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Chapter 8: Bloom – Magical Girl

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Author: Tsukishiro Rin Original Source: Syosetu Character Count: 5327 characters
Translator: Richie English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 3277 words
Editor(s): Richie



Their astonished and concerned voices about me rapidly distanced away from me.

He immediately crashed to the ground after taking a ukemi posture1.

“—Kah!” I bellowed in pain.

What? What happened!?

Even though I was still disoriented from the surprise attack, I desperately try to find the origin of the attack. However, the perpetrator saved me the trouble and voluntarily put itself in my line of sight.


That person was someone who shouldn’t be here, but it’s impossible to dispute its presence here.

Its clothes were archaic, something that you would only find in a cosplay event, that it stood out like a sore thumb in the gathering of normal people. It wore a perfectly ironed-out swallow-tail coat, and it has a head that looks like a goat. No, not like, it was exactly a head of goat. Its eyes twinkled, and its nose was shaking like he’s sniffing. Unfortunately, even if you want to delude yourself into thinking that it was just someone wearing a goat head, its demeanor was so unusual that you can’t help but to think that it was very odd.

“A Phantom…!”

“You’re right, Meh.”

The Phantom gave a bow of courtesy. At that moment, when the people in vicinity finally understood what happened, they were about to scream and flee, however–

“No one moves, Meh!!”

The goat Phantom bellowed. At the same time, it released its magic aura that have been concealed until now.


A normal person can’t sense magic power. However, they were still pressured by the exuded air of intimidation. The intimation stopped everyone on their feet. No, actually, they instinctually sensed that they have lost, and so their feet were firmly rooted in place. They want to flee, yet their feet refused to move. Everyone collapsed on the ground.

“You, what are you planning…” asked someone from the crowd spontaneously to the never-before encountered Phantom.

“Oh, Meh have showed up, but Meh haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Ziege. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Meh.”

“……Ziege!?” Wasn’t that the name that the black goat leaked out! This is bad, Ziege was stronger than I had estimated. Its demeanor and aura was abnormal compared to normal Phantom.

Perhaps it is because of its absolute confidence in its own abilities, but its posture is completely unmoving. Moreover, Ziege’s magic power that I can feel was a lot more than any Phantoms I have encountered. It might even be stronger than me or Crimson Flare. A veteran might be able to win, but my chance of victory is low.

“Oh my, do you know me, Meh?”

“…I had the opportunity to.”

“I see, I see. So that’s how it’s, Meh.” After hearing my answer, Ziege held his jaw in contemplation.

I thought about silently moving to those two’s location while his attention’s diverted, but I decided against it for their safety.

“Hmm, whatever Meh. You’re not my target this time Meh.”

“…Target? Wait!”

I immediately remembered something. That black goat also mentioned something about a target.

[i]”Meh have been told to attack her, Meh!”[/i]

And that her that he mentioned should be Sakura-chan. There was no one else other than me and Sakura-chan back then.

Since Ziege was the black goat’s boss, in other words, the target that he’s talking about can be none other than Sakura-chan.

“I won’t let you!”

I immediately kicked the ground at the same time as I reached that conclusion. I can’t transform where everyone was looking. I have to fight him with flesh and blood! I headed towards the spot where two of them collapsed.

“”Stop right there, Meh!””


However, two figures appeared before me. It was the white and black goat that I fought before. Being alarmed by the experience of being beaten up from recklessly plunging in. I immediately braked my legs, and stopped before them.

“Meh Meh Meh! We won’t let you disturb master Ziege, Meh!”

“Just stand there and watch, Meh!”, said both of them. They were already battered, maybe because I beat them up before, but those two Phantoms firmly followed my movement2. Standing behind the two Phantoms, Ziege added with an exagerated demeanor, “Don’t worry, Meh. I won’t deplete her energy immediately, Meh.”

“What do you mean!”

“Hmm, this would be perfect as a side show, Meh. That girl over there will be a decoy.” it said, looking at those two who were cuddling each other and visibly shaking. However, I understand that he only meant Sakura-chan.

“A decoy, you say?”

“Indeed, Meh. That girl has some sort of relationship with Black Rose, albeit a little, Meh.”

“Bl, Black Rose…?” Upon a simple mention of that name, Sakura-chan spoke up rather than me.

“She has a connection with Black Rose. They have exchanged words, they took pictures together, and to top it all, Black Rose carried her princess style, Meh.”

“What does that have anything to do with being a decoy!”

“You still don’t get it, Meh? Her relationship with Black Rose runs deeper than with anyone else, Meh. And so, Black Rose won’t abandon her. At the very least, she isn’t a total stranger to Black Rose, Meh.”


I see. So that’s the thing. In other words, they were aiming to use Sakura-chan and mine, Black Rose’s, relationship.

If we are talking about saving someone just once, then Black Rose…no, any hero and magical girls would have saved a lot of people once. However, if someone is saved twice or thrice, then we would obviously remember that person’s face. Not to mention that Black Rose and Sakura-chan have exchanged words, she had even participated in her entrance ceremony.

There’s more on top of that. Sakura-chan and me, the current me, are also related. She is a friend of my little sister, and is also a collaborator in my plan to reconcile with my little sister. It’s obviously a relationship that I can’t overlook.

Ziege didn’t know half of that though, but still, it saw her as someone more than a regular person. He must see that I’m more likely to save her than I am to save anyone else.

I then understood Ziege’s reasoning, and I unwittingly grinded my molar.

“Well, that’s one of the reasons, Meh.”

“One of the…? There’re still more?”

“Yes. I might as well tell you everything anyway. That would be more interesting, Meh.”

He laughed, ‘Meh Meh’, and he coarsely grip Sakura-chan’s head. Sakura-chan was crying while trembling terribly.

“This girl has the aptitude to make a contract with a fairy. Her magic power’s even bigger than other magical girl’s. And so, I will pluck the bud before it blooms. It will make things easier in the future, Meh.”

“Me, a magical girl…?”

“Just the aptitude though. If you don’t make a contract with a fairy, then you won’t be a magical girl.”

As he said, you must make a contract with a fairy to be a magical girl or a hero. Moreover, the fairy’s doesn’t only look at the contrator’s aptitude, but also the chemistry between the fairy and the contractor, and how much the fairy like them.

If that person can resonate strongly with that fairy’s pure feelings, then that person’s magical girl’s power will expand.

That’s why, you can’t be a magical girl just by having the aptitude for it.

However, I get it that a mere possibility was enough reason to target Sakura-chan.

Sakura-chan might have been a candidate. And then, Sakura-chan was luckily, or maybe unluckily, was saved by me. And now, she was targeted to be a hostage.

With this, I understood the reason of Sakura-chan was targeted. However, I still didn’t know why Ziege was targeting me too.

From the perspective of reputation, Crimson Flare is more famous than me. Furthermore, Phantoms also see him as more dangerous than me. I am weak compared to other magical girls and heroes. I did do my role, but if there’s other heroes in the area, then I would leave it to them. I didn’t know why he was hunting me, who’s relatively unknown and also low in the threat level.

“Why are you hunting for Black Rose?”

“Aah, I haven’t tell you, Meh. Why do I hunt Black Rose, huh. The reason for that is simple, Meh.” The moment after Ziege said that, I could see his sadistic smile, even though he has a goat head. He lick his lip with his long tongue.

“Black Rose’s energy look extremely delicious, Meh,” Ziege said with ecstasy, “You can figure that out even from distant. I have never seen anyone with an energy that houses light as pure as Black Rose’s. I can see that she will be the best gourmet food, Meh.”

I shuddered upon seeing Ziege’s expression. Apparently I was hunted as food.

“I will corrupt Black Rose’s heart here, and then eat her in front of everyone, Meh! I will let the people watch me eat the finest gourmet food there is! There’s no greater honor for a food ingredient than that, Meh!”

The calm and composed Ziege from earlier seemed like an illusion. He raised his voice, laying his feelings bare.

So he said. If I foolishly expose myself, would everyone, including those two, get released?

…no, that’s impossible. Ziege said that he would corrupt my heart. If my conjecture is right, then he would utilize Karen and Sakura-chan as much as he can to that end. He might even use any means at his disposal. For example, they might cut off their hands.

Not to mention, he might involve the surrounding people. There’s a chance he will use them.

What should I do…

While I was formulating a strategy to release everyone including those two, Ziege returned to his previous expression and stared fixedly at me.

“Now that I think about it, you are impressive, Meh. Meh can act nonchalantly in front of me.”

“It’s a great honor to hear that. You can reward me by releasing those two, you know?”

“This and that are different matters, Meh.”

“Haha, I figured so…”

I thought that might work out, but it didn’t. Well, it’s to be expected. Sakura-chan has the potential to be a magical girl, so he would definitely want to crush her here.

“Neverthelest, not only Black Rose, but no one else is coming, Meh.”

That might be because they’re hesitating to rush in in account of the hostages inside. There should be magical girls and heroes gathering outside the shopping mall.

“…..well, that’s fine, Meh. While we wait for Black Rose, let us entertain ourselves with this side show, Meh.”

“Side show?”

I have a very familiar bad hunch upon hearing that word.

“That’s right, Meh. How about you skedaddle, Meh? I can’t release these two, but out of respect for your courage, I will let only you escape, Meh.”

“Ha?” I failed to immediately understand his words and let out a confused word.

“How about it, Meh? I will let you run away alone, Meh. This–”

Before he continue, Ziege spread out his hands, and if he was addressing a whole audience.

“—whole swath of normal people, your precious little sister, abandon them, Meh.”

‘If you do that, I will overlook you.’ Even if he didn’t say that, his eyes did.

I saw no lie in Ziege’s eyes. Ziege was serious. He would seriously let me escape if I chose so.

A side show, he described it. In other words, he considered my agony from hanging my life against my sister, her friend, and all other people’s life on a balance, to be fun.

Everyone was fixing their gazes at me.

There were a lot of emotions mixed in those gazes. There were envy, hatred, relief, jealousy, and all kinds of emotions directed at me, who were offered a chance to flee.

Perhaps these gazes were what Ziege was after. Ziege’s mouth curled up in satisfaction.

“Now the, what will your choice be, Meh?” Ziege asked while grinning disgustingly.

What would I do? That’s obvious.

“I will—”


Before I can declare my answer, someone interrupted.

I and Ziege was amazed by the unexpected words.

“Run. It’s okay to run away.”

The one who said that was my most precious family member, Karen, who’s staring at me confidently.

“What are you…”

“You can run, can’t you! Run!”

She raised her voice, which was odd for her. Karen yelled unsightly.

This was the first time I see Karen like this. That’s why I was stunned and didn’t say anything.

“You said you hate me, didn’t you!? You didn’t even come to my school entrance ceremony, did you!? Even today, you just want to please me, right!? I can see it, it was as plain as the day! That’s useless! I mean, I also hate you very much!”


Sakura-chan murmured unwittingly to Karen who suddenly shout.

“Just go! I don’t want to be saved by you anyway! I would rather die than to be saved by you!!” Karen scowled at me after saying that.

I couldn’t hide my surprise from Karen’s sudden action. However, my heart was calm, and I calmly looked at her, and that’s how I figured out Karen’s true intention. To be honest, I probably didn’t notice that over a reason as cool as “I was stoic” or something like that.

It was because I was Karen’s big brother, and so I understood.

“…I’m not running.” I said calmly, but enough for Karen to hear it clearly.


“I’m not running.”

“W, why…” Karen said, bewildered by my words.

Hey, your mask is wearing off.

“I’m not running away. Karen… I won’t leave my little sister.”

Karen’s a kind kid. Even if she acts coldly, internally, she’s anything but that. She’s the kind that would think for others’ sake. That’s how I understood what she is doing it for in an instant.

“R, run! Are you an idiot! Didn’t you hear me!? I hate you very much!” Karen desperately yelled at me. She didn’t realize that her behavior was showing her true intention.

“You didn’t come to the ceremony! You never keep any of your promise, and I hate you for that!”

“I’m sorry for that. I won’t make any excuse. I’m sorry I didn’t come to your ceremony. However, it wasn’t that I didn’t go there.”

“…..I don’t want to hear your excuses! You didn’t come! That’s all that matters! There’s no meaning to any of your excuses!”

Karen yelled while her face contorted with pain. I felt terrible for letting her making that expression.

“Run! It’s okay to run, you idiot!”

Karen desperately trying to drive her point. However, her vocabulary was lacking, and she’s showing that her word stock is waning.

There’s no way I can run. I have chased after her, chased my sister this far. I won’t run away now.

I walked forward resolutely.

Step by step, I walked resolutely until I was at their side.

Karen looked astonished by my action, and she spun up more words in panic.

“I told you to run away, didn’t I!? I don’t want to be saved by you!”

“I’m sorry, Karen.”

While she yelled desperately, I apologized to her with my whole thought in it.

“What, what for…”

“Forgive your good-for-nothing brother, okay? Forgive your brother who made you say that, okay?”

“I, I don’t get what you’re talking about. You don’t need to worry, just run. I told you already…”

With my each step approaching her, Karen’s voice grew meek.

I’m sorry, Karen. You have tried your best for me, but that’s an impossible proposal. There’s no way I can carefreely run away after chasing her here.

Karen must still think that we are still on bad terms. And this’s why, I have to tell her that.

You know, Karen. Did you notice? When we were shopping together, we were close with each other as usual, weren’t we? I saw that, so I understood Karen’s real heart.

But even so, I only got a conclusive evidence after Sakura-chan told me. Forgive your lame brother, okay?

That’s why, Karen. I get why that you said all those things so I would run away. I get that your kind self would be happy even if only I get to run away.

That’s why, sorry. It should be me, the big brother, to protect the little sister, but she had to say that instead. As a brother, it was shameful of me.

“Karen, just wait. I will save you.”

I said that while smiling to give her a sense of safety. She responded by shaking her head disapprovingly while tears flowed down.

“Run… I beg you, run…”

While she’s crying, her true feelings spilled out.

“There’s no way I can run away!!”


I think back to the reason I became a magical girl. I became a magical girl to see Karen’s smile! I became a magical girl to see her happy face and to protect that smile!

There’s no way I can leave Karen behind like that!

“Why, am I…”

“It’s because Karen, you’re my precious little sister.”

To save Karen, that’s all the reason I ever need. Other than that, I don’t need any other reason.

Hearing my words, her face scrunched up and she said the words as if squeezing them out.

“…please run.”

“I’m not going to run. I will show my back in order to protect my precious little sister, but I will never show it to run away.”

That’s right. When I show my back to someone, I want to give them the sense of security. That’s why I won’t show my back to running away. I will never be caught dead showing such a spineless action.

“Just wait. I will end this.”

I have finally made my decision.

It was too late a resolution. Many years have passed by. However, better late than never.


The moment I was about to call Maple, my sight was enveloped in light.

“W, what, Meh!?”

Finally, Ziege snapped back to reality, and he shouted. Something outside of Ziege’s expectation must have happened.

Aah, even with that information, I wonder what that light is. It’s warm.



I heard a moan from inside that dazzling light.

Soon, the light subsided, and the white and black goat was on the ground, and Ziege who was pushed back a little. Moreover, Ziege was crossing his hands in front of his face, as if he was defending against something.

“Kurona-san, please run.”

I turned towards the sudden voice from beside me in surprise. Sakura-chan was standing there, carrying Karen horizontally.

However, she wasn’t wearing her cute casual outfit anymore, but instead, while adorning pretty cherry blossom-colored hair, she was wearing a fluffy Gothic Lolita outfit in beautiful cheery blossom color.

However, it exposed less skin than Black Rose, and instead of looking glamorous and alluring appeal like her, Sakura-chan has winsomeness.


Karen looked clueless. However, I understood what happened.

“Kurona-san, please take care of Karen-chan.” said Sakura-chan, who then handed her over. I accepted her without resisting. I accepted her as is, carrying her horizontally. Karen seemed to be unable to stand at the moment.

“Sakura-chan, you are…”

So you have become one. I understood that even without being told.

Sakura-chan strongly nodded. She then stared sharply at her opponent.

Yes, she has awaken, just to be like me–

“Magical Girl: Magical Flower, Cherry Blossom! For the sake of the bloom of the precious people’s smile, I will fight you!”

a magical girl.



  1. It is an art to fall safely.
  2. TN: So they haven’t healed? Okay…
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