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Chapter 10 Age Five(END)

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As the year comes to an end,

Mom was heavily pregnant.
Despite her condition, she continued cleaning until she suddenly clutched her belly and groaned.

” Ugh…! ”

Seeing mom with a pained expression made me worry.

” Mom, does it hurt a lot? Are you in labor? Should I call Dad? ”

” No, it’s okay, there are still 6 days left until the due date. ”

” But if your belly hurts, isn’t it labor? ”

” It’s normal to have pre-labor contractions as the due date approaches. ”

” I see… But still, let me know if it hurts, okay? ”

” Okay, my princess, don’t worry. Mom gave birth to Dohee safely too, right? ”

” Yes… ”

However, contrary to Mom’s expectation that it was pre-labor contractions, her labor pains grew more intense over time.

While we were having lunch, Mom groaned louder than before.

” Ugh.., Dohee, could you call Dad and tell him that it seems that Mommy is in labor? ”

” Okay, I understand. ”


” Dad, I think Mom is in labor. Take a day off and come quickly. ”

-Got it. Dohee, take good care of Mom. Dad’ll be there as soon as possible.-

” Okay. ”

Mom was still clutching her belly in pain.

” Mom, are you okay? ”

” Yes, I’m okay. It’s a little better now. Let’s finish eating. I need to eat quickly to have the strength to give birth. ”

” Yes, but please let me know you’re in pain. ”

” I understand, my princess. ”

Dad arrives home.

” Honey, are you okay? ”

” No, it hurts a lot. Sniff. ”

When I asked if she was okay, Mom reassured me so I wouldn’t worry, but it seems she was still in a lot of pain.

” Let’s go to the hospital quickly. I called the nearby obstetrics and gynecology clinic on the way here. ”

” Okay… ”

Dad helped Mom into the car, and we headed to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic .

After, entering the hospital, Dad quickly spoke to the nurse at the desk.

“ I’m the husband of the pregnant mother, who called you earlier. ”

“ Ah, yes, please come inside. ”

We followed the nurse’s guidance into the hospital room.

” Would you please change into maternity clothes first? ”

Following the nurse’s instructions, Mom changed into maternity clothes and laid down on the bed, waiting for the doctor to come.
Shortly after, the doctor arrived.

” Doctor, this is my second child, but I can’t tell if these are false labor pains or real ones. There are still 6 days left until the due date. ”

” First let me check how much the cervix is dilated and I’ll tell you. ”

After the examination, the doctor spoke.

” It’s 4 cm dilated. If everything goes well, you might give birth today, or it might be by early morning at the latest. ”

Hearing this, Dad asked the doctor.

” Doctor, is it possible for her to get an epidural? ”

” Yes, but since it is your second childbirth, it’s better not to have it to avoid complications. ”

Listening to the doctor’s words, Mom’s face stiffened, likely worried about the upcoming pain.
However, she spoke trying to reassure us.

” It’s okay. I gave birth to Dohee healthy too, and the second one should come soon. ”

” Okay… I’m sorry. ”

” Why are you sorry, honey? It’s our baby. ”

” Right. I love you dear. I’ll be back once I finish the admission procedures. ”

” Okay, come back quickly. ”

After Dad left, Mom continued to sweat heavily.

” Mom, does it hurt a lot? ”

” No, you don’t have to worry, I’ll be okay. ”

” But still, don’t be in pain. ”

” Yes, my beautiful daughter. Do you remember being born here too, Dohee? ”

” Yes, I remember Mother’s face so vividly at that time. ”

” Haha, what kind of memories could a one-year-old have? ”

I really do remember.

Mom’s pain seemed to intensify as she was groaning more than before, indicating labor was starting.

About an hour later, there was a popping sound as Mom’s water broke.
Dad pressed the bell to call the nurse, and Mom was quickly taken to the delivery room with the nurse who heard the call.

After Mom went into the delivery room, Dad held my hand and we waited outside in front of the delivery room.
Dad seemed to be so worried that his palms kept sweating.

About an hour passed, and the nurse came out of the delivery room accompanied by the sound of a baby crying.

” The guardian will come in for a moment to cut the umbilical cord. ”

” Oh, yes, but I have a daughter with me… Can she come in too? ”

” I’m sorry, that’s not allowed. I’ll stay with your daughter instead. Please go and come back here after you are done. ”

” Thank you. My daughter, can you wait here alone? ”

” Yes, don’t worry about me. ”

” Okay, I’ll be right back. ”

Dad quickly put on an isolation gown and hurried into the delivery room.

A few minutes passed as I waited with the nurse. Dad came out, supporting Mom out of the delivery room.
And next to them a nurse carried my newborn sibling.

Mom looked exhausted, but she had a bright smile, just like the day I first saw her.
Mom looked at me and said,

” Dohee, isn’t your little sister cute? ”

” Yes, she looks wrinkled and ugly, but thinking they’re my sister makes them cute. ”

” You were wrinkled when you were born too. Now that you’re an older sister, you have to take good care of your sister, okay? ”

” Yes, I’ll take good care of them. ”

” It’s up to Mom and Dad to raise the child. ”

Looking at my younger sister, I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Shortly after, a nurse took my sibling to the neonatal room.
We went into the hospital room and helped Mom lie down on the hospital bed.

Though it was over, Mom still seemed in pain, as she was sweating.

” Mom, does it still hurt? ”

” I’m okay now. Usually the afterpains will go away soon. ”

” Okay. If it hurts, tell me, and I’ll call the doctor. ”

” Wouldn’t it get better if Dohee does a ‘Ho’ for me? “[1]

” Okay, I’ll do it. Hoo~ ”

Normally, I wouldn’t do this, but seeing Mom struggling makes those feelings disappear.

” Haha, it doesn’t hurt anymore. Aw, my darling, it’s almost been 5 years since I gave birth to you.”


“Dohee, you know, Mom is happy to have given birth to you.”


It’s a dreamy night.

The next afternoon

We went to see my sibling in the neonatal room.
Mom seemed to be in less pain and was walking well on her own.

Through the glass, a nurse brought my sister close to show us.
Since I was too short I couldn’t see, so I had no choice but to have Dad hold me up to look through the glass at my younger sister.

“How is it? Isn’t she prettier than yesterday?”

Dad asked.

“She’s better than yesterday.”

Mom spoke to the baby on the other side from me.

“Doa, it’s Mommy~”

Even though the glass blocked the sound, it seemed like my sibling heard Mom’s voice as she smiled slightly.

Seeing the baby’s smile made me unconsciously smile too.
For some reason, I blurted out something I didn’t mean.

“My sibling is ugly.”
“But still if Mom or Dad bother you, your big sister will adore you.”


Kwon Joohee
December 30, 2012, 2:40 PM.

Today is the day Dohee’s younger sister, Doa, was born.
It felt less painful with Dohee supporting me on from beside me~

Doesn’t Dohee’s gaze at the baby look lovely?

Mommy’s baby is still Dohee~

(A photo of Dohee looking at her little sister while being held by her father).

└ If anyone saw this, they might think Dohee is the mom~

└ Dohee is cute from behind too, haha

└ I want to have a baby too.
└ Then will you marry me then?
└ Oh, are you a woman?
└ I’m a man.
└ ****, go away.
└ Aww.

└ I would like to inquire about advertising, please check your messages ㅠㅠ[2]


I turned 6 years old.
Doa and Mom came home after postpartum care.
Our family, which had been a family of three for four years, now became a family of four.

I am watching my little sister.


Doa giggled.
Cute little girl…

Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw Mom taking a picture of me.

“Ah, stop taking pictures!”

“Hehe, Dohee are you shy?”

“It’s a violation of my portrait rights!”

“The mother owns the rights over her daughter’s portrait rights~”

“It’s okay to take pictures, but you keep posting them online.”

“Alright, I won’t post them~”

With her track record, it’s hard to trust her.

Looking back at Doa, she was still smiling brightly.
Why is she so cute?
How can her facial features be this pretty after two months since she was born?
Her eyes are bright, her eyelashes long, her nose already straight, and her lips like cherry blosoms.

  • squish –
    Her cheeks were soft and squishy when I poked them.
    Doa giggles at anything I did with my hands.

“Mom! Hold Doa for me!”

“Huh? Why?”

“Hold her and move her to my bed. I want to play piano for her. What if I drop her while holding her?”


As soon as Doa was placed on top of my bed in my room, I started playing the piano.
With comforting songs that babies would like.

By the time I finished, Doa had fallen asleep.

It was good that I learned to play the piano.
They say there’s nothing better than classical music for a baby’s emotional development.
Now that Doa is asleep, I need to finish my tasks for the day.

Since Doa was born, I’ve had less time to do my daily routine.

That evening

I go to my mom’s SNS to see if she posted the photo she took in the morning on the internet just in case.

Kwon Joohee
February 21, 2013, 11:40 AM.

Dohee is so cute cherishing Doa, haha
A baby being affectionate to another baby ♥

(A photo of me staring at Doa).

└ Haha, this makes my heart flutter.

└ I want to have a daughter like Dohee.
└ I want to have a son that resembles you.
└ Why do you keep saying this to me?
└ yes.

└ I would like to inquire about advertising…, please check your messages…
└ Sir just give up at this point..

└ Is it okay if this big sister loves Dohee..?

As expected.
Another picture posted without my permission.
Mom’s followers keep growing day by day.
Being famous at this age is just inconvenient and uncomfortable.

“Ahh! Mom, you posted it again, didn’t you?”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t post anything.”

Mom pretends like she did nothing.

“You posted something online again.”


“I already checked Mom’s Facebook page, you know?”

“… Doa posted it.”

“What are you talking about now!”

“Doa posted it~ Mom didn’t know.”

At that moment, Doa, who was sleeping in my room, started crying.
Dad, who was watching Doa, came out holding her and calming her down.

“Honey, how could you make Doa cry?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? She woke up because of the noise from you guys bickering.”

“Dad, don’t blame others.”

“Huh…? No, you two were”

“”We were what?””

“Uh… sorry.”

[1] – I’m not sure what doing a ‘ho’ means but I think it means doing something to reassure the other party. What the action is I don’t know.
[2] – ㅠㅠ Basically a crying face.


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