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Chapter 193: Fresh Blood Kagura (2)

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Author: Shizuku Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2041 characters
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1034 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Olivia reacts first, running up and kicking the body away. I follow up to catch the freed shrine maiden and gently place her body on the ground.

“Is she alright?”
“The wound is pretty deep, but I’ll do my best.”

Just as I’m opening my magic storage to get some healing potions, the shrine maiden suddenly gets up and bites my neck.


I reflexively twist my body and kick her away from me. She rolls on the ground a bit before trying to stand up again, but then her head separates from her body and falls to the ground.

The one who decapitated her was Jinkuro, a wolf demi-human who’s also part of the Urado-Mori just like Ruri. He sheathes his katana as he approaches me and examines the bite.

“Natalia, were you bitten?”
“Huh? Ah, yes. But I’m not wounded.”

His voice is calm, but his gaze is really sharp, so I know he’d be able to see through any lies if I didn’t tell the truth. But I’m a magic automaton, so my body is far more resilient than a human’s, and so it’s true that I’m unharmed.

“I’m glad to hear that. Then again, I doubt a magic automaton like yourself would be able to get infected, so the fact that it was you who got bit was a blessing amidst this disaster.” Jinkuro mentions something distressing as I get up again, and then Ruri runs up to him.

“Jinkuro, what’s the meaning of this?! What are the other Urado-Mori doing, letting a Shiki get all the way here?!”
“Calm down, Ruri. This isn’t something we can discuss in front of guests.”
“How do you want me to calm down?! Is Lady Ryuka even safe?!”

While Jinkuro is perfectly calm and composed, Ruri is clearly distressed, shouting loudly as she continues demanding answers.

“Excuse me, did something happen?”

Then Olivia butts in without hesitation, and after a bit of thinking Jinkuro replies, “Every year, the Shiki emerge in the forest during the night of the Tsuebe Festival. Suppressing them is also part of the true reason behind the festival, but this year they were more numerous than usual, so it’s taking longer than expected.”

“Then maybe we can-”

“This is the duty of the Urado-Mori. I’d prefer it if you didn’t get involved.” Jinkuro didn’t even let Olivia finish her proposal to reject it.

“If your main concern is about Lady Ryuka, then you can rest easy. The inner sanctum where the ritual is held is protected by a special barrier, so the Shiki can’t get to her.” Jinkuro assures us of that, but Olivia doesn’t look convinced, looking at the forest with worry.

“Then at least let me go to her.” Ruri is a servant so she’s supposed to follow orders, but she’s more dedicated to her direct master, Ryuka. I can understand that she’s worried about Ryuka, considering there’s a bunch of undead in the forest now.

“Wait, Ruri. You should accompany our guests back to the mansion.” Even though Ruri was about to dash into the forest, Jinkuro stops her. “I believe Lady Ryuka instructed you to watch over our guests, didn’t she?”

“And I’m sure you’re well aware that Lady Ryuka would want to prioritize the safety of her guests above her own.”
“…I understand.”

Finally, Ruri turns around and signals at us to return with her to the mansion. We all follow after her, but anyone can tell that she’s not happy with this result, considering how she’s biting her lip in frustration.

After Olivia and her group left, following Ruri, a man emerged from the shadows. His demeanor and attire make it clear that he is a high ranking noble. His name was Urado Tatsumasa, head of the Urado family, and Ryuka’s father.

Seeing him, Jinkuro instantly knelt, and the rest of the people of the shrine followed suit.

“Jinkuro, how’s the situation looking?”
“There’s fifteen Urado-Mori currently hunting down the Shiki.”
“I guess an all out attack is off the table then?”
“There’s a full moon tonight, so the rest are busy holding back the younger members of the family.”

While a full moon made the powers of vampires stronger, it also made their lust for blood harder to resist. With age, they would learn to restrain those desires on their own, but before that they were always in danger of giving in and going on a rampage. Dealing with that was another duty of the Urado-Mori.

“So they showed up earlier than anticipated, and in higher numbers, hmm.”

The Shiki would appear on a yearly basis, but this time they came out earlier and in higher numbers. That was why one had been able to get so close to the shrine and attack one of the shrine maidens.

But that still counted as an oversight and failure of Jinkuro, the leader of the Urado-Mori. So he made no excuses, and patiently awaited for the punishment he knew he deserved.

“You’ll clear your name by proving your worth. This will be the last and only casualty. And everyone else, do your best.”
“As you wish!”

Dealing with the situation at hand was more important. Jinkuro stood up and ran into the forest. The other people of the shrine also got on their feet and hurried to place lookouts in case there were other Shiki approaching.

“It truly is a shame that we can’t afford to use Ruri here, but there’s no other choice.”

Tatsumasa felt some chagrin at having to let go of one of his strongest warriors, but he could not let Ruri loose in there. Once she got to the frontline, she was sure to turn against him after all.

Then, he approached the beheaded shrine maiden, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and covering her neck with it.

“Forgive me, but you’ll have to wait before I can properly bury and mourn you. I have my own duty to accomplish first.” Joining his palms in prayer for a moment, he stood up and looked at the forest with determination.

His eyes were a deep crimson, and his vampiristic fangs peeked out from his lips.

“I must kill Ryuka.”


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