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Chapter 18 Age Eleven(2)

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“Jinwoo Kim, the team leader of a rookie development team at a large entertainment company that might not be one of the top four, but is still well-known,
visited a practical music academy in Seoul with his subordinates.
Many practical music academies all over the country regularly hold visiting auditions that are visited by agencies.
He also participated as a judge in the visiting audition today in search of talented individuals.

“There’s no one particularly standout this time either.”

“Isn’t that one a bit good?”

A sigh escaped from Kim Jinwoo at his subordinate Youngho, who was pointing out a participant.

“Youngho, if it’s just ‘okay,’ it doesn’t mean anything. They need to catch your eye immediately. Idols need that atmosphere of ‘love at first sight’ feeling.”

“Come on, your standards are already so high, how could you possibly find someone who meets your expectations?”

“There are indeed such people. Ones who make you marvel at their presence. When you see them, you immediately think, ‘Wow, this one has it.'”

“If there were such people, they would already be cast somewhere.”

“That’s true… sigh.”

After all the participants’ auditions were over,
After wrapping up they were about to leave when the academy director approached to greet them.

“Team Leader, thank you for your hard work. Our kids did well, right?”

“Yes… well.”

“Please give them a good look. They are all very talented and enthusiastic kids. They will learn well at the company too.”

The kids certainly looked earnest
and not bad in appearance.
However, there’s still plenty of time until the next girl group launch.
There’s no need to rush into picking someone who is just mediocre.
What’s important is finding the key members.

“Yes. I’ll discuss it positively with the director at the company and let you know the results.”

“Understood. Thank you for your hard work during the screening.”

After a formal conversation with the music academy director, they headed out.

“Hey, Youngho, let’s grab a bite.”

Under the pretense of casting work, he enjoyed going out to famous eateries and cafes, using the corporate card to pay for his meals.
They stopped by a famous soup restaurant nearby and ate, and Team Leader Kim Jinwoo said.

“Youngho, when exactly does the contract for Pastel Love expire?”

“Let’s not talk about work while we’re eating. I might get a stomachache.”

“Even so, if you’re going to use the company card to eat like that, at least do your job properly. Sigh.”

The subordinate Youngho, with a genuine smile, responded.

“They probably have about 3 years and 5 months left, I think?”

“Then if things go smoothly, there are still roughly 6 years until the next girl group launch.”

“By the way, Team Leader, there’s a café around here that I’ve been to with my girlfriend a few times. It’s quite nice. Let’s go.”

“Are you only thinking about eating using the company’s card? Get your act together, man.”

“Hey, Team Leader, you waste company money all the time too.”

“Never mind that. I’ll tell the manager that I’m finishing up work at the site, so let’s go to the café and chat.”


Even though the Rookie Development Team receives a smaller performance bonus, it’s nice because there are a lot of on-site early dismissals from work.
After eating, we decided to walk to a cafe to help with digestion.

“Team Leader, can I have some cake too?”

“Stop eating so much.”

While his subordinate was ordering, Kim Jinwoo looked around the café.

‘The interior is quite nice. It looks like it’s a place where girls would come to take pictures for their aesthetics…’

While looking around the café, Kim Jinwoo’s gaze fixed upon one spot.
Kim Jinwoo tapped his subordinate’s shoulder who was ordering and said,

“Hey, Youngho. There’s our performance bonus.”


“Hey, look at that girl over there.”

What Kim Jinwoo pointed at was a female student.
She had a face that could easily make her the visual member in any girl group, provided she doesn’t have a drastic transformation.
And above all, her unique aura.
How to describe it, a unique atmosphere that is youthful yet playfully a mature type of vibe?
She would definitely make it.


“See, doesn’t she evoke a sense of sensual admiration?”

“That’s right…”

“She must be cast. Wait here.”



“Student, hello.”

When I heard the voice directed at me, I looked up to see an unfamiliar man staring at me.


‘What, is he a lolicon?’

“Yes, student. Are you interested in dancing or singing?”

Ah, I thought he was a lolicon.
Was it just an ordinary street casting?

Nice… after all, I guess it’s impossible not to get casted on the street because of my beauty.
Even I would fall for me, let alone others would as well.

“No, I’m not.”

“That’s okay if you don’t. How about considering becoming a celebrity?”

“I don’t have any…”

Since I had been confident I’d be casted at least once someday, I was able to speak with a calm tone despite feeling a bit excited.
On the other hand, the prospective spouses next to me were more excited and made a lot of noise.

“Hey, I’ve never seen something like this before!”

“Teacher-nim knew Dohee would get street-cast! She’s so pretty and cute, even Teacher-nim would have casted her if she was a scout!”

Anyone who saw this situation would think they were the ones being casted.

“I also thought I’d be casted.”


The teacher laughs thinking that I was joking.
It wasn’t a joke.
This is self-objectification.
Because I am undoubtedly an S-class beauty in this city.

“Then, are you going to become a celebrity now?”

“If I wanted to, I would have continued as a child actor.”

The casting manager, who had been listening to the conversation between me and Teacher-nim, asked.

“Were you a child actor?”

“I just filmed a commercial once and that was it.”

Because of that memory, I don’t want to become a celebrity.
My dark history…

“Oh, so you don’t have an agency?”

“Yes, but I’m not particularly interested in becoming a celebrity.”

“How old are you?”

The casting manager kept persisting, saying only what he wanted to say.

“I’m 11 years old. But I really don’t have any intentions of…”

“First, take this business card.”

I took the business card from the casting manager.
The business card had this written on it.
Kim Jinwoo, Head of Rookie Development Team, Top East Entertainment.

‘This is the first time I’m hearing it.’

“Dohee, show it to Teacher-nim too.”

Teacher-nim tilted her head towards me and leaned in.
When I handed the business card over to Teacher-nim, she seemed to recognize it.

“Oh, Dohee, I think I’ve heard of this place before?”

“That’s right, we’re a fairly famous agency. By the way, your name is Dohee, right?”


“Dohee, do you know whose song is currently playing right now?”

The café was playing a song that had recently been heard often on the streets.

“I’ve heard it a few times while walking down the street, but whose song is it?”

“It’s a song by Pastel Love, who is a group under our company and it even hit number one on the charts, are you sure you’re still not interested at all?”

“Ah, Pastel Love. I’ve heard of them…”

I had watched them a few times on YouTube.

“Our company doesn’t only have girl groups. We also have boy groups, and not only idols but top actors are affiliated with our company too.”

“Oh, I see.”

“For example, Kim Dongjun, who is famous for being a handsome actor, or a ten million dollar movie actor[1]…..”

The casting manager enthusiastically introduced the celebrities from his agency.
It was clear that it was a large and well-known agency.

“It’s a big company.”

“That’s right. If you join our company, we can offer you solid support.”


“Being 11 years old, is the perfect age to start as a trainee and debut.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Then could you give me your phone number?”

“Yes, here you go.”

I called the man’s number on his business card and gave my phone number to him.

“Anyway, I hope you come by at least once. You are welcomed to come and visit with your friends too. If you visit, I’ll show you around the headquarters building and introduce you to some of our celebrities.”

“Yes. I’ll think about it.”

“Please contact me!”

After the casting manager left,
the teacher asks.

“So, Dohee, are you going to go?”

“I should talk to my mom. I’m curious what the celebrity agency headquarters look like.”

“If Dohee becomes a celebrity, Teacher-nim will also have a celebrity student, right?”

The man next to her spoke.

“Yeonji, should we delay our wedding a bit?”


“Let’s get married after Dohee becomes a celebrity. We should ask Dohee to sing the congratulatory song.”

“Oh, what are you~”

… ****.
Suddenly, the two of them are being all lovey-dovey.
Even at home, mom and dad are the same, making me sick.
It feels like the whole world is a couple.

“Huu… but Teacher-nim, is it okay with you if I become a celebrity?”


“Teacher-nim wanted me to be a pianist, didn’t you?”

“Well~, I just hoped that you would become one. I just think it’s a waste of your talent.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“But it would also be a shame if Dohee didn’t become a celebrity because she became a pianist.”

“I agree with that.”

“Haha, so you should talk it over with the family when you get home.”


Rather than continuing this celebrity talk, let’s give Teacher-nim a proper wedding congratulation.
I’ve been acting a bit immature, maybe because I had the body of a child, but it would be uncouth of me to not congratulate them on their big day.

“And also, teacher.”


“Congratulations on your wedding. And to ahjussi too.”

“Thank you, Dohee.” “Yes, thank you.”

I tried to smile and congratulate them, but I couldn’t manage my facial expression very well.
The teacher hugged me and said,

“Teacher-nim is sorry that she can’t have classes with you anymore, Dohee. But you know Teacher-nim loves Dohoee very much, right?”

“Yes, me too, so I hope for your happiness as well.”

“Yes, I love you, Dohee.”



After saying goodbye to Teacher-nim, I returned home.

“I’m home~”

Mom came out to welcome me back.

“Welcome home, my princess?”


“Did you have a good time?”

“Just so-so. But look at this, Mom.”

I handed Mom the business card with a chic expression.

“What, you got street-casted?”

“Ah, so this is what they call street casting that Mom has never received.”

As soon as I started teasing her, I got a whack on the head.

“Ow, that hurts.”

“You were asking for a good smack.”

“But… if I don’t tease Mom, I won’t be able to forget this gloomy feeling of parting with Teacher-nim.”

“Sigh… So tell me about the street casting. Mom is curious.”

“Hehe… Yes… Well, it happened when this body was resting in the café.”

“Speak properly before you get another smack.”

“Yes ma’am.”

I really don’t want to get hit.

After telling Mom about it,

“So, what do you want to do?”

“Well, I don’t know either.”

Actually, I did want to be an idol in my previous life too.
Why does everyone list becoming a celebrity as a future goal when they are young?
I felt the same way.
However I didn’t want to become an actor.
Instead of an actor who acts statically behind a screen, I wanted to be seen by the audience and hear their cheers.
I guess I was always an attention seeker, even in my previous life.
But becoming an idol isn’t something just anyone can do.

Now that I’m a girl, I could become an idol, but a female idol… I’m not sure.

“What are your plans for piano then?”

“What more can I do? I’ll have to keep participating in competitions because I don’t want to break my records.”

Now thinking back, when I was 8 years old, I was disappointed in piano competitions because there was no applause.
What’s the point of winning the grand prize when you don’t even get an applause after the performance is over?
In the elementary division, the competition is conducted quickly, while in middle and high school divisions, you get to perform the entire piece and receive applause.
But is that applause as loud as the cheers idols receive on stage?
Acknowledging that I’m an attention seeker, I understand why I didn’t actively try to stop my pictures from being posted on Mom’s social media.
Deep down, I secretly liked it too.
But still, a female idol…

“Ah~, I don’t know.”

“Dohee, then, how about you and Mom visit the agency building?”


“Okay, you can try everything out and then decide.”


Despite everything, I am grateful that my mom seriously cares about her daughter’s future.

“Heuheu, I need to get Kim Dongjun’s autograph~”


[1] – “천만 배우” (10-million movie actor) is a specific term in Korean entertainment that refers to an actor whose movie has sold over 10 million tickets. This is a significant achievement and indicates a high level of popularity and star power.

TLN: Also I’m curious if you the readers of this translation want faster translations but at the expense of quality of the chapters. Alternatively I could just put out readable translations that aren’t edited or proofread that much but they have consistent terms and names.
(I probably won’t do this and continue as is but I would like to hear what you guys want.)


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