”

“Oh, an aloe drink advertisement?”

“Yes, aloe has such a healthy and green image, so having a cute child as a model fits well.”

“I bet there are a lot of mothers who want their kids to do it..”

“Yes, in fact normally we hold auditions, but after seeing Dohee’s photo by chance, I thought she was perfect for the ad image without needing an audition.”

To me, it doesn’t matter what type of advertisement it is.

“Mom, lend me your ear.”

“Huh? Do you have something to say?”

When my mom brought her ear close, I whispered.

-The most important thing is how much they pay, ask that first-

“Hey, my princess, focusing on money already is not good. Do you want to get scolded?”

For once, my mom talks about scolding.
I should just ask myself.

“Mister, how much do you pay for the commercial?”

“Hey, Dohee Lee!”

“Hahaha, is that what you’re curious about? How much do you want?”

“I already researched. You should offer first.”

“Hahaha, okay, the initial pay for the commercial is set at 2.5 million won for six months, since it’s a big company.”

“Hey, it’s a big company, can’t they spend a bit more? 2.5 million is too little, offer more, and I’ll act perfectly.”

“Dohee, stop it. How can you be so rude when adults are talking? Sorry, my child is like this because she’s always been doted on.”

“It’s okay. She’s just cute. Haha.”

“That’s right, if you’re cute, you’ll be forgiven.”

“That’s enough. Lee Dohee, you’ll get scolded at home later.”

“Mom keeps teasing me, so it’s not my fault.”

The meeting proceeded smoothly, and the ad fee was finalized at the initial rate.
I thought I could coax more out of them, but mom stopped me. Oh well.

“Then we’ll send the location details before the shooting day via SMS. See you in two weeks at the set. Bye, Dohee~”

“Yes, goodbye, ajeossi[3].”

“Thank you for your hard work. See you next time.”

On the way home in my mom’s car, my mom’s look was noticeably different.
This time, she really seemed intent on scolding me.
Well, I did act a bit impolite.
It wasn’t courteous.

I asked my mom with innocent eyes, pretending to know nothing.

“Mom, what’s for dinner tonight?”

“I don’t know, we’ll eat whatever we have.”

“Mom, are you upset?”

“Hah. Mom isn’t upset, she’s angry. Prepare to be scolded at home.”

“Aw, would you scold such a pretty daughter?”

Mom’s lips twitched.


Even though I was an adult man, I’ve quickly adapted to being a 5-year-old princess, or rather, a 5-year-old girl, and have no shame.
Yeah, none.
None at all.


“Hup, even if you act cute, I won’t let it slide.”

It seems that she really does plan on scolding me.
I decided to act scared until we got home.

As soon as we got home, I ran straight to my room and crawled under the bed.

“Dohee Lee!!!”

Hah, did you think I’d obediently get scolded? Not a chance.

“Are you not coming out?”

No matter how much mom stretches her arm, she can’t reach me deeply under the bed.

“If you keep doing this, you’ll be there forever?”

“I’ll come out if you promise not to scold me.”

“Just come out and get scolded quickly. Dohee you have to do your favorite study and piano practice.”

“I’ve done enough so far, missing a day is fine.”

“You have to eat, right?”

“I don’t care, I’ll just starve.”

Mom tried to coax me, but it was futile.
When appeasement didn’t work, mom started threatening.

“If you keep this up Dohee , mom will take all the ad money.”

“How dare you say that!”

“Watch your mouth, come out quickly, I won’t scold you much.”

“Really? Are you not going to scold me that much?”

“Yes, come out quickly.”

“You lied earlier today too, if you lie again, my trust with Mom will be damaged, be aware. Do you understand?”

This time, mom’s eyes wavered.
Ha, just as I thought.

“See, it’s a lie again. If you keep lying, will your daughter trust you?”

“Haa, alright, I’ll let it slide this time, but next time, you must be polite.”

“Okay, thank you!”

After negotiating, I was freed and able to maintain my routine until dinner.

That evening, during dinner,
Mom told dad about the day’s events.

“So, I couldn’t scold her. Haaa.”

“Haha, then dad should scold her instead?”


Dad stands up.

“Oh no, don’t.”
“Don’t do it please!”

Ignoring my plea, my dad picked me up.

“Okay, that’s enough.”

Smooch smooch.
“Oh no! Stop it!”

Smooch smooch smooch.

Smooch smooch smooch smooch.
“Mom, save me, I was wrong!!! Aaaahhh!”

After enduring the torment, I trudged to my room and collapsed on the bed.

‘I shouldn’t act up from now on…’

[1] – Ferdinand Beyer’s Opus 101 is the most widely used method for learning to play the piano.
[2] – Like all Czerny , it is an exercise to improve dexterity. It was not written to help the student display musicality but of course all Czerny exercises can be played with musicality and it’s more fun to play them that way
[3] – mister in korean

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