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Chapter 194: Fresh Blood Kagura (3)

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Author: Shizuku Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 3096 characters
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1498 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

A gloomy feeling weighs down on all of us as we descend through the road. The source of it is Ruri and Olivia, who are walking ahead of us. They really want to go help Ryuka, but we can’t really go back after being denied so directly.

I’m also worried about her, but as a magic automaton I don’t really have the right to say anything here. I might be able to comment when it concerns Olivia, but this involves other people.

“Hahh…” Eventually Ruri takes a deep breath, scratches her head for a bit, and then turns around with a determined look.

“Everyone, I’m sorry but I have to go.”

I had a hunch she would say that. And even the densest and slowest person would know where she’d go.

“Are you sure? You’ll be going directly against your orders. You’ll definitely be punished for it, or maybe even executed.”
“I mean… Sure, but I still have to go.”

Fan Yen warns her of that, but she just laughs awkwardly.

“You know, she saved my life before, so what meaning would my life have if I abandon her now that she’s the one in danger?”

I had no idea that there was this kind of bond between Ruri and Ryuka. And Ruri’s determination is also much stronger than I thought.

“Say, Ruri. The Shiki, exactly what kind of monsters are they? Are they different from the corpses puppeteered by a Shaman Ape?”

My only experience with undead monsters are the bodies used by a Shaman Ape. I have no idea how similar or dissimilar they are, but it’s worth asking. Maybe there’s something we can do too.

“I’ve never heard of Shaman Apes, but simply put, Shiki are undead bodies that can infect others, even with a single scratch1. I’m sure you get that, right Natalia?”

Yeah, we both come from the same past world so I get what she’s referring to.

Basically, people who are attacked by a Shiki turn into a Shiki themselves. Monsters like that were pretty common in games and movies, though a single scratch being enough for an infection makes them rather extreme.

“If you try to fight them without really knowing what you’re doing, you’ll just join their ranks. We Urado-Mori are trained to deal with them though.”
“I see, then I’m the only one who can go with you.”
“Wait what?!”

Ruri raises her voice in shock, but I didn’t say anything so strange.

She also owes her life to Ryuka and is ready to give hers in return, and that’s something I can relate with. Not to mention that it’s thanks to Ruri and Ryuka that my relationship with Olivia managed to move forward.

“If Natalia is going then I’m going too!”
“Young Lady, the shallowest of injuries would spell your doom. It’s too dangerous for a human with flesh and blood.”

Even a scratch is enough to get infected, making any sort of injury lethal. No matter how strong Olivia is, I doubt she’d be able to avoid that. And I don’t want to see Olivia turned into a Shiki.

“Fan Yen, could you carry the Young Lady back?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Huh? Wait! Fan Yen?! Put me down!”

Fan Yen picks up Olivia and carries her, heading back to the mansion while ignoring Olivia’s protests. The only person I can think of who has enough strength to physically restrain Olivia is Fan Yen, so I’m glad that she’s with us.

“Clarissa, you and the rest go back with the Young Lady. Amy too.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice. I’ll do my best to soothe her.”
“I appreciate that.”

Amy trots a little to follow after Fan Yen and starts talking with Olivia. They’re best friends, so I’m sure I can trust Amy to take care of Olivia too.

“Wait, Natalia? I don’t remember telling you to come? Even if you can’t get infected, the Shiki are some of the strongest humanoid monsters, and maybe everything’s alright anyway.”
“We’re friends, aren’t we? The least I can do is accompany you if you’re going somewhere dangerous. And if everything’s already under control then that’ll be it.”

It’s obvious you know things aren’t alright anyway. Also, it’s not normal that the number of Shiki is higher this year, and that Ryuka hasn’t returned yet.

“Let’s go. I don’t know the place, so you’ll have to lead. But we’ll definitely have to find a different way in.”

If we go back the way we came, Jinkuro will stand in our way again, so it’s best if we go into the forest from another place. And depending on how things go, I might need to use that too.

“Arghh, okay, you win. But in that case, we’ll have to conceal our faces at least.” Saying that, Ruri takes out a mask from her own magic storage. It’s the rabbit mask I made for her before.

So she still had it…

“I see, I’ll get mine too then.” Following her lead, I hide myself using illusory magic to take off my yukata and put on my usual maid outfit, as well as the mask I also used before.

“It’s the revival of Bunny Moon and Silver Bullet.”
“You still remember those names?”

Though I’m not sure how to feel about the name Silver Bullet now, since we’re going to rescue Ryuka who’s a vampire.

“Yeah, but I won’t wait for you if you can’t keep up!” Saying that, she doesn’t wait a moment longer before dashing away. But that’s just the way I want it. I’ll show her the power of my automaton legs.

Fan Yen walked through the road at night, with Amy following closely behind. Olivia was on her shoulder, finally having calmed down from trying to break free thanks to Amy. But she continued to pout, unhappy about being left behind.

“It’d be fine if I went too, but Natalia is trying to go do everything alone like always.”
“I know she loves to worry, but this time she has a point.”
“I concur. Even I wouldn’t want to fight those monsters if a single scratch is enough to get infected. Not to mention that these clothes are impossible to fight in.”

Fan Yen brought up another good point. Their clothes were rather restrictive when it came to excessive moving, and they were not used to them. They had gotten lucky earlier when Olivia kicked the Shiki away, and the infected shrine maiden decided to bite Natalia. In a longer fight, the difference in clothing would become more apparent, and they would literally be on the edge between life and death.

Not to mention that a yukata provided very little defense compared to armor fashioned from monster parts and rare metals.

“I guess that’s true, but I also care about Natalia just as much as she cares about me. And I’d also like to help Ryuka…”
“I understand the feeling of wanting to fight but being unable to in certain situations, but being powerful isn’t all there is to strength, nor the only thing of value. Being able to trust others and wait patiently, enduring the frustration until you meet again, there’s strength in that too.”

Fan Yen muttered that, sounding strangely lonesome. But Amy looked doubtful, wondering if a dragonborn who was stronger than all other species could know the feeling of not being able to fight.

“You experience all sorts of things when you live as long as I have.” Somehow noticing Amy’s look behind her, Fan Yen turned around slightly and added that with a smile.

“Ah…Natalia is…” Olivia started speaking, her voice sounding really serious so everyone focused on her. Maybe she was feeling something through their connection as Master and Servant, or maybe as lovers.

“I think she just undressed.”
“What the hell? Seriously?”

Amy instantly regretted taking Olivia seriously.

“What? I’m not letting you go.”

Even Fan Yen was starting to get tired of Olivia.

“I know, I’ve already given up on that. At least on me going.” Hearing her strange intonation, Amy and Fan Yen look at Olivia again. “Akane and Erika are gone.”

Then they both looked back, and sure enough, Akane and Erika, who were supposed to be following behind, were nowhere in sight.

“I go bring them back.”
“It’s fine, Claire. Let them go.”

Clarissa got ready to chase them down, but Olivia stopped her.

“Woof. Really?”

She had a very strong sense of a pack’s ranking orders, so she could not allow those two from going against the orders of Natalia, who had a higher position than them. But if the leader of the pack, Olivia, allowed it, then she had no option but to let them go.

“Akane and Erika also care about Natalia a lot, maybe even more than I do. So it was bound to happen.” Olivia chuckled a little as she watched far into the distance, where the two had likely gone.



  1. Robinxen: … Very original!
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