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Chapter 5-160: Seizing the Body (Part 1)

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Author: We Ain’t Fish Original Source: SFACG
Translator: Myuu English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

Myre gulped down the medicinal soup in one go.

“It’s so bitter…”

Myre couldn’t help but stick out her tongue. Even though this wasn’t her first time taking medicine, she still found it hard to get used to the bitter taste.

“How is it, feeling better?” Loya asked, full of concern.

“Thank you for your concern, much better.”

Myre responded with a smile. As she said, she felt much better after taking the medicine. The heart spasm seemed to be alleviated by the medicinal properties, and the pain gradually disappeared.

“What kind of medicine is this? It’s so effective.” Myre asked, quite curious.

She had taken medicine for her heart condition before, but none had been as effective as this, usually taking more than ten minutes to work.

Could this be another unconventional remedy her brother found somewhere?

“About that…”

Suddenly, Loya revealed a mysterious and unsettling smile Myre hadn’t seen before. She stood up, looked down at Myre from different angles, as if appreciating a satisfactory product.

Myre felt uneasy under Loya’s gaze, involuntarily shrinking her neck, and said weakly:

“Miss Loya… please don’t look at me like that…”

“This… was made from your own heart…” Loya leaned in close to Myre’s ear, speaking in a voice she had never heard before, chillingly seductive: “Does it taste good? My dear Miss Myre…”


Myre’s brain seemed to explode at that moment, incredulously staring at the amused-looking Loya.


Loya straightened up, one hand on her chest, the other supporting her chin, laughing in a way utterly different from before, sending shivers down Myre’s spine.

“Finally… I finally made you willingly drink that bowl of medicine. It wasn’t easy.”

“What…” Myre’s eyes widened, her mind a tangled mess: “Miss Loya… what are you talking about? What heart… willingly… what happens after drinking this medicine…”

“Ah, my cute little Myre, you still don’t believe I’d deceive you, do you?”

Loya reached out to pat Myre’s head, showing an exaggerated, obviously feigned look of pity, “Poor thing. Here, let me pat your head…”


Like a startled rabbit, Myre abruptly shook off the once comforting hand from her head and demanded:

“What does it all mean? Tell me now!”

“Keehee, since you insist…”

Knock, knock, knock.

Just as Loya was about to reveal more, the knocking on the door interrupted her.

Creak. The door opened, and the fake Moore peeked in from outside. His eerie green eyes scanned the room and he cheerily said:

“Hey, moshi moshi1, may I come in?”

“Really, I was just getting into the mood, and you had to interrupt!” Loya complained angrily.

“Ah, it seems I came at an awkward time.”

Despite saying this, the fake Moore still entered the room with his odd gait, hopping in.

“You… you two…”

Watching Loya and the fake Moore standing side by side, Myre felt as if her brain suddenly buzzed with countless bees, and tears burst forth,

“You, Miss Loya, have you been deceiving me all along?”

“Kehehe, have you finally realized?”

Loya twisted her limbs with pleasure, but the angles and directions of the twisting were completely unnatural for a normal person.

After rotating her head 360 degrees in place, “Loya” picked up the medicine bowl that had fallen to the ground and gently wiped its surface. Instantly, a foul stench overwhelmed the medicinal fragrance, making Myre, who had just downed the contents, feel nauseous enough to vomit everything in her stomach. But no matter how hard Myre tried, all that came out was thick saliva and acid.

The fake Moore also took out a medicine bowl containing a similarly foul-smelling liquid with a rotting heart in it, the very bowl he had been insisting Myre drink from.

But when he snapped his fingers, the foul liquid in the bowl suddenly turned into steaming medicinal soup, fragrant and slightly bitter, as if the rotting heart was merely an illusion to Myre.

“Kakaka, want to know where I moved the contents to?”

The fake Moore, like a magician, produced a red cloth from nowhere, covering the medicine bowl. Just as he was eagerly about to reveal the truth, he suddenly showed a disappointed expression.

“Ah, it seems you already know.”

Myre, powerless, collapsed to the ground, her body trembling uncontrollably…

Recalling some of the extremely subtle details from before, she understood everything…

Why her intuition didn’t sense danger the first time she took the medicine, because it was harmless then.

Why Loya appeared just in time if the target was her, it’s unlikely they would ignore Loya, who was responsible for taking care of her.

Moreover, Loya claimed to be a peak rank nine warrior, but escaping with her, a disabled person, from the fake Moore’s imperfect domain seemed too easy. Rather than being thrilling, it seemed more like the fake Moore was merely toying with them.

Not to mention the money bribery drama that now seemed obviously staged for her benefit.

All of it was to gain her trust and then make her “willingly” drink that strange bowl of liquid with a rotting heart in it.

As for why her intuition didn’t kick in at the end…

Myre, trembling, grabbed the pendant and pulled it off in an instant. A sense of urgency buzzed like an alarm, wave after wave, challenging her already fragile heart.

“With such elaborate planning, all to make me drink that strange liquid, what exactly are you trying to do?”

“Of course, it’s to…”

Loya stretched out her hand, caressing Myre’s pale face, from her eyebrows and eyes to the tip of her nose, then to the corners of her mouth, gently and meticulously, as if caressing a lover. Each touch on a detail she hadn’t noticed before, like a beauty mole by her eye corner or a few freckles deliberately hidden along her nose, excited Loya to the point of trembling.

“… to have you.”

Loya slowly and softly spoke.

“To have me… What do you mean?”

Myre didn’t think she was beautiful enough to be coveted, nor did she think she had any particularly heart-stirring value.

“It seems you don’t understand yourself.”

“Do you think you understand me?” Myre glared.


Loya gently covered Myre’s mouth, her other hand wandering down Myre’s slender neck.

The touch of that hand gave Myre goosebumps all over, but she was so weakened she couldn’t even struggle.

Loya moved her hand to Myre’s chest, flicking open the buttons to reveal the pale skin and the flawless curve beneath.

Loya pointed at Myre’s chest, chuckling:



  1. TL Note: In this context, it is more akin to ‘Hey, wassup,’ or ‘Hey, how’d you do’.
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