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Chapter 190: Even those unaware can tell

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Author: Shizuku Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 1013 characters
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 403 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

Some minutes after Ruri took Natalia away, Olivia stood up and left the room with a somewhat restless look. Noticing something was happening, Erika attempted to follow her, but Akane blocked the path.


Akane asked where Erika was going, who replied that she was going to where Natalia was.

“Shaa shaa shaa.”
(Olivia is trying to do something to Natalia, and if that happens I won’t have a chance anymore.)

(This is something between Natalia and Olivia so don’t get in the way.)

“Shaa shaa?”
(So you’re fine if she snatches Natalia away?)

(That’s something Natalia should decide.)

“Shaa shaa. Shaa shaa.”
(You say that even though Natalia doesn’t even notice our feelings? We should work together and stop Olivia.)

“! !”
(I won’t do that. Natalia wouldn’t like it.)

“Shaa shaa shaa.”
(I never liked you, but at least I thought we felt the same way about Natalia. I guess I was wrong.)

“! !!”
(That’s what I should be saying. I won’t let you go no matter what.)

The two of them glared at each other, but at least they were aware enough to realize they were not in a position to fight. Otherwise, they would have likely tried to kill each other.

“Flower, stop.” After watching in silence, Clarissa finally interjected. Having grown up as a wolf, she had a strong sense of respecting the boss and maintaining a strict hierarchy.

Olivia was the boss, and if she wanted to take Natalia for herself, the rest of the pack had to accept it.

“Spider too. Fights anger Maid.” Then she also scolded Akane.

Natalia had a higher position in the pack, and she had forbidden them from fighting. If Akane wanted to break that rule, then she was at fault as well.

While Clarissa had been Olivia’s Servant for the longest time out of the three, she also preserved her wild instincts the most. But that also meant she had the strongest sense of loyalty.


Akane knew that Clarissa was right, and Erika did not want to argue with Clarissa, since she was always pulling the carriage while everyone else sat comfortably, and so everyone stepped back.

But Erika was still not pleased, rolling up into a ball to sulk.

“Hmm, having a difficult time, I see.” Fan Yen watched the three’s interaction, pensively rubbing her chin.

Some more time passed after that before Ryuka came to move them to another room1.



  1. Robinxen: I think we have a contender for world’s shortest chapter?
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