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Chapter 21 Age Eleven(5)

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The Director looked up the article I appeared in on their phone and said to me:

“It’s really the same name as the one in the article… At this rate, they could even be a pianist… Ha..”

The Director sighed several times and struggled to continue speaking.

“Dohee… is there anything else you’re particularly good at, besides what you’ve mentioned?”

Of course, I still have some bragging points left.

“Well, I’m pretty good at studying…”

Once again, I ended up trailing off mid-sentence.

“Is that so? Can you tell me how good you are?”

The Director seemed relieved, perhaps thinking that something like academics was more ordinary.

“Even though it’s only elementary school, I ranked first in my entire grade from the first to the third grade. Haha.”

“Excuse me? First place in the whole school?”


“From 1st to 3rd grade?”


“You’re also good at studying… Haa…”

It’s a good thing if the person signing the contract is also good at studying, so why is the Director sighing?

“Dohee, just in case, is there anything else you’re really good at, can you please tell me…?”

Well there isn’t another one…
but I wonder how the Director would react if I said there was.
Would they be crying?

“No, there isn’t.”


Top East Entertainment’s Vocalist Management Director Lee Junghye, was in a complicated state of mind right now.

When Team Leader Kim said there was a child who must be cast, even if it meant revising the contract, she thought he was overreacting.
With the rise of K-pop, finding a visual member was no longer as challenging, and even if they couldn’t find one, they could always get plastic surgery.

So, unless the child was also good at singing and dancing, changing the contract for just their appearance seemed excessive.
Team Leader Kim had said the child had no interest in dancing or singing, so they must just be pretty.

However, seeing the child who came to visit the office, she agreed with Team Leader Kim to some extent.
The child was not just pretty, but incredibly beautiful.
If this child grew up and became an idol, they would surely be one of the top visuals among idols of their generation.
Moreover, being just 11 years old, even if you lack skills, there would be plenty of time to learn dancing and singing skills.
Thus, a contract on par with the top four entertainment companies needed to be prepared.

However, her thoughts changed during the camera test.

The contract had to be improved beyond the standard of the top four major agencies.
The unique atmosphere the child conveyed with their expressions was not something that could be attributed to mere looks.
Despite her playful demeanor, they looked oddly mature and feminine yet strangely masculine.
It was an atmosphere that people of all ages would adore.

Yes, proposing a contract beyond that of the top four agencies might be a bit burdensome, but it was within the authority of the head of the vocalist management office to offer it.

However, knowing what kind of child Dohee was, she couldn’t gauge how to propose the contract.

A Korean member fluent in foreign languages.
Even if they were to win the grand prize 11 years in a row at an insignificant local government competition, they would be considered a remarkable child.
Not only that, a musical genius who could become a world-class pianist, having won first place in recognized major piano competitions 11 times in a row in Korea.
And to top it all off a model student who has never missed being first in school from 1st to 3rd grade.

These were ridiculous specs.
Why would a child with such potential, who could succeed in any field, choose to go through the difficult life of a trainee and become an idol?
Getting the child to want to become an idol would be a challenge in itself.

However, even if they managed to convince her to become an idol and sign a contract, it wouldn’t be the end.
Since, in the entertainment industry, the information about Dohee would surely leak if she became their trainee.
Being a non-public trainee wouldn’t prevent rumors.
And once the rumors spread, other agencies would rush to poach Dohee.

The usual method agencies use to prevent trainees from being poached by other companies is to include a clause in the contract.
The contract clause required trainees to pay a penalty fee equivalent to the investment cost if they terminated the contract due to their own fault.

Because of past misuse where trainees received free training and then signed with other agencies, penalties became a standard clause in contracts.
The top four agencies, therefore, demanded penalties up to 2-3 times the investment amount to prevent trainee departure.

However, due to a Fair Trade Commission ruling two years ago, they stipulated that penalties exceeding the investment amount were defined as slavery contracts, making it impossible to demand 2-3 times the amount as before.

Thus, even if they were to contract with Dohee, the penalty fee would at most be equal to the investment cost.
Even if the penalty was tripled, they’d still be poached.
The penalty wouldn’t serve as a protective barrier to keeping Dohee from being taken from another company.

There was only one way: to make Dohee want to debut as an idol at Top East Entertainment.
And the only way to do that was to offer an incredibly ridiculous contract.


“From now on, I will speak very honestly.”

After much deliberation, the Director spoke up.

“We absolutely want to make Dohee an idol at our company. In fact, other major agencies like the top four would feel the same way.”

Typically, when it comes to contracts between an agency and a trainee the agency has the upper hand.
But the Director’s words seemed to suggest treating me as the superior one.

“Let’s not do a trainee contract, but an employee contract.”

“Yes?” “Huh?”

I didn’t understand what she meant.

“We’ll hire Dohee as an employee performing as a trainee.”
“To be precise, since those under 15 cannot work, she will be a trainee receiving allowance.”
“The allowance will be given monthly according to the minimum wage standard, like a monthly salary. Of course, we’ll also provide you regular benefits, overtime pay, and everything else.”
“The company will fully bear the investment costs and will not require repayment even after debut.”
“Of course, we will also include in the contract that no unfair treatment will be tolerated.”
“Dohee’s obligations will only be to train diligently, avoid causing social controversies, and obvious things like not rejecting reasonable instructions from the company.”

My Mom and I were surprised by the Director’s words.
Honestly, I was so ******* suprised.
These were such unconventional conditions…
Does this even make sense?
Even though I don’t know much about the entertainment industry, I can tell that this is an incredible offer.

I asked the Director.

“Director, is this really… okay for you to do this?”

“It’s not. Actually, I don’t even have the authority to make such an offer. However, I will definitely persuade the Chairman and the CEO to present the contract.”

“No, even if that is possible, isn’t it an unconditional loss for the company?”

“I’m absolutely certain that the company will benefit greatly if Dohee debuts.”

“What if I only train and don’t debut as an idol?”

“If you unilaterally stop being a trainee or refuse the exclusive contract we offer you to become an idol before debut, you will only have to pay the investment costs, including your salary, as a penalty according to the standard contract for trainees in the field of performing arts.”

“Then what if I leave and go to another company?”

“Then you would just get back the costs. But Dohee will likely want to continue her idol life at Top East Entertainment. Our company is a good company.”


Honestly, I was a bit touched.
Isn’t there a saying like this:
A scholar sacrifices their life for those who recognize them.
A man sacrifices his life for someone who recognizes him.

After hearing all that, how could I not do it??

“I’ll do it.”
“Mom, I want to become an idol here.”

Mom smiles as she looks at me.

“Aren’t you being too hasty?”

“Actually, I kind of want to give it a try.”

“Won’t it be tough?”

“You know me. Once I start, I see it through to the end.”

“I know.”

Mom took a deep breath and says,

“Huu… Okay, my princess, do whatever you want.”


“But since you are getting paid to do it, you know you have to work twice as hard as usual, right?”

“Of course.”

During the conversation between Mom and I, the Director finally relaxed their stern expression and smiled.

“Then I will definitely persuade the Chairman and the CEO to finalize the contract within this week.”

“Got it. Dohee, let’s go now. Doa will be finishing kindergarten soon.”


Mom and I said our goodbyes to the Director, agreeing to meet with them on the day of signing the contract, and left the office building where I would be spending my time.

On the way home in the car,
Since it was such an important matter, I decided to call Dad immediately rather than wait until he got home to inform him.

– Wow, my princess is calling Daddy. What’s the occasion? –

“I call you sometimes, don’t I?”

Well on second thought maybe I don’t?

“Anyway, Dad, I’m going to sign a contract.”

– As an idol? –


– Won’t it be tough? –

Rather than expressing their opinions, both Mom and Dad first asked if it would be tough.
For some reason my eyes are watering up.

“It’ll be difficult. But I want to try it even if it’s hard.” –

– Okay. If you’re ever having a hard time, talk to either Dad or Mom. –


– Once you start something, you shouldn’t quit easily. –

“I know.”

– Still, if it gets too hard, quit. Because Dad can support you and Doa for the rest of their lives. –

“What about Mom?”

– Mom can live with Kim Dongjun. –

It seems like they still haven’t reconciled over the incident, I guess.

“Hehe, kay.”

– Okay then, to commemorate our daughter becoming an idol today, we’ll have a congratulatory party. Dad’ll buy beef for dinner tonight. –


– Yes, I love you, my daughter~ –

“I love you too.”

After hanging up the phone, I secretly wiped away my tears without letting my Mom see.

“What did Oppa say?”

“He just said we’re having a beef party tonight.”

“Did you really want beef that badly? Even crying and all.”


“What are you talking about? When did I cry?”

“Heheh, but it sounded like you were eating a lot of your mucus.”


“Ah~ So my princess wasn’t crying because she wanted to eat beef, but because she wanted to eat mucus? Heh~, how’s that for a rhyme from your Mom?”[1]

“Oh, what are you talking about? I didn’t cry!”

[1] – Well trying to translate this doesn’t make sense but all you need to know is that she is teasing Dohee for crying.


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